Progress ovet the last few months


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
I re-joined this site in November after getting dumped by a girl I'd been with for about 3 months. The truth is that prior to meeting her I'd been absolutely rubbish with girls, I stumbled across her by luck, introduced by a friend, flirted with her on facebook for a few months then eventually developed the courage to ask her out, after my friend telling her I liked her etc etc. The point I'm making is that the fact I attracted her was down to luck really, so after getting dumped I was back at square one, with little to no idea of how to go about getting another/more girls. I also had a bit of an issue with drugs which probably didn't do my confidence any good! I was by no means a real hard drug addict but most weekends ended with a few lines and stuff, not a good place to be!

Anyway, since getting dumped I've put a lot of stuff from this site into practice and it's really paid off. I still need to have a few drinks to get the courage up, but when I do I usually get a girl whenever I go out. One thing I've really noticed is just not to care that much, the last girl I was seeing came round to mine for a first date, but it hadn't been actually described as a date, it was just me making her some food, because I didn't see it as a "date," I just had some fun, acted in the way I would normally act and I ended up in bed with her that night, she admitted she wasn;'t sure whether or not I liked her and she was having to stop herself from grabbing me and kissing me- I genuinely had no idea, I was just having fun with a few beers, some nice food and enjoying her company! Unfortunately I still have a lot to learn, a week later I went out with her and her frineds, got stupidly drunk and made a fool of myself, she LJBF shortly after that, which is annoying because she was easily a HB8, some would say 9, and I messed it up by acting like an idiot! But obviously the positive is that she had loads of guys after her and she chose me, where as a year ago I'd have been another chump who had no idea how to do anything about wanting to f*ck her.

One thing I've noticed is that the more women you sleep with, the more you naturally develop into a more sexually minded person. I bring it up in conversatons all the time now and I guess women then see you in a sexual manner, rather than as a friend. I do it without having to even think about it now which is a good thing.

Still single now but not short of sex, I find it far easier to get girls now, and a lot of that is down to the stuff I've learnt on this site. So thanks guys! Still a long way to go but the oneitus chump that cried after getting dumped by a girl is no more!


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2008
Reaction score
Congratulations on all your progress so far. It seems to me like you're definitely headed towards the right direction with all this. Keep it up!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, well I feel like i'm getting there. I still get the same problems, in that I meet a girl I actually like a lot and become too attached, where as girls that i like a bit, I don't feel too much attachment to. But I'm definately getting there, if I compare myself to the me of 12 months ago I'm very happy.

Learnt loads of stuff though, the biggest tip I could give anyone is that you can read as much material as you want, memorise all the advice that you want, but the only real way to improving yourself with women is to actually date them. It sounds obvious but I think it's a point that a lot of people miss.