When they ask, "HOW OLD ARE YOU"


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
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I'm 33. I like girls in their early to mid-20s.

What do you guys do when they ask you your age? BTW, I never ask their age unless they ask first (i.e., never bring up the subject).

I have tried lying, and have tried being honest. I know some people advocate for not answering, but I'm not so sure about that. What are your thoughts?

For example, in recent months:

I had gotten head from a 22 y/o (before she asked my age) who then asked my age before our 2nd date. I told her I was 30 ( a lie), and she objected to the age difference. I never saw her after that.

I went out with a 21 y/o who asked my age on the first date. I told the truth, and she slept with me that night. But she flaked before the 2nd get together.

I went out with a 24 y/o whose friend asked my age before I slept with her. I lied and said 30. I have her as my primary now, and am mad at myself for lying because I think she would have slept with me if I told the truth.

I met a 21 y/o and we were exchanging texts in advance of a possible get together next week. I got the, "BTW, how old r u?" I told the truth, and when she told me she was 21, I said "i won't hold that against u ;)" that is the last I heard from her.

How do you DJs in your 30's get past this silliness with the girls in their early 20s?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I'm not in my thirties, in fact I'm nearly fifty, but here's what I think:

I'm sure a lot of guys here would disagree with me, but if a girl doesn't want to sleep with your for your real self (and your real age) why bother with her? Why try to trick her into it? There are plenty of other girls who ARE into older men, go grab one of them.

That said, I would first try to dodge the question like Danger suggested, or using some sort of C&F response. Answering the question directly is kind of boring. Make them work for the information, and it might buy you some extra time to build more attraction.

Also, generally speaking, if you don't think the age difference is a big deal, they are less inclined to.


Dec 17, 2009
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28, always 28. Good, wholesome number. When and if you get in a relationship with her, you say "I'm actually 33, I said 28 because I didn't think you would fall in love with me. I did it for both of us. For our love to survive your prejudices." Then you stick your tounge out, smile, and go on with your dinner.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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When she asks your age, she's interested, but has some doubts, and isn't sure what to think. She will look to how you answer to give her a clue how to feel about it, albeit unconsciously.

If you have any worried about your age, they will come through in your answer, and she will react to your insecurity, not the actual number itself. Answer with the truth, but make sure you honestly believe that your age is the absolute best age to be, and if there is any problem in the age difference, it is she that is too young, and not you that are too old.

Take a cue from Reagan during his debate with Modale:

"I refuse to make age an issue in this campaign. I will not hold my opponents youth and inexperience against him."

Make sure to flip the frame before she has time to react.

How old are you?

43, I know, I know, you're probably thinking that you're too young for a guy like me, but I'll let it slide for now. (or something similar)

Another "trick" is to pick a celebrity that you know she would sleep with, that is about the same age as you, answer like this:

How old are you?

Oh, me and "celebrity name" have the same birthday.

Better yet, answer the age question before it comes up. I once saw a guy do this with pure brilliance with a waitress that couldn't have been more than twenty.

First he got her talking about TV shows, (this was back when George Clooney was on ER), then he started talking about ER, after she mentioned she wanted to go to nursing school. Then he mentioned that he and Clooney were born on the same day. She practically melted, as now she associated him and Clooney, and if she ever thought about his age, and their age difference in the future, she would automatically think about being with Clooney.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Nice idea's taiyuu.

I'll need to try something like that since the vast majority of girls I meet go to my school and they are 18-22.

Guys my age would be Justin Timberlake, Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker), Elijah Wood (Frodo...), and Macaulay Culkin.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
"How old are you?"
"How old do I look?" (smile)

Her answer to YOUR question will give you an idea of how to respond to HERS.

The most important thing is that you are comfortable with your answer. If she's gonna be age-ist, no matter what you say, she'll use it as an excuse to reject you. If she's into you, she's gonna f**k you no matter WHAT your age is.

If you're into a woman sexually and you find out she's 30 or 35 or even 45, but she still looks good and your wee-wee's still hard, is it going to stop you??

I know it doesn't stop me. :D Well, except I try not to take advantage of the MILFs any more.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
From an actually conversation with a very pretty blonde 20 something who works in my local market. THis babe is all smiles when I come in - I give her lots of mild C&F and ONE sincere compliment every visit.

Hot Blonde - "BY the way, I am guessing that you are about my Dad's age."

Jophil - ( dodging that trap) ," Ya know, I always think that young women your age get better looking as they age a little --"

HB, (looked down and all coy)" Oh, really- how old do you think I am ?"

Jophil," Hmm, no idea, but you will be a stunner when you get to 25 ."

HB, ( goes all smiley and blushing )," Errr, I hope so.."

Jophil," Let me know when you have that birthday OK, we'll go out "

HB ( biggest smile )," I sure will...thanks."

Whoever said that it is about how you make them FEEL knew it all.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Falcon25 said:
28, always 28. Good, wholesome number. When and if you get in a relationship with her, you say "I'm actually 33, I said 28 because I didn't think you would fall in love with me. I did it for both of us. For our love to survive your prejudices." Then you stick your tounge out, smile, and go on with your dinner.
Falcon, that is golden. This is something I can pull off.

On another note, to address the OP's subject in general, you have to be real careful not to sound too evasive because it will appear that the age difference troubles you and she will pick up on it and start thinking about your age. Once that happens, the creepy factor comes into play.

I made that mistake about 15 years ago. I was simply too evasive and it turned her right off.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Jophil, you must be quite the flirt. I've noticed from your stories that a lot of your interactions have this sort of push/pull, qualify/disqualify method to them. Sort of like "You're an interesting girl. Of course I'M not interested in you, but I suppose I could be someday". Or like "Hey, you're attractive. Not to ME of course, but you have potential".

That's some very poor paraphrasing, but it does seem fairly accurate. Are you seriously trying to game these girls or are you just amusing yourself?


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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Heh, I get this one all the time. It's usually the young HBs (21-24) who ask. They're looking for an excuse to not to talk:

Her: "So, how old are you?"
Me: "47. How old are you?" (I'm really 35 -- I answer "47" and immediately turn the question back at her)
Her: "2X"
Me: "Ah sorry sweetheart, you're too young for me! Don't go falling in love with me now because of my experience!" (saying it with a huge wink)


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I recently had an experience while on vacation out of the country. I met a very attractive young woman and we went to lunch. She clearly was trying to impress me at lunch and finally the age subject came up. She told me she was 23 and then asked me how old I was.

"How old do you think?"
"I don't care. Early 40s?" she replied. I haven't been in my early 40s in quite a while. Now this made me feel great and told me she didn't care about my age. Because of this, I felt in control and responded honestly with my true age.

Later, after we had taken things to a more physical level, she admitted she was 22. So she had fudged out of concern that I might find her too young, but I had told the truth.

My only problem since returning home is where to find the next 22 year old!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2002
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"I went out with a 21 y/o who asked my age on the first date. I told the truth, and she slept with me that night. But she flaked before the 2nd get together."

to put it straight forward, she slept with you b/c she thought an older man could get her off better than the boys she has been letting hit it. you didn't outshine them or live up to what she thought an older man would bring to the table. you should have ****ed her like it was the last time you would have ever ****ed her and you'd still be hitting it.

old married dude

Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2009
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St. Louis, MO
The trick with these younger girls is to shatter any stereotypes they may have about guys who are 30 and up. From what I have observed some younger girls think if you're over 30...

- That you need E.D. drugs like Viagra to perform.
- You have no sense of style & dress like their dad.
- That you're overweight & out of shape.
- That you're no fun, an old fuddy-duddy.
- That you're not hip & would rather eat dinner at Bob Evan's than a trendy sushi joint.

What you have to do is shatter those stereotypes and sell them on the positives of being older. To shatter the stereotypes, you definitely need to do the following...

- Stay in excellent physical condition.
- Keep up with the latest clothing styles, check out magazines like Details, etc.
- Have some really fun hobbies like snowboarding, kickball, skydiving.
- Do all you can to keep yourself physically looking young.
- Have some fun date ideas instead of the same 'ol boring dinner & a movie.
- Go to some batting cages, go-carting, or to an amusement park on dates.

Next, sell them on the qualities of being older...

- Us older guys are generally more mature & aren't broke chumps like a lot of younger guys.
- By now we usually have enough sexual experience to know what a woman wants, and just how to give it to them.
- We generally know what we want in life and are stable.

This advice generally works.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Us older guys are generally more mature & aren't broke chumps like a lot of younger guys.
- By now we usually have enough sexual experience to know what a woman wants, and just how to give it to them.
- We generally know what we want in life and are stable.
All true, of course we are told around here that stable is boring and that women don't want stable.
One thing about being established financially is that you can afford to do more interesting things, which doesn't hurt.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
zekko said:
Jophil, you must be quite the flirt. I've noticed from your stories that a lot of your interactions have this sort of push/pull, qualify/disqualify method to them. Sort of like "You're an interesting girl. Of course I'M not interested in you, but I suppose I could be someday". Or like "Hey, you're attractive. Not to ME of course, but you have potential".

That's some very poor paraphrasing, but it does seem fairly accurate. Are you seriously trying to game these girls or are you just amusing yourself?
I do it because I enjoy flirting with younger women- they are uncomplicated and funloving and a welcome change from those baggage dragging older women.
It is also a challenge to be flirty and playful and NOT be accused of being 'that creepy old guy'.

I have no real expectations of dating or sleeping with them. However if the opportunity presented itself...


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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"Old enough to do it well, young enough to do it often."


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Disco said:
"I went out with a 21 y/o who asked my age on the first date. I told the truth, and she slept with me that night. But she flaked before the 2nd get together."

to put it straight forward, she slept with you b/c she thought an older man could get her off better than the boys she has been letting hit it. you didn't outshine them or live up to what she thought an older man would bring to the table. you should have ****ed her like it was the last time you would have ever ****ed her and you'd still be hitting it.

Disco: she was a virgin.

old married dude

Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2009
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
zekko said:
All true, of course we are told around here that stable is boring and that women don't want stable.
One thing about being established financially is that you can afford to do more interesting things, which doesn't hurt.
I get what you're saying, but by stable I mean that you're not in the following scenarios...

- Have 3 kids by 3 different baby mommas and have serious drama with each one.
- Have to cancel that date to go meet your probation/parole officer.
- Have to cancel that date cuz you're broke since you lost your job at Jiffy Lube.
- Embarassing your date by trying to pick fights at bars.
- Having to bug your girl for a place to crash b/c you got kicked out of your momma's house.

Anyway, a guy wouldn't want a girl who's cool with things like that unless the guy is into trailer trash lol.
Dec 3, 2009
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well i am younger than most of ya here but when i get asked i always make em guess then give em an thumb up or down signal until they finally get it right :p...i look about 21-23 i get told all the time (i am 27). most of the girls around are college age 18-22 as well. i sometimes go with the how old do i look? response also. if they wont guess then i tell them they wont find out :)