The truth about women, the sex they have, and how guys handle it


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
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West of the Mississippi
When a girl that you are talking to, hanging out with, or going out on a couple of dates with, or even starting to have sex with, is talking to or hooking up with other guys, why should you care? She is not your girlfriend, so she can do as she wants. So many guys get hurt feelings, get jealous, and get very upset because girls are talking to or sleeping with other guys. They think they have some control over her or something. It's not a good way to go about it, and a lot of guys make a mistake of confronting a girl about that, getting in a fight over it, then after you do that, she wants nothing to do with you, and you go away empty handed.

Most girls you date will be f***ing other guys, or will have f***** other guys prior to you, so dont worry about it. As long as you're getting some of the action, then why should you care? You're getting what you want aren't you? You're getting laid with no strings attatched, a friend with benefits, a potential f*** buddy in the works. But some guys want to go ahead and ruin a good thing, because they catch some feelings or get jealous of other guys when they shouldn't.

I could care less about any of that. As long as she is hot, and I'm getting a piece of her regularly, I don't care, she could bang the entire Dallas Cowboys roster as far as I'm concerned. It doesn't matter to me. But some guys don't like it, but there is nothing you can do, because they will do it anyway. If you complain, it will put you in a bad spot, you won't look like a man in her eyes, she will end your flings, then you will wind up using your hand when you got nobody. Why do that, when you don't have to?

Women will always have sex, especially when they are 19-25, they will have lots of partners, they go out to have fun and get laid by lots of guys. They are living the wild college life. If you're lucky to be one of them, then you shouldn't complain. They will hook up with guys they are attracted to, guys that can game them, guys they can string along, guys that they can get something out of, guys that string them along, guys when they are drunk, guys when they are depressed, guys when they are on the rebound, guys they make a mistake with, and even some guys for just the hell of it. Again, it doesnt matter, they will be f****** somebody, so you should be glad that you're among the guys that she chose to screw. So don't get mad or angry, just get a piece of the action, and enjoy your stay inside, inside of her that is. If you get her more than once, keep it going, and don't ruin a good thing. It's better than having a girlfriend, you have no drama, and you're getting what you want. So don't ruin it by opening your mouth and spouting off, calling her names for being with other guys, because they will always have somebody ready to go, and it might as well be you.

Women will always make themselves available to you, no matter if they are single, taken, hell, even if they are married they will. If they are attracted to you and their emotions kick in, and they want you, they will no matter what. So just realize how they operate and consider the source.

I was hanging out with some friends of mine on Saturday night, and one of my buddies saw this guy he knew at the bar, and he brought up this same subject, which is why I wrote this thread. He was upset about this girl he was hangng out with, he said she was banging another guy. He called her a slut, they got in a fight, and now she won't take his calls. Are you not surprised? I told him the same thing, but he didn't want to listen to me. He wasn't a logical or reasonable guy. Hope he learns something about women real soon or he will always have problems

So, don't think like him, and don't worry about what girls are doing that are not your girlfriend. They can hook up with other guys, infact they will sooner or later, so just be glad you're getting some as well. Because girls will always be doing somebody, even if it's not with you, so just be glad that you are doing them.

Most girls you date will be f***ing other guys or will have f***** other guys prior to you, so dont worry about it. That is a fact, so you better get used to it, and become one of the guys that she is banging, and get a few more while you're at it, because that is always the best way to go my friends. No drama, less problems, more fun, and more bang for the buck.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
All over the place
Mmmm! Thank you for the post, definitely a bit of an eye opener as it resonates with me at this point in my life.

Makes me realize the only reason someone would ever care if a girl he is sleeping with did so with someone else is the suppressed desire to be exclusive. Otherwise, why would one care about other men? Either take action and make her yours, or shut the **** up.


Oct 20, 2006
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In my last LTR I found out (after 3 months) that she has slept with an ex of hers just two nights before I met her.

My reaction?

"Wow, if you were that happy to meet me I should send that guy a thank-you card!" She told me I was brilliant.


Senior Don Juan
May 28, 2006
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Columbus, OH
I want everyone in this forum to read this post
Move this thread to mandatory section!
Well done Elmer dude! Awesome Post

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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So we should be glad we are given the chance to stick our Manhood in some STD infested pvssy?

no wonder AIDS, and Teen Pregnancy, STD's is getting crazy in America because we should be glad we are so desperate to get action we have to have Sex with slvts. This is why Women have this entitlement issue right Needy guys like Elmer Gantry(no offense man just sayin)

What is going on fellas? there is nothing wrong with walking away from Women we deem unworthy.....


Senior Don Juan
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
women haze said:
So we should be glad we are given the chance to stick our Manhood in some STD infested pvssy?

no wonder AIDS, and Teen Pregnancy, STD's is getting crazy in America because we should be glad we are so desperate to get action we have to have Sex with slvts. This is why Women have this entitlement issue right Needy guys like Elmer Gantry(no offense man just sayin)

What is going on fellas? there is nothing wrong with walking away from Women we deem unworthy.....

Well, what are we suppose to do then ? Have Sex with virgins only ? OP is just explaining that women are not your innocent creature just waiting for your c0ck that's all. I mean some guys in this forum are trying to have sex with multiple girls, should they stop because they are waiting for the ONE ?


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2011
Reaction score
Hi Elmer. I do agree with you.

The last girl I was seeing basically deceived me or maybe I deceived myself. She never asked to be exclusive..but she didn't want me to see any other girls and she said she wasn't seeing any other guys and didn't want to share. But the flags were there but I allowed myself to catch feelings. I wish I could have stayed detached.

Kinda hard when we would do boyfriend and girlfriend things and she would want to hold hands and stuff. I tell u man girls are silly.

I guess the answer is to just stay unattached until she asked to be exclusive. Truth be told I was seeing others..but I gave her my heart and she stomped on it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
women haze said:
So we should be glad we are given the chance to stick our Manhood in some STD infested pvssy?

If you are THAT concerned about STD-infested p*ssy, then you are better off looking for a girl who will wait for marriage. They are out there...usually in religious circles.

If you want to bang a girl who is not married to you, then you have to accept the fact that she probably banged the last guy she was dating. And the one before that.

By creating the stigma that "a girl is a slvt if she bangs a guy outside of a relationship", you're not going to prevent women from sleeping around. You're just going to force them to constantly move from "relationship" to "relationship", not really being COMMITTED to any of them but using them as an excuse to hook up.

Why do you think all these Hollywood teen stars get married and divorced all the time? They want to F**K without people talking about how slvtty they are.

If you want virgins...then you ought to be a virgin too. Otherwise, shut up and f**k your herpes-pot like a man. :whistle:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada.
Shes not YOUR girl...its just your TURN.

That being said...I don't put up with chicks I'm seeing being complete sluts..for various reasons. A) I deserve better than the average slut B) I don't need to catch anything from her. I place higher value on myself than to bang a "slut" just cause she's hot and willing to **** me...and ya know what? Having this mentality hasn't made my sex life any less fruitful than if I settled for every slut I could bag.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
This thread should be called the truth about sluts. Yes there are a lot of them and the OP makes some good points. But there are a lot of nice girls out there, who only sleep with their boyfriends.

I just don´t understand, if the views about women are so dark in here, why do you still bother with women....


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
Reaction score
JdelaSilviera said:
This thread should be called the truth about sluts. Yes there are a lot of them and the OP makes some good points. But there are a lot of nice girls out there, who only sleep with their boyfriends.

I just don´t understand, if the views about women are so dark in here, why do you still bother with women....

But I also think he may be talking about the guys still in that inbetween zone between boyfriend and fvck buddy whos he has a good time with. AKA the guys who want more than the girls(slvts).


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
JdelaSilviera said:
This thread should be called the truth about sluts. Yes there are a lot of them and the OP makes some good points. But there are a lot of nice girls out there, who only sleep with their boyfriends.

I just don´t understand, if the views about women are so dark in here, why do you still bother with women....

The OP makes a valid post, which rings true. I can't disagree with that, guys get to emotional. And they need to turn them down, however I will Jdela that not every girl is out "slutting it up" some girls only "get down" if their In a serious relationship

but also if your not getting what you want like Haze said simply walk away....


Senior Don Juan
Jan 26, 2004
Reaction score
over the hedge
True. I had a girl who was banging me exclusively for a few months and we were later room-mates. I tried marriage framing her for the fvck of it cos id just read the game (similar to the wya mystery sort of tried to perfect this tactic during one part of "the game" book) and thats all it was, cos i knew she was always out with her girls looking for action. She was a 9 who knew it and wanted the best she could get. One day i pissed her off and she went with someone.. i did get pissed off but managed to regain my composure and get back to my right state which was "this was only gonna hold for a while" and i dont want her as a gf.. shes hot, but she is a hoe deep down... anyway, i kept f-buddying her and the other guy was fallin inlove with her and he became her kinda lovey dovey guy friend, but i was STILL boning her way more often. I was indifferent to everything she did. This guy ends up emailing me talking about "sorry me n her are dating now, we love eachother alot, but im leaving town soon so will see how we goes.. of course...ull win in the end, just dont want any bad vibes"... I was like half shocked and half laughing..and thinking "shes lying her ass off to this guy about A) how i think about the situation (i later found out he got pissed knowing i was still around ahd she told him i was hurt so had to hang out with me sometimes LOL and B) that shes devoted to him exclusively and "loves" him.... ill win in the end?... 5-10 mins after i read that email, the girl comes to my house, im brushing my teeth and shes on the toilet next to me with my shlong in her mouth...... i never brought that message up... but i just htought it was a result funny hoe behaviour.... im still boning her... hes falling inlove... i guess she gets something from both of us....i am letting her go gradually i guess cos i started dating 2 other hotter girls.. but im sure id drag this **** on for a long ass time if i wanted to.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!

This post needs to go in the archives! And I laughed my ass off about the Dallas Cowboys.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2011
Reaction score
women haze said:
So we should be glad we are given the chance to stick our Manhood in some STD infested pvssy?

no wonder AIDS, and Teen Pregnancy, STD's is getting crazy in America because we should be glad we are so desperate to get action we have to have Sex with slvts. This is why Women have this entitlement issue right Needy guys like Elmer Gantry(no offense man just sayin)

What is going on fellas? there is nothing wrong with walking away from Women we deem unworthy.....

wtf? this guy has no clue about women. Unworthy? Wothy chicks are getting laid. Even fat chicks are getting laid. Every chick you meet has been nailed unless she is a virgin. Those are few and far between. so what are you going to do about it? Most chicks have 5 partners or more. That is what the OP is saying. every chick will have had sex or be having sex when you meet her. All he says is why get bent out of shape by it? I think women_haze might be a virgin because he has no clue.

Awesome post btw Elmer you speak the truth.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2011
Reaction score
BadNews said:
Shes not YOUR girl...its just your TURN.

That being said...I don't put up with chicks I'm seeing being complete sluts..for various reasons. A) I deserve better than the average slut B) I don't need to catch anything from her. I place higher value on myself than to bang a "slut" just cause she's hot and willing to **** me...and ya know what? Having this mentality hasn't made my sex life any less fruitful than if I settled for every slut I could bag.

You don't understand either Bad News....

all chicks will have sex when they can get dont know women bro

if all chicks want to have sex with guys are they all sluts?

throw a condom on slappy...thats why they make em

she is banging guys you don't even know about or guys she wont tell you about.

she did them before you or even while you're dating her.

they will even lie about how many guys they slept with.

you aren't her only option bro.....if she is hot she will be hooking up....guaranteed

even the fatties and uglies are if they can get some

with your mentality you aren't having any success with women

you dont know women at all

you won't be her first.....or her last

if this concerns you so much look for a virgin

good luck finding one!


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2011
Reaction score
JdelaSilviera said:
This thread should be called the truth about sluts. Yes there are a lot of them and the OP makes some good points. But there are a lot of nice girls out there, who only sleep with their boyfriends.

I just don´t understand, if the views about women are so dark in here, why do you still bother with women....

You missed the OP's point

can't people read on here?

they are not your girlfriends......these are girls you are not in a relationship with....they dont have a boyfriend....they will sleep with other men whether you like it or why should you care?....that was the point he made

how is it dark? women will sleep with guys all the time. do you not know that?

that is the truth of what he says

why dont you guys understand?

lot of guys on this thread have no clue about women.....very sad

Mr. Fantastic

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Uh... Hashbrowns?
Great post Elmer. With that being said, there are some things I would like to say...

If you're lucky to be one of them, then you shouldn't complain...Again, it doesnt matter, they will be f****** somebody, so you should be glad that you're among the guys that she chose to screw...If you get her more than once, keep it going, and don't ruin a good thing.
Don't you mean if she is lucky enough to be getting some from you? What ever happened to being 'The Great Catch'? Are we now just dogs that will roll over and play dead for a piece of that a$$? Haha so now the women are choosing to screw us and we have no say so? That is hysterical. To me it sounds like she (well these women you speak of) is (are) using these 'guys' who she is sexing as various dildos for her monstrous sexual appetite. (Which one should I use today? Ah yes the Mr. Gantry vibrator sounds lovely.) You speak the truth about women's desire for union, but then you go off and offer yourself as a puppet for her enjoyment. You realize the truth, but yet you ignore it for some action? I thought this site made men not boy toys...

So don't ruin it by opening your mouth and spouting off, calling her names for being with other guys, because they will always have somebody ready to go, and it might as well be you.
He is semi right. If you don't like what she is doing then remove her from your life. You are not her father. Calling her names and such just feeds her emotional needs. It shows her that she has her hooks in you. The best thing to do is walk away and never look back. Women can't stand this, and you leave with your manhood, dignity, and self-control intact. However I disagree that you should not just "shut-up and take it" so you can smash her (unless you want to be used). You are right 'hot' women will always have a guy lined up, but you know what? She is going to have to prove herself to me and not the other way around. I have lost too much time, money, and self-respect being a woman pleaser and I am not about to turn back for some wet hole...

Women will always make themselves available to you, no matter if they are single, taken, hell, even if they are married they will. If they are attracted to you and their emotions kick in, and they want you, they will no matter what. So just realize how they operate and consider the source.
Exactly! They will make them-selves available to you, and it is your job (especially if she is married) to say no. The reason for this is twofold. One is because you decide what you want (not her, not me, not your parents, etc.). You are the master of your destiny and just because some foxy hottie wants you does not mean that you are going to drop everything just because she is available. You have priorities and she is going to have to work her way onto your list. The next reason is because (Well, this deals with 'taken' women i.e. married/ LTR chicks) going after her is just another form of manipulation. Pitting man against man. But your ego prevents you from seeing this. You just see her as trying to 'upgrade' instead of what seeing what really is really going on. WOMEN'S GAME IS MANIPULATION. That is why they love challenge. They want to see if they can successfully manipulate you.

I was hanging out with some friends of mine on Saturday night, and one of my buddies saw this guy he knew at the bar, and he brought up this same subject, which is why I wrote this thread. He was upset about this girl he was hangng out with, he said she was banging another guy. He called her a slut, they got in a fight, and now she won't take his calls. Are you not surprised? I told him the same thing, but he didn't want to listen to me. He wasn't a logical or reasonable guy. Hope he learns something about women real soon or he will always have problems.
Instead of calling her names he should have said "Good-bye" and that would have been that. Wait a second... Did you say she is not accepting his calls? Why is he calling her if he was put off by her behavior? That reeks of insecurity. Be a good friend and help your bro out.

Overall Good Post (Even though the The Truth About Women post already covered this topic). Just don't fall for manipulation. You set your terms with the girl and if she doesn't like it then tough $hit for her. Do not let her set the parameter's, it is the only way you will not get used.