So here are some examples on what to look for: Obviously you can see that this is a different kind of Crazy. Completely unstable, impulsive, irrational, lashing out at unwarranted times. Always playing the helpless victim of a cruel world with no responsibility or accountability for herself or her own actions and happiness. She may have claimed that I disrespected her but she forgets why - how did we get to that point? Maybe it was the time where she was running around the bar shoving popcorn into random peoples mouths, or grabbing women's t!ts and guys d!cks as the walk by. Could have been the time she hopped on stage at a concert and stole the mike from the lead singer? Maybe taking her clothes off in front of a bunch of dudes at a pool party? WHO KNOWS.

To her - it doesn't matter.
All she cares about is how you react. Always wanting you to prove your love thereafter. Impulsively Switching between emotions every time the clock ticks. She has no sense of self - an empty soul that compulses her to do things, say things, just so she FEELS something to fill that empty void while you sit there awstruck. Do not try to figure out why or how as they do not know themselves.
These are only a few flashes in time of a completely sober nut job lashing out at you because she feels abandoned via text. Imagine how things compound when alcohol is added to the mix and she's feeling some type of way because you're tired of her bullsh!t.
Typically, these chicks are very attractive and seductive. Will go from raging at you to worshipping the ground you walk on mimicking the most lovesick, feminine, adoring woman you have ever encountered. Do not be fooled.
Enjoy a ride or two and hop off the crazy train before it goes off a cliff.