No one can be alpha all the time. Unless you are a freaking robot with no feelings or emotions.
You can pretend to be alpha but sooner or later the mask will fall off and then you are done.
Alpha is just an idealization. Unless you are a Monk who really doesnt give a **** and meditate all day in a freaking monastery. The true alpha standard.
I get what your saying. I can't help but thinking it's often people's different definitions which prevents
true coherent communication. You have to remember that everyone has a different perspective from
which they view the world and thus "reality". These perspectives alter who we perceive everything. Our perceptions are laced with the errors of subjectivity. Then we make our judgements, we condemn, praise, blame or whatever depending on our perceptions.
I'm not a fan of throwing "alpha" and "beta" about as I don't believe they are absolutes. However, they are practical terms in a way to denote behaviors. I would simply view them as behaviors on the opposite end
of a spectrum. But a spectrum which denotes what........
In my opinion, they are behaviors which denote behaviors on a masculinity scale. We are all men here, physically, but you could say certain behaviors are not very "manly" or "masculine", such as supplicating to a woman, such as approval seeking.....
You could say the beta male or "nice guy" (the nice guy which Robert Glover refers to in "No More Mr Nice Guy) puts a woman on a pedestal, he buys her things with a hidden agenda (operating from a hidden script) as he expects to be loved/gets his needs met in return, the beta male appears to be nice but can be passive aggressive when he doesn't get what he expects in return, the beta male is a burden to his woman because he is dependent on her for his happiness, so he'll display jealousy if she's doing things without him....the beta doesn't know how to set boundaries and then fumes when his boundaries are crossed......time and time again I have seen beta male behaviors mistakenly viewed as Alpha..........the beta plays it safe and hasn't got the ability to say the magic word "NO"........By contrast the Alpha depends on no-one for his happiness....his happiness comes from within and from the life he a result he's not a burden to the women or friends in his life.......this difference in energy alone is huge.......the alpha Knows who to set healthy boundaries and he has no problem saying no if something doesn't suit him.....the alpha is You see a confident man (alpha) has enough confidence and enough energy and a positive charge that he can give that to other people.......that's true security..........If an Alpha buys things there is no hidden agenda, it's not done out of extravagance or to show's simply when it's no big Alpha is assertive where a beta would be passive......orten passive aggressive....
Going to the gym and getting big muscles does not make you an alpha, a common misperception. Going to the gym does aid you greatly in in being more masculine. But if your behaviors don't're probably still behaving beta but with a better body.
The notion that one suddenly is demoted to beta status once he enters a relationship is misguided at best. With that theory it would be logical to conclude that as soon as the relationship ends, you are suddenly back on Alpha status. Laughable and rather silly.
Neither do I concur with the notion that a man who wishes to procreate is suddenly a beta. That's a rather slanted opinion seen as we are here fundamentally for survival and replication. If an assertive man, knowledgable of the ways of the world decides that's what he wants in life and he has demonstrated up to that point all the qualities that one would associate with a masculine alpha male........he is suddenly rendered beta because he procreates....
I would be suspect of any man on a internet forum who throws around the beta label as an absolute. What are the motivations? Is he doing it to raise himself up to Alpha status? Why does he feel the need to do that? It would be different if he pointed out beta behaviors with the intention of aiding another man reach a better, more alpha state of masculinity. The motivations here would be because he has that charge himself.
.....but that's just one perspective.