RED FLAGS Before a BPD Relationship: How she draws you into her world


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
In my book, I discuss the red flags to watch out for, before you enter a relationship with a BPD. Men will gloss over most these red flags when they first get acquainted with their BPD. Often times, men might suspect something might be a little off with her, but the BPD is so cunning, she knows how to captivate her man under her spell. It's all a part of her magic that gets you hooked, as you brush the red flags aside and ignore the others. It's not until after the debacle is over, that you remember where you went wrong. You just thought she wasn't that way until you actually found out that she was.

BPD's are narcissistic and are always trying to gain attention through various attempts to control you. They will tell you all sorts of fabricated stories about themselves trying to appear more worthy of your affection. BPD's will exaggerate the truth or outright lie because of all the insecurities and self loathing they endure. Your instincts will tell you that these stories don't really add up, but you don't believe for one minute that this woman would lie to you. How could she when she is so amazing and sweet?

One borderline that I used for the book, always had some amazing story or adventure that happened to her everyday. Just going to the grocery store turned into an epic tale. "You wouldn't believe what happened to me today." Then she would proceed to tell me all the magnificent accounts that she encountered. Also, she would embellish the truth about her life, making it sound like she was the happiest girl on earth with the perfect family. Even though none of that was true, she wanted me to believe that, as she was living in her fantasy drawing me into her world.

Maybe you told her story about something that happened to you. The next day she will tell you that the same thing happened to her. Now, you start to think that something is off here, but again, you brush it aside.

Another thing they will do is try to conform to your identity and replicate you. She will like all the things that you like and take an interest in activities you enjoy. I call this being a chameleon, because she will continue to change colors at whatever moment she needs. Her true colors will eventually show as the relationship begins to decline, but you will never really know who this terribly damaged woman actually is.

Also, she will change colors with every new guy that she is with, just like she is doing with you. Every guy she is with, she tries to become a replica of him, the woman that he wants. So BPD's are ever changing creatures who you will never know who they really are. Not only that, with their black and white thinking and their "splitting" they can change from colors from one minute to the next. Changing their personality at a drop of a hat. She can be a raving lunatic one minute, then a sweet caring girl the next. It's quite bizarre and an experience that you will never forget.

BPD's are infamous at being chameleons because you see her as the perfect girl that you've always wanted. So why would you not want to be in a relationship with her? It's just another part of her scheme to suck you in, as well as telling you that you are the greatest guy she's ever met. Even though you just met her a couple of weeks ago.

All of these behaviors will start in this "First Phase" right after you met your BPD. She will begin to sexually escalate starting in the "Second Phase" before the "Third Phase" right before the relationship. When you hear the exaggerated stories, see her as a chameleon, and you are getting such great praise after a short time of knowing her, then you know you what type of woman you have on your hands.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
Great insight mauser. I was working with a guy who went back for a second round, so he got a double dose of the trauma. Anyway, all the things she claimed she liked with him, she hated with the next guy. The new guy hated sports, so she hated sports. Then when she went back to the guy I was helping, she found a love for sports again. Yes, they are total con artists. Also, if you decide to go back for a second round, the second time will be worse than the first. Because she already knows you weaknesses and has you already as "black" in her illogical mind. Black meaning that she views you as a bad person in her own mind.

It all starts within the first few weeks of meeting them. That's what you really need to be paying attention to, because if you ignore the flags then, you become hooked, and you end up being conned. Watch out for excessive great praise, telling you how better you are then her ex's, giving you pet names way too early, and wanting to buy you things even before really knowing you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
Ugh ::Face palm:: happened to me. She was really hot and thats why it was hard to let go but i knew deep down i had to jump ship or be grilled to death by Hot and Cold personality.

VERY narcissistic - From the time i met her till recent. She has sent me about 167 pictures of herself in front of a mirror.

Told me she is very thankful to have me in her life - Few days go by and I'm making her life miserable.

She told me she misses me and why i wouldnt text her more during the day - Few days later i sent her ONE text saying "have a good day baby" and her response was i was getting clingy.

Told me she was baking cookies for her little cousins and packed some for me to try because she wants to come see me and cant wait to kiss me - Days go by and she doesnt even mention coming over anymore.

At this point i was just going to play it cool and not try to fight with her - Calls me to tell me she feels i dont care about her anymore and misses me so much... Days go by and she says shes sick of my attitude.

When i miss her calls or cant text her back right away... She send multiple texts saying "Hello!?" Calls again.... When i call her and or text her she doesnt answer, Im fine with that... Later she would call me back and say i was busy but your not my man anyway so i dont have to answer to you right away.

She tells me she doesnt wanna be together..... I say Ok... i go out with friends and i get multiple texts saying I miss you, What are you doing? Where are you?

She calls me up to tell ME if im over my attitude. I said i dont have one. Next thing i know shes arguing with me that shes sick of me and im wasting my time with her because she doesnt see any future together...... I stay shut and reply ... Lets get off the phone. She answers . "OHHHH So you dont wanna talk to me anymore!? Ok whatever!. Ill back up and give you what you want since you dont care"

Theres so much more and no matter how hot she was... I was getting more and more miserable.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
In2theGame said:
Theres so much more and no matter how hot she was... I was getting more and more miserable.
Being miserable comes after she has you feeling on the top of the world. She will slowly start to pick at you until feel a crack in your exterior. She can then start her personality change where it will go through your interior to take out your confidence making you a weak man to her vicious behavior. Now she can abuse you both emotionally and physically while you have become a weakened man. You are at her mercy, she is like a drug that you can't let go of as you ride this emotional roller coaster. She can be so sweet one minute, then be a monster the next. It becomes a guessing game not knowing what to expect each day. Her unpredictable behavior is what makes her your drug. What you really need to do is just let her go. Too many men keep going back for another hit, that is what makes these relatonships so addictive.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Let me ask you this in all honesty:

What happens when an attractive BPD chick meets an alpha male who's got other women he's already f*cking?


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
I was going to add to this but it depresses me just to think about the way a BPD girl I dated sucked all of the life out of me. She made my life a complete living hell for 3 months. I swear I felt lower than whale sh*t. I finally had to just go NC and ignore her.
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Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Zarky said:
Let me ask you this in all honesty:

What happens when an attractive BPD chick meets an alpha male who's got other women he's already f*cking?

I don't know about alpha and such, but a real man will bang her a few times and then let her go as soon as she pulls one of her power plays or not interested any more lines....either that or just pump and dump her...i have a good bit of experience with BPDs beginning with the three year hellish experience with my ex wife that actually made me a much much stronger person in general after she almost successfully destroyed me...yes, BPDs tend to be really hot a lot of times....thus making the challenge a lot tougher for inexperienced guys...

The last few ones i dealt with however, i simply just didn't take them serious for a relationship at all...only strictly for almost did suck me into her little world but after she went cold the first time i told her ok have a nice life.....of course having multiple plates always helps do this as well...

i find that a good majority of the hotter or more made up chicks are a lot more likely to be BDP....and my theory on this is their narcisstic nature drives them to look the best possible makeup, sexiest extensions....tanning...subtle plastic surgery here and there....(unless Asian chick) whatever the heck it takes for them to look more hot....another reason why 7s instead of 8s and higher tend to make for better relationship material i suppose....


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks buddy

This will be very good for people who never had a BPD rs. Even though I am 1 month NC out of my relationship with a BPD ex(yes, she had BPD. not just saying it) this is still a good read and pretty much described her word for word. Thanks!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 5, 2014
Reaction score
For some reason, I noticed that a lot of the IOI's of BPD's are actually IOI's even of normal women... Idk. Could be wrong though.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
Can we please stop describing every girl with a (suspected) personality disorder "BPD"? It would be better to say "cluster B", since cluster B personality disorders are usually comorbid anyway.

I call this being a chameleon
Are you trying to imply that you coined the term "social chameleon"? Because that's a pretty common term for that behaviour.

Good post, though.

[edit] Actually I want to raise another issue, namely the idea that cluster B girls will present their lives as perfect. That may be true in some cases, but they're equally likely to exaggerate the negatives as a pity play.

Also, someone can have these personality traits to an extent without it being a personality disorder.