Older Women

Mar 30, 2024
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I have no idea what is your experience but mine is far from being pleasant.

The looks issue and the "wall" talk comes often in this forum but there is something more that we often miss altough it's as important.

A woman that age basically has twice the life experiences (positive ones and negative ones) of a man of that same age.

She has her own life and lost a great deal of bonding or adapting abilities, she wants you to be added to her life not build something new together.

Also they are in a rush to settle, there is no fun or messing around...they want their serious relationship and they want it now.

You get all the sex you want, anytime you ask and sometime it's even offered on the spot with no soliciting but looks more of a negotiation or a perk rather than a genuine desire, I would say a currency exchange.

The price you have to pay is being sucked into her reality, you have to meet her friends to validate her, you have to meet her family to let her show that she managed to get a man to commit.

The time span between the first drink and the first afternoon at ikea is an eye beat if you can't resist their pressure.

Also thei higher their social position and income, the higher the economical burden on you.

Btw good fkn luck to you if you want to slow things down or ask for more space.
You nailed it. Older women are basically just bitchy

Older women are more negative, but also more confident in their womanly delusions.

The majority of the protesters at abortion rallies are old, infertile hags

But game still works to keep them in check

Challenge them on their bullsh1t always. Let them know that you are strident in your beliefs and that she can leave if she doesn't like them

A man's judgement is his strongest weapon with women.

Older woman try to steal judgement from us. "Fat is ok!", "Sluts are great!"

Silly women, judgement is for men. We set the standards

Problem is, most men now days are weak, so standards are nothing

But it will stand to set you apart, being a man that has standards. You aren't a thirsty simp. You're a fvcking boss that picks and chooses

Think it long enough and you will become it