Does becoming muscular really help your game?


Jun 23, 2014
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We just have to keep in mind that there are usually two sides of the "women management" equation, there's the dating/sexing/plating side, and there's the "quality" relationship side.

- The dating/sexing/plating side is ALL about how attractive you are. Your attraction will be tied to your Looks, Personality and Finances, period. The higher you are in all three categories, the more dates, sex, and plates you will spin. You need to be at least a 6 or 7 in each to get consistent dates, sex and plates.

- The "quality" relationship side is more focused on the compatibility management between you and the woman, more so than the attraction traits. The attraction traits still matter, but the compatibility side begins to take more weight to where even if you "fall off" a little financially and in the the gym, if the compatibility management is still in place, the relationship more than likely will be in tact. This is how people can stay in relationships over a duration of time even though both partners begin to slide down on the attraction side.

My attention is just on the dating/sexing/plating side because I honestly do not believe quality relationships exist anymore in large enough quantity to find them. Feminism and gynocentrism fvcked that up. "Quality" relationships today are nothing more than a woman consistently chipping away at your freedom, masculinity, balls and finances until she has complete fvcking control over you to do whatever she pleases. She could decide to use you, discard you, manipulate you, whatever.

NOT saying healthy relationships don't exist entirely, so don't jump down my throat saying I'm just spewing negative shyt again lol. I'm just saying, it's very hard to find them today and it's why I have just stopped looking for them.

If I just spin plates until I die and never get into any quality (long term) relationship, then fvck it, that will just be my life story. It will STILL be better off than the majority of other guys' life stories in relation to women.

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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...I said a guy with his finances in order is at least MIDDLE CLASS, which would be at least $45,000 per year in a low/decent cost of living area...
So you're saying earning $45,000 dollars...
...takes a lot of extreme sacrifice for guys..
Where do you live?

Besides you have yet to tell me how earning $45,000 dollars a year makes a woman find you attractive or gets you a one night stand? Do you go around telling women how much you earn as a pick up line?
First of all, if abs were EASY to get, everybody would have theirs visible. This country is one of the most overweight, out of shape and obese countries in the world. I would say only about 10% of the population has their abs clearly visible if I were going to throw out an estimate. That also goes for being muscular too, less than 10% of guys in this country can take their shirt off and a woman enjoys the visual.
If I misquoted you by saying "rich", you misquoted me by saying "EASY", I never said easy, I said EASIER.

How much of this population is male, over 18 and under 50? Statistics are almost always misleading.

The truth is, most of the people you describe as being obese aren't even trying to be muscular or fit in the first place.

Unless you live in a place where the sun is always out and everybody walks around with their shirts off, the only time a woman is going to see your abs is when you're in bed with her and, as I'm sure you'll agree by then it's "too late". Besides women hardly care if your abs are showing or not, let's be honest. Us men care much, much more about aesthetics.
The Personality portion is the EASIEST one to fix because you can literally sit down and read a book, listen to a seminar, etc., to work on fixing your conversation skills.
I just said it's easier to be muscular than to work on your personality, but saying all you have to do is sit down read a book and listen to a seminar to improve your personality is absolutely ridiculous and you know it.
To fix your Finances/Money situation, that takes hard work, higher education, investments, continued training, continued networking, long hours of slaving away, etc.
So how about someone born into wealth? How about someone who's just naturally really good at sports? And higher education? That's bs imo, not one single school in the world teaches people how to earn and manage money, not one and I know someone who went to Stanford

Don't tell me you're one of those people who think a woman should just lay down and spread her legs because you earn a certain amount of money and have achieved something because it doesn't work that way.
To fix your Looks, this includes continually working out and continually eating right. Which means you will be slaving away in the gym, you have to turn down eating processed garbage if it's not your cheat day, etc. That takes hard work and a whole lot of discipline.
I never said it doesn't take hard work or discipline, I just said it's easier than you think in today's world. How many obese people do you see on any given day? I bet it's less than those who are slim.

And lastly, once you have got your self into shape it's much, much easier to maintain it. Getting yourself into shape and maintaining it are to very different things, so you can go to the gym a lot less frequently and stay in shape as long as you eat right. Not to mention some people have good genetics and it's easier for them. In fact, I know many people who have abs and never go to the gym (I am one of them).
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Jun 23, 2014
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So you're saying earning $45,000 dollars...
Where do you live? Besides you have yet to tell me how earning $45,000 dollars a year makes a woman find you attractive or gets you a one night stand? Do you go around telling women how much you earn as a pick up line?
No, I believe that being efficient in your Looks, Personality and Money makes you attractive. When it comes to Money, you don't have to be a millionaire, you just need to have your basic shyt together in terms of having your own decent spot, a decent car, decent clothes, some money in the bank, and a decent job/career. Basically, just don't be a Bum and don't be Broke.

The truth is, most of the people you describe as being obese aren't even trying to be muscular or fit in the first place. Unless you live in a place where the sun is always out and everybody walks around with their shirts off, the only time a woman is going to see your abs is when you're in bed with her and, as I'm sure you'll agree by then it's "too late". Besides women hardly care if your abs are showing or not, let's be honest. Us men care much, much more about aesthetics.
I totally disagree that women don't care about how your body looks. And she can see your body through the pictures you send her, just like you are going to see her body through the pictures (the nasty pictures) that she sends you. My dating and social media profiles all have my shirtless pics on them. If you think that doesn't help me pull chicks then you are sadly mistaken my friend lol. Are abs a requirement? No. But do they boost your looks? You damn right they do.

I just said it's easier to be muscular than to work on your personality, but saying all you have to do is sit down read a book and listen to a seminar to improve your personality is absolutely ridiculous and you know it.
No, I think that fixing your Personality is the easiest of the three to fix (of Looks, Personality and Money).

- Fixing your Looks cost time, patience and money. You are going to need to maybe invest in some contacts, a new wardrobe, some new shoes, and go through the sacrifice of eating right AND exercising right on plan over time. The eating right and exercising right stuff is hard my friend, 80% of guys can't stick to it.

- To fix your Personality to where you can have a more natural flowing conversation with people in general, can make people laugh, feel comfortable around you, etc., does not take as much sacrifice. It takes work, don't get me wrong, but no where near the work it takes in fixing and maintaining your looks in my opinion. All you literally have to go is run out into a large social circle and start chatting it up with people. Do this as a habit every day for 2 weeks and you will develop a natural routine.

So how about someone born into wealth? How about someone who's just naturally really good at sports? And higher education? That's bs imo, not one single school in the world teaches people how to earn and manage money, not one and I know someone who went to Stanford
My entire point is just that fixing your Money problems (if you have Money problems, if you have a Trust Fund then you don't have Money problems lol) takes more sacrifice than fixing your Personality due to the actual amount of work involved.

Don't tell me you're one of those people who think a woman should just lay down and spread her legs because you earn a certain amount of money and have achieved something because it doesn't work that way.
Sorry that the Seduction Book tricked you into thinking that, but once women in general get over the age of 25, they start to become more attracted to men who have resources than men who don't. The guys that can pull the most in relation to women over the age of 25, are those who have Money (resources), good Looks, and a good Personality.

This entire notion that all you need is a Personality but can be Broke as hell and Ugly/Fat as hell, but still pull Paula Patton, is complete hogwash sold by the Seduction Community because they know the guys they sell this stuff to are too damn lazy. Reminds me of those companies that sell Ab Belts lol.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
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Bruce lee was 5'3" and 110 lbs and nobody had a chance vs him. :) He had a fantastic body and tremendous respect was given him, but he was not big, in any way, physically. What women respond to is that you have that much desire and discipline, to not be a fat slob.
Women respond to desire and discipline, but only to extent that the manifestation of said desire and discipline is "sexy"... Bruce Lee's talent and accomplishments are mind blowing, yet females don't particulary find him or martial arts sexy. Now, some random dude with basic musical talent playing 3 chords on a guitar singing a song written by another person... THAT is sexy!


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2013
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I always see a lot of recommendations about contacts, is it not possible that the right pair of glasses can give you a good look, functioning as an accessory in addition to being a piece of medical equipment?


Jul 28, 2009
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North America, probably an airport
Muscular is good to an extent. Some basic level of fitness is more or less essential.

There are women that clearly look past or overlook such things. Best not to give them anything to overlook.

My fitness I do for me anyway.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I have to credit Poon King for posting this video. It's far from scientific, but I'm curious what y'all think of it. Sometimes I think men are a lot more impressed by muscles than women are.



Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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I think, all else being equal, the guy with the better body wins the day.

Skinny is better than fat - this is priority.
Muscular is better than skinny.

The main thing is to not be overweight.
Just like there is hot body women, there is hot body men. The size is usually between a basketball point guard to a NFL defensive back, a height and weight that can model clothes.

Some like "bigger" guys... But the size I mentioned will have the top popularity among all women, this is the size male strippers are at..

It's not a bad target, it's large enough to defend itself, to move quickly and it looks good in clothes and suits.
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Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
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Queens, New York
Just like there is hot body women, there is hot body men. The size is usually between a basketball point guard to a NFL defensive back, a height and weight that can model clothes.

Some like "bigger" guys... But the size I mentioned will have the top popularity among all women, this is the size male strippers are at..

It's not a bad target, it's large enough to defend itself, to move quickly and it looks good in clothes and suits.
Agreed. There are no cons to having some muscle, it benefits every guy. The key is to what degree.

What's also important is knowing "what's your ideal body type." This will differ from person to person. You have to really think what you truly want to look like.

I looked very good a muscular/solid 5'8", 197 lbs at 14% bf. Solid V shape, huge arms and stares from everyone.

Now I'm planning to slim down and get that "cut look" while still having muscle. 165-170 lbs at 8-10% bf. It will be an improvement body wise but what effects will it have on my face when I strip off "all the remaining fat" and have a super chiseled jaw line? Don't know. I'm curious to see.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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I looked very good a muscular/solid 5'8", 197 lbs at 14% bf. Solid V shape, huge arms and stares from everyone.

Now I'm planning to slim down and get that "cut look" while still having muscle. 165-170 lbs at 8-10% bf. It will be an improvement body wise but what effects will it have on my face when I strip off "all the remaining fat" and have a super chiseled jaw line? Don't know. I'm curious to see.
This is a textbook example of underestimating your bf. Not only is it done for the ego, but because fat stores can actually be deceptive - especially with clothes on - since fat adds mass to all parts of your body, even inside of your muscle tissue, not just your gut.

If you're 173 centimetres tall, you won't weigh 89 kilos at 14% bf if you're natural. As you can see halfway through this article Frank Zane, a professional steroid-user, weighed 91 kilos off-season at 175 centimetres. By the time you get the "cut look" you're out after, you will be down to somewhere around 70 kilos give and take depending on your genetics and how cut you get.


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2014
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You are over -generalizing.

I agree that not being obese the first step, and most important. As far as you saying "Girls don't really care " - that has not been my experience. They DO care. Companies that promote male strippers hire ones that draw women.
Look at those men, and their builds and you will see that it DOES matter.

I know you will argue those men are gay, whatever. Many are. The point is.......women don't go to see the 96 pound guy with spaghetti arms.

You don't have to be obsessed and workout ALL the time. You simply have to look better than your peers.
Great advice


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Agreed with the male stripper thing. Anyone who thinks being muscular and in shape don't matter have to ask them selves why women would pay money to see those bodies unclothed. Women are not paying to see skinny men, or fat men.
I tend to agree, that kind of body is seen as the ideal. But usually it is men who are putting these guys in front of the girls, I'm not so sure that some skinnier guys might not also be met with some enthusiasm. The movie The Full Monty was very popular, and it was about regular guys stripping.

It's always good to be muscular, IMO. But I think that the video shows that there are other, more important, factors at play. In other words, while I agree it is good to be muscular, I can't escape the feeling that men place a higher importance on it than the women do.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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I have to credit Poon King for posting this video. It's far from scientific, but I'm curious what y'all think of it. Sometimes I think men are a lot more impressed by muscles than women are.

i think this video is bull**** and most likely fake, go to any nightclub and the most attractive women are usually all with bigger muscular guys

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Muscular often translates to "tries too hard". It all depends on how you carry yourself and how you dress. When you're walking around in a wife beater you appear try-hard in most situations. If you have the muscles but don't flaunt them you're going to be a lot more attractive to a lot more women.

Understatement and ease is very attractive to women. You have the muscles but you don't have to flaunt them.

The most important thing about fitness is that it shows in the face and in the eyes. I notice that if I go off my fitness regimen and then go back on, I see a healthy glow to my face and a spark in my eyes. The muscles are icing on the cake, but fitness shows first in the face.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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Muscular often translates to "tries too hard". It all depends on how you carry yourself and how you dress. When you're walking around in a wife beater you appear try-hard in most situations. If you have the muscles but don't flaunt them you're going to be a lot more attractive to a lot more women.
This is bad advice imo. I see your point, but you really shouldn't start the day thinking "what will all these people think of me if I do what I want to". Don't give a sh!t what these bitches' whims are and wear/do what you like.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Muscular often translates to "tries too hard". It all depends on how you carry yourself and how you dress. When you're walking around in a wife beater you appear try-hard in most situations. If you have the muscles but don't flaunt them you're going to be a lot more attractive to a lot more women.

Understatement and ease is very attractive to women. You have the muscles but you don't have to flaunt them.

The most important thing about fitness is that it shows in the face and in the eyes. I notice that if I go off my fitness regimen and then go back on, I see a healthy glow to my face and a spark in my eyes. The muscles are icing on the cake, but fitness shows first in the face.
Agree with the bulk of the post, but I believe muscles shows a "tries too hard" attitude as much as fighting at work to become the CEO of the company or buy the bigger house.

I dont recall a balanced guy to lose a girl over such things, just a the beginning when it can give the impression that the guy is an arrogant self centered prick.

Many guys that give that tries too hard vibe are guys with bigger problems than their bodies, from their body language to their behaviour.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
Muscular often translates to "tries too hard". It all depends on how you carry yourself and how you dress. When you're walking around in a wife beater you appear try-hard in most situations. If you have the muscles but don't flaunt them you're going to be a lot more attractive to a lot more women.

Understatement and ease is very attractive to women. You have the muscles but you don't have to flaunt them.

The most important thing about fitness is that it shows in the face and in the eyes. I notice that if I go off my fitness regimen and then go back on, I see a healthy glow to my face and a spark in my eyes. The muscles are icing on the cake, but fitness shows first in the face.


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
This thread is pure faggotry at the highest level. This is egotistical clap trap at
the highest level...

wait you say, surely I musn't be in good shape and that's why I'm saying that? I'm in
a pretty good standard of health thanks. In fact, it's my lifestyle.

However I have been ingured before....I have stopped training....did I lose my game? No...
why? because I have the same attitude

I don't give a fvck wath people think of me.......(did that offend you? hard to believe for some disney faggots)

do I work out? yes I do. I train in Muah Thai. In this moment I hit the weights as well only to try
strenghten my back...

has it made me more successful witht the poon?

Listen....only in an inderect's a passion....I love it and that shines through

If you think that just having a body will win the're mistaking son

you've got to have an inner core confidence, if not all the muscles in the world won't do ****

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
You guys who say what other people think of how you look and how you carry yourself are deluding yourselves.

When you mature, you hopefully discover that success in life hinges upon the art of influence. Getting what you want in life involves influencing the people within your sphere. When I'm in good shape I influence both men and women by conveying to them that I'm a man of self-respect, which causes them to yield to my influence on many different planes. It also provides evidence to me personally that I'm a man of self-respect, which in turn influences how I deal with others.

Your degree of fitness and your clothing speaks volumes to everyone whom you deal with. These are often the deciding factors as to whether they internally decide you are a man to be respected and yielded to or if you are a non-entity.

As I said before, when you're fit and in good shape it shows in your face and in the general way you carry yourself. Any attempt to call attention to this weakens you in others' eyes.

Some of you young 'uns need to start thinking in terms of growing into a man of influence by presenting himself to the world as a man worthy of respect from both genders. Why do I always command respect wherever I go? Because I visually convey that I'm a fit, well-balanced man and then I confirm that verbally.

How you present yourself to the world visually and verbally is critically important in life. Come on guys, really... Men who wear "whatever they feel like" as one poster above put it, end up with little influence in the world except in the rarest of cases. Men who wake up in the morning and say "How shall I present myself to the world as a man of class and influence?" tend to be successful in garnering respect in virtually every interaction. Men notice and so do women. And so do YOU.

Stop thinking in terms of this popular, silly mantra of self-righteousness, "I don't give a f what people think of me". That applies only when you reach a certain level, and trust me boys, many of you don't even know that level exists yet. It never applies to how you present yourself to the world visually.

Think instead of how you influence those within your sphere. Becoming a man of influence is the gateway to social power.

I need about 2 seconds to determine a man's character by how he presents himself and how fit he is (and any level of general fitness is enough to separate you from the masses). Your fitness level and clothing scream above anything you can possibly say, and it will greatly affect how I deal with you or whether or not I will even deal with you at all.