All the responses are correct but...
the thing is that NOT ALL WOMEN ARE REALLY INTO YOU FROM THE BEGINING. But, based on personal experience, these kind of women are a total waste of time 90% of the times.
If they 'dont have time' to meet you for an hour during the better go do something else and forget about them. Just think about it. If their interest in you is SO low...not good.
Of course, if a woman really likes you when she meets you AND is available, she's not gonna tell you she's busy. In this case she is a YES girl.
You can also bump into women that are just not into you, so when you tell them to go on a date they reject you some way or another, so these are NO girls.
But the trouble starts when you meet women that are "just a bit interested in you" for whatever reason: because they find you attractive, because they are bored, because they want someone to talk to, because they want to go on a date, etc. These are the MAYBE girls.
In this case you can decide to cut them from your life when they tell you they are 'busy' or you can become crazy trying to find how you're gonna make them want to go on a date with you, which is not recommended for your own good, and it is more than likely a waste of time.
Ppl here recommend, in general, to just go for YES girls and avoid NO and MAYBE girls, which are an uphill battle, or a lost battle the majority of the time.
This way you dont waste your resources: time, money, energy, and dont get mad at them when they stop seing you cause you actually never started seing them lol.