This tip is GOLD...


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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Again, from Michael "Bishop" Emery... a newsletter!

How's your week been?

Before I get into the Mailbag, I want to tell you about a discussion a friend and I were having. My friend, Garrett, was in Las Vegas on business, so we met up one night at a restaurant in the hotel he was staying at. When I arrived at the restaurant, I saw Garrett and the guy here on business with him. Introductions were made, and then Garrett proceeded to tell his co-worker that I'm an author and have my own online business. So that opened up the door for the guy to ask me about what I've written. Well, a few minutes into this, Garrett excuses himself to grab some more food from the buffet. Now it's just me and this co-worker dude. He and I get into a couple of different topics, and then he asked me, "So how do you know Garrett?" I explained how Garrett and had I met at a seminar, and how we became friends. Well, around this time, Garrett returned.
As the conversation continued, the subject of "classes" was brought up. No, not as in school classes, but rather financial classes. There was research that had been done on the various financial classes, Upper, Middle, and Lower. And the researchers broke it down into 9 different Classes, each having 3 sub-Classes: High Upper Class, Middle Upper Class, Lower Upper Class, High Middle Class, Middle Middle Class, Lower Middle Class, High Lower Class, Middle Lower Class, and Lower Lower Class. The research yielded an interesting finding. Within these Classes and sub-Classes, was a judgement, a consistent belief of the classes both above and below where the individual was in their respective Class. For example, someone of Upper Middle Class felt that people in a higher Class were of a higher class because of unethical and/or selfish means. And that people of a lower Class were of a lower Class because of laziness and/or ignorance.
That's very interesting to me, and I feel that this kind of prejudice and judgement can be found in other types of Classes. I have spent many years involved in the influence and seduction community, and have noticed this kind of prejudice and judgement among the various people of various skill in these areas. A certain guy might be quite an influential speaker, and another guy will make derogatory comparisons between the person and them self. Or a certain guy may be a skilled seducer, and another guy will comment that he too could be that skilled "If I was into playing mind games." And many of the "High Class" people in these areas, would comment that the people of "Lower" Class were just not trying and were less intelligent. In fact, many moons ago, I was just like that. I would make negative judgements about someone who seemed more skilled than me, and would think that those less skilled than me were less intelligent than me. So I've been just as guilty of these things as the people I mentioned.
That was then.
Now the way I view people's skills in comparison to mine, is to NOT compare. It took some time and effort, but I truly do not compare my skills to another person's, nor compare theirs to mine. The way I see it, we all have things we can teach, and things we can learn. That's true no matter what "Class" you are. And since you have to live in your own skin, and make your own way in life, the only person you should compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday. That's not always an easy thing to do though, it takes will, effort, and persistence.
Recently, my "not compare" mindset was put to use. Someone who knew me back when I first became popular in the seduction community, asked me if I thought I could out seduce a specific guy who's popular in the seduction community right now. I answered with the question, "Why would I want to do that?"
He replied, "To prove you're better than him, that you're a better seducer than him."
I smiled and asked him, "Do you like basketball?"
He replied, "Well, yeah."
Then I asked, "Who do you consider to be the best basketball player in the world?"
He replied, "Well, Michael Jordan."
I asked, "So he's never lost a game then, right?"
He replied, "No, of course he hasn't won EVERY game he's played."
I asked, "But wait a minute. How can you call him the best basketball player in the world, when he's lost games? People have beaten him, wouldn't that make THEM better than him?"
He said, "Well, he's directly responsible for the Chicago Bulls having won six championships, three in a row, twice!"
Then I asked, "Oh, so he was only the best basketball player in the world when he won championships?"
He replied, "No, no, of course not."
Then I asked, "So you would agree that there are times when Michael Jordan has competed, and lost?"
He said, "Yes, of course."
Then I said, "So there's my answer to your question. If I were to compete in a seduction challenge, and I won, that wouldn't make me a better seducer than him, it would just mean I did better that time around. The same is true if HE won. It wouldn't make me a weaker seducer than him. But most importantly, seduction isn't about competing against other guys, it's about enjoying yourself and enjoying the encounter with the woman in front of you."

That got my point across.

Yeeeeeeeeah buddy!!! This here is a paradigm shiftin, soul liftin, gold n' riches... type of a post.

Bump, bump, bump , up up up, this better get ingrained in the mind QUICK!



Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Shezz said:
This guy posts as New-Alpha over at mASF right? This post is pretty good, as was the last one you posted - but some of his posts over at mASF are pretty wack- ie the 10 Second Pick-Up :down:

This ones pretty good though, read with a jaded eye however.

Sarge On...
Looks like somebody's got some harboured feelings from the past.

Hey Shezz, where's your game? You worried somebody you ain't never met before is an AFC?

Man, Pooks post have to be taken with a second glance as well.

Same with your pansy ass 2 post primer account.

There's got to be a meaning behind a post. It's got to be relevant to our game. There's got to be higher stakes set up for us to NOT mess up. We've got to feel what the writer is saying, and connect with the feelings, or the post don't mean ANYTHING to us.

Don't be hatin. An Alpha male is chosen by the many, not by the few.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
To get a rise out of you, but your not easily annoyed

You just ruined all of my fun:(

I wish Wyldfire would unignore me