Love and the test of time


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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I'm writing this post knowing full well that it will sink to the bottom of the page by the end of tomorrow. I wish I could post this on the MM side. And if I posted in Anything Else, it doesn't really get a lot of views, oh well.

I'm reluctant to write and post this but its still 100x better than trying to talk with my friends about this. My friends don't know **** about women or what to do with one when they fall in their lap. I would appreciate any comments from guys on this site, at least you all know a thing or two about women.

This is about a girl named Kelly. She's overweight by a decent amount. She has a cute face and is all around pretty cute, but she could stand to lose some pounds. An HB5, maybe less to some of you if saw her. Its whats kept me from actually falling for her the way she has fallen for me. Throughout the duration of us knowing each other, she has never really done me wrong. I mean she's made mistakes, but its all been with good intentions. She is submissive, sweet, kind, friendly, unselfish. She is everything that my ex-wife pretended to be, except this is the real deal.

What Kelly is missing is 1) being as attractive as my ex-wife or other girls i've dated and 2) not as fun to be around. I mean going to the doctor was fun with my ex, we could turn everything into fun time. We both had that attitude of "how can I make this moment fun?" Lots of fire, passion and chemistry. That spark seems to be missing between me and Kelly. I attribute it mostly to me not being physically attracted to her very much. I can still get it up and **** her good, but sex is different when you don't love the *****.

But the reason she has stood the test of time is her persistence. Her love for me is just beyond anything I ever seen. Such loyalty. This girl has been chasing me for quite a while. For years. I mean since she was in 6th grade. Sure she dated people and even had sex, but once we started dating, her loyalty to me went up a notch.

We started dating a couple years ago (she was 20 then). She was one of the plates I was spinning while I was dating my future ex-wife. Eventually I just stopped talking to all my plates when things got serious with my ex. Basically went no contact. Kelly did attempt to call me several times, text me etc. I just ignored it or gave short answers to let her know I moved on. She never told me she loved me but, I felt it from her. She fell for me hard, and all the more because she had a crush on me long before I even knew her name.

Fast forward to last year. I'm finally getting over the mess of my divorce and started dating again. I get Kelly on the phone and we didn't miss a beat. The more I talk to her, the more she reveals how much she really loved me. I have never said it back. So I'm spinning multiple plates again for a while until the whole thing bored me to tears. I still date sporadically now i guess, maybe once every few weeks. But this girl Kelly will not let me forget about her.

Kelly has sent me dozens of letters, notes, texts, left phone messages, sexy pictures of herself, shes always been that way. And she really let loose when I told her how much i liked the heartfelt messages. When we see each other, she always has gifts for me. I guess it would come off as creepy if I asked her to stop and she didn't stop. In fact I have asked her to stop on occasion, and she complies. But eventually I start spinning that plate again and she starts up with the loving affectionate stuff again.

Now you could say its just an AFC version of a girl, especially given her lower value to guys. But she has dated other guys in the past. She's had sex and had boyfriends. But she has stopped all that since we started talking again. She has never once gotten mad at me. We have never had an argument ever. See, I've had girls go all AFC on me plenty of times. They send me letters and stalk me and chase me. But they get out of control. They can't stop themselves. I chase them away and eventually they stop harassing me. But Kelly has never gone whacko on me. Its just like she is just anxiously yet patiently waiting for me to see that she is the right one for me. She has even told me this in similar words.

And now that I think about it, as much as she isn't the typical slutty gf, she would make the perfect housewife. I would rather marry this girl than date her. Does this make sense to anyone? I mean Kelly gives me sex whenever I ask. In fact she does everything I ask. She is so teachable in every sense of the word. Really, and the longer we get to know each other, the better her precision is at pleasing me (and not just sexually). After years, you would think that a women gets better at pushing the right buttons to piss a man off. But Kelly is finding the right buttons to push to make me happy. Its amazing when I look back at how far she has come. The most impressive thing is she respects me. She holds me in such high regard and compliments me in public and in private. Even other girls that have confessed their love for me eventually turn evil and go bat**** on me. But Kelly is just so consistent.

I have shared with her my desire to have a submissive wife, and she has told that's exactly what she wants to be. From sexual, to how to act in public, to being my assistant for work, to helping me clean, giving me physical attention (baths, massages, back rubs etc), she's proven herself over and over that she could be whatever I ask her to be. She is exactly what I want to come home to.

And I've overlooked these qualities in kelly because I thought I could do better, at leaest from a physical standpoint. And yes I can. Even now, I'm talking up pretty attactive girls, but they're airheads. And the ones that can sort of keep up in a conversation or with my humor are not LTR material.

Is this normal for guys that are out there dating many women? I mean I wouldn't say I date a ton, but its probably better than average. And I've dated the whole spectrum of women, from 9's and 10's to girls that were just a pity date because our friends set us up. Plus I've dated older and younger. Oldest was 10 years older, youngest was 5 years younger. All that said, i have no interest in settling down again anytime soon. I'm not even close to being in love with anybody. I don't want a girlfriend, and even sex is so much trouble sometimes. I'm not LTR material right now, ha ha.

So that's my question you people, can you relate to this? Are girls like Kelly a common occurence once you've stepped up you're own improvement? And what did you decide to do with a girl like this? Do you keep her around as an FB. Do you make her your gf while chasing other girls (i would never do that)? Or do you just move on and hope you run into a more attractive version of the same submissive girl? I mean, she doesn't smoke, do drugs or get drunk. She is 100% submissive or close to it. I mean she's never really challenged me at all. She would make a great housewife, but is missing that edge to make her an interesting date. Plus, i would rather take a more attractive girl if I'm going out somewhere nice or some kind of ceremony where I know many people. But Kelly is the one I would love to come home to.

Anyway, this whole post is probably much too long and boring for most. But I guess what I want to know is how rare is a girl like Kelly?And if you have never experienced a girl like Kelly before in your own life, do you think i'm an idiot for passing this up? In my life, she is one in a million. I have seen other women (much older though) be like this for other men. My theory always is - if there's one girl like that, then there's more. But in my case, she's known me for 10+ years. She's survived me going to college, moving away, getting married and divorced, me not dating anybody and yet, she still remains like the fireproof safe after an explosion. Absolutely, f-ing dependable and reliable and loyal. In my 24 years on this earth, i have not seen such commitment.
Would I be stupid to turn Kelly down in hopes of finding better? Or is this such a rare occurence, that its like walking past $10000 lying on the ground? If I don't take it, then my life isn't ruined, but it would be so much sweeter if I picked it up and made the most of it.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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my god, what a long post. Seriously, bless your heart if you read the whole thing and comment. Any comment here will be more constructive and helpful compared to talking to my friends about something like this. I would edit this down, but maybe its better with all the details so you can get a clear picture of what im talking about. Thanks again for reading and sharing


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2010
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Ask yourself this: what are you to women? On a woman's scale of 1-10, how would you be rated? Would you be a 5, just like Kelly is on a guy's scale? Higher? Lower? And what do you value in a relationship? Do looks matter a great deal to you? They do to me, but I'm shallow. Whatever your answer, make sure you're completely honest with yourself, and then you'll know whether you should move on or if you should stay put.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2010
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I've started to date someone who's a 7 the last 6 months, although I normally only date 8.5s or 9s exclusively. So I kind of know how you feel.

We recently went out to an intimate restaurant (ie.small) and sitting inches away from us at the next table were two 9.5s. Both of them looked up at me and smiled and said hi as I made my way to sit down (my gf was two steps behind so they didn't see her at first). I let in a silent sigh because I know what I'd do if I wasn't with her.

My point is this, if you stick with her you will get tempted again and again in the future. Can you handle it?

On the other hand, if she truly makes you happy (note: her making you happy, nothing to do with her moving heaven and earth trying to please you and therefore you feel guilty about it) then perhaps it's a small price to pay.
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Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Uberguy said:
Ask yourself this: what are you to women? On a woman's scale of 1-10, how would you be rated? Would you be a 5, just like Kelly is on a guy's scale? Higher? Lower? And what do you value in a relationship? Do looks matter a great deal to you? They do to me, but I'm shallow. Whatever your answer, make sure you're completely honest with yourself, and then you'll know whether you should move on or if you should stay put.
Hey man, thanks for reading. I'm probably somewhere between 5-7 myself but I've been much higher at other times. I have some things going for me, plus i use to be a big time athlete in hs. It seems that some guys can keep the hs, big man on campus thing going despite the bulge, i think im one of them. Plus, over the past year I've been chipping away at my own physique and its going well.

Yeah I'm shallow, but I know better than to commit to a girl just because she's hot. I have never done that. Even my ex-wife had more going for than most people, its just too bad she was so messed up on the inside. The conflict for me, is when im with kelly and hotter girls walk by. I'll look, and look for a loooong time. Sometimes I'll even make comments like, "wow, she's nice!" just because i'm a jerk that blurts stuff out like that. She has never giving me **** for it. And that makes me appreciate her more, no f-ing drama. I hate drama more than eating expired baby food. And that's making me lean towards kelly.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Gamer said:
I've started to date someone who's a 7 the last 6 months, although I normally only dates 8.5s or 9s exclusively. So I kind of know how you feel.

We recently went out to an intimate restaurant (ie.small) and sitting inches away from us on the next table were two 9.5s. Both of them looked up at me and smiled and said hi as I made my way to sit down (my gf was two steps behind so they didn't see her at first). I let in a silent sigh because I know what I'd do if I wasn't with her.

My point is this, if you stick with her you will get tempted again and again in the future. Can you handle it?

On the other hand, if she truly makes you happy (note: her making you happy, nothing to do with her moving heaven and earth trying to please you and therefore you feel guilty about it) then perhaps it's a small price to pay.

Dude exactly, I've chatted girls up right in front of Kelly. Waitresses, friends, strangers, you name it. I've done everything but go for the number, i usually wouldn't anyway, that's not how i roll. And Kelly is just impressed by my social skills, did i mention she's shy around most people? She admires that other girls like me. She swears that I get all this attention from women and she says i just play it so cool. She doesn't believe it when i say im an introvert.

I don't think I've ever felt guilty about making her do something for me. But when I started to withdraw from dating I let her know what was going on. She kept going on about loving me and what sexual stuff we were going to do next time we had a chance, so finally I just told how it was. And that she could better spend her time working on herself than just chasing me. I've told her many times, that there is no guarantee that I will ever love her back. i say this so i don't feel guilty for all the things she says to me. She said she doesn't care, and how i feel about her doesn't change how much she loves me.


Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2009
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If she is perfect in everyway but her appearance, and from what I read, its her size that bothers you more than anything else, why dont you encouraqge her to do something about it. Get her on the treadmill, go swimming together, hell, make her work more while you guys have sex.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2009
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Cinamon said:
If she is perfect in everyway but her appearance, and from what I read, its her size that bothers you more than anything else, why dont you encouraqge her to do something about it. Get her on the treadmill, go swimming together, hell, make her work more while you guys have sex.
Agreed. And I have seen some overweight women practically transformed themselves into hotties once they got themselves back to a size 8/10. One thing to watch out for though, those who do manage to transform themselves generally speaking do not know how to deal with their new found sexual power, and often go overboard and become loose cannons.

She might think she's over qualified for him and not want him then!


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Cinamon said:
If she is perfect in everyway but her appearance, and from what I read, its her size that bothers you more than anything else, why dont you encouraqge her to do something about it. Get her on the treadmill, go swimming together, hell, make her work more while you guys have sex.
It seems that simple, doesn't it? I've never challenged her to lose weight or anything. But I decided a while ago to work on myself and get in seriously good athletic shape, I'm ok right now. I know somewhere along the way, the motivation will trickle down to her. I've thought about bringing her with me when i hit the gym or go for a jog around the neighborhood. I have been hesitant to bring her because I didn't want to make her do something that I ended up flaking out on. But now, i have made some progress, lost weight and gained a little muscle. Now its becoming more and more a part of my lifestyle again like i use to do before. At some point she's gonna have to join in. She's never said no to me before, why start now?

I don't think her attitude will change even if she does get in decent shape. I don't think guys talking to her will have much of an effect on her at all. As it is, she tells me guys approach her every once in a while, but she always rejects. BUT, if it she does change her attitude, then I know where I stand - that she only really loved me due to scarcity mentality, a lack of options, as opposed to any authentic kind of love for me.

To me the whole thing is rather funny. Kelly is the female version of the male beta. Great for LTR, and in general good for me, but not very exciting. And my ex was the female version of a male alpha. Great for fun, natural attraction and in general made me come alive, but not good for LTR.

At this point, I don't want to settle down at all. I've explained to Kelly that I do enjoy the lack of obligation to any girl since I'm not really dating seriously. But I see that if I ever do commit to a girl again, that it would be wiser to go with the girl beta. I've experienced the alpha female and seen how risky that is when it comes to commitment. I hate using terms like alpha and beta, but it seems to explain what's going on here.

With my ex, i hated how everything became about the relationship, and we had no real goals as a couple. We spent so much time just being a couple. But with kelly, I can see us pursuing goals together, or me working while she supports me. The relationship status is practically on autopliot while we focus on striving further. We are both able to put our own wants aside to go aftter something bigger than ourselves.

Its weird. I know if ever loved kelly, it would be a decision to do so, not on impulse. I would love her because of what she has done for me, for her personality and her character. Hardly anything emotional about other than an acknowledgment of how good a person she is. With other women, I've been in love but it was just infatuation. The girl made me feel good, all of sudden I was in love. That love was also very inconsistent.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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just an update if anyone is interested -

We have started to hang out more often. She tags along on a couple of things I do during the week. Sex is there if I want and its pretty good too. A few weeks ago I took her with me to the track to workout. The following week shes walking around with a f-in slimfast bottle talking about how she is on a diet. She is really working hard to lose the weight.

One night, I could tell she had a lot on her mind. So I pryed a little bit. For better or worse, she told me everything that was going on her in head. The tears came rushing down her face. She really wants more. She wants 100% commitment from me. To be her bf for once and that she really wants me to stop seeing other girls. We also discussed a lot of details on what it would be like if we were together. And she seemed pretty cool with everything. I mean, if I wanted to get married and have a family, this girl would be the one to do it with. Still, I didn't bend. I told her that I'm on the fence about having a girlfriend, let alone a wife. And then its whole other thing to decide if its going to be her I commit to. I realize its not every girls dream to hear that, but I want to be honest. I don't want to lead her on, what can I say, I'm a nice guy when it comes down to it. And she deserves that from me, she's been nothing but good to me.

So for the past couple weeks I've been doing a lot of thinking. About commitment, relationships and what the future holds for myself. I've flipped flopped back and forth. I don't want to lose a good thing with this girl obviously, but I hate that I would be conforming just because she's pushing me to do that.

The one issue that's a sticking point is kids. And she really wants them. I'm not too interested. They cost a ton of money and I know that will alter any other ventures and interests I have (like traveling, sky diving and other crazy adventures) that cost money or put my life at risk. Not a great attitude for a future parent to have, but i'm trying to be realistic. And the more we talked about kids, the more I realize just how far her head is in the clouds. While I'm talking about realistic things and getting logistics worked out, I stopped to really listen to what she was saying. She doesn't have a ****ing clue on what it really takes, how much work everything will be. And I don't blame her, how could she possibly know without looking at websites like sosuave and other sites that don't just tell you what you want to hear? And she hasn't been through a disaster of a marriage like i have.

But it does bother me that she is daydreaming in fantasyland about marriage kids and f-in white picket fences, while Im at home crunching numbers seeing if I can still accomplish my dreams and goals while maintaining a family. I've come to the conclusion that the answer is no. Kids will inevitably get in the way. They have to be the #1 priority. I couldn't call myself a good parent otherwise. And the more I thought about this, the more it bothered me that girls can get away with being such daydreamers while men have to figure out how to make it happen. The more I think about it, the further the relationship progresses, the more control she gets, the more she gets what she wants while the man gets less and less and sacrifices more and more.

I have to tell you that I never thought like this with my ex-wife. Even if she was crazy, she was realistic when it came to our relationship. We didn't have a fancy wedding or ceremony. We hardly spent any money together. We just struggled together trying to make ends meet, and that was beautiful to me. What the **** does Kelly know about struggling. How could she know?

And so I fully realize that even if I tell Kelly I will be her bf, that marriage is a long way off if it ever happens. BUT, she will be daydreaming about it now. She already does, all the time apparently. **** me, that's a great compliment to me, and a part of me loves that she thinks like that (my ego mostly). But if I'm sure that I don't want to get married or have a family, then being her bf is just leading her on. Even if I tell her otherwise, she will still hold on to hope that I will change my mind. How do I know this? Long time ago, I told her that I wasn't looking for a girlfriend. And with enough prying, she got me to admit that I am seeing other girls. She wasn't happy about it, but it didn't stop her from pursuing me. And it hasn't stopped her from telling me she loves me and wants more commitment from me. So yeah, I feel like any active interest on my part will be interpreted as something more by her. And if or when she starts to push for more commitment from me, she will be reminded that we don't have a future together beyond what we already have. What a sad reality for her. I really do feel bad for her.

Damn you sosuave for showing me the light. Even after a failed marriage, I can see how guys remain AFC's. Especially if you just listen to girls. Its like the freakin twilight zone trying to have a logical conversation with a woman. And the mainstream media does not help guys one bit except how to be professional AFCs. No, you need to have guy's input. And I'm so glad that this website exists because most people are real here, they share real stories and have helped expose male/female dynamics and what they're really about. With all i know now, it will be very hard for me to commit to a girl ever again. Kelly has the potential to be a great partner and could be great support for what I want to accomplish. However, I'm convinced that a modern day marriage in America is not in the cards for me and any sort of commited relationship is a huge sacrifice. I know too much.

Now, how to break the news to Kelly? I will try to say as little as possible while telling her that i will not be her bf and hope that she decides to continue dating me. But I am prepared for her to walk away. It will be a damn shame if does, but its the lesser of two evils and seems to be the best thing to do for my life right now.

PS - I will add that I have rejected many girls before. There have been a number of times that a girl tells me she loves me and I just reject and move on. Kelly is different because well, there is nothing wrong with her. No major issues from what I can see. Loyal, sweet, kind, affectionate, genuine, giving. I do love her, but not in the romantic way that she feels for me. And in a perfect world, we go on to live happily ever after. But I know the timing is wrong. That there are other girls out there like her. And that altering my lifestyle to accomdate Kelly is not a wise idea.

Thanks for reading people, and feel free to comment. I value your opinion and appreciate what I've learned from this site so much!


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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this is totally not a response to your last question, and i am a girl so by your standards not capable of logical conversation, but i have to say something- you're 24 years old? you're way too young to be certain about anything in life, like whether or not you want a family. maybe the fact that you've already been married and divorced has made you kind of jaded? And the things you've read on this website have confirmed your jaded attitude?

It's sad to me that you say "With all i know now, it will be very hard for me to commit to a girl ever again". It would be a pity if you absorbed the psychological baggage of all the bitter older men on this site. Sure, plenty of relationships flame out terribly, plenty of women betray men or treat them horribly, just like plenty of men do the same to women, but some people do have happy, committed relationships also.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
You're already a better man than most, including myself, for even dating her in the first place. I personally would not be seen in public with an UG or fattie (unless she was a relative or a friend of a friend or something.)

This woman seems really into you and is going to get hurt either way. Dating her without commitment would just be using her. I recommend cutting off all contact, but giving her the "It's not you, it's me" speech or letting her down nicely. She'll be hurt, but better than prolonging the inevitable.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
DonJuanna said:
this is totally not a response to your last question, and i am a girl so by your standards not capable of logical conversation, but i have to say something- you're 24 years old? you're way too young to be certain about anything in life, like whether or not you want a family. maybe the fact that you've already been married and divorced has made you kind of jaded? And the things you've read on this website have confirmed your jaded attitude?

It's sad to me that you say "With all i know now, it will be very hard for me to commit to a girl ever again". It would be a pity if you absorbed the psychological baggage of all the bitter older men on this site. Sure, plenty of relationships flame out terribly, plenty of women betray men or treat them horribly, just like plenty of men do the same to women, but some people do have happy, committed relationships also.
I hear ya, there's always exceptions. And you reminded me that I do speak in absolutes sometimes when I don't really feel that way. But I do stand behind that statement that it will be hard for me to commit. Not impossible, just very hard. What I wrote above is a good example of me letting go of a good opportunity instead of commiting, so yeah it will be hard for me to just willing stumble into another committed relationship.

yes, being divorced has made me jaded, cynical, realistic, enlightened - whatever you want to call it. I have seen the good and bad of what marriage can bring. At its best, marriage is one of the best things in life to experience. From the love shared, to sex, to just everyday things like coming home to a cooked meal, its just amazing. But at its worst, it was miserable. Too bad to put into words and rehash right now. Its been a year and half and it still freakin hurts. And she has zero remorse. Unbelievable, that is if there wasn't so many men to share and compare stories with here. So yeah, reading things on this website has confirmed for me what I already felt in my heart. I'm not here because I'm absorbing the baggage of older men (but i realize that it does happen to an extent), if anything being here has confirmed for me so many things I thought were true but couldn't verbalize or communicate to people in my life, they couldn't relate. I did use to have an account of Loveshack. I use to look at enotalone. And I've been on many other relationship websites. Sosuave is just one of many influences, but I do feel this is a good place to share and get some feedback, even if its harsh at times.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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DoItAgain said:
You're already a better man than most, including myself, for even dating her in the first place. I personally would not be seen in public with an UG or fattie (unless she was a relative or a friend of a friend or something.)

This woman seems really into you and is going to get hurt either way. Dating her without commitment would just be using her. I recommend cutting off all contact, but giving her the "It's not you, it's me" speech or letting her down nicely. She'll be hurt, but better than prolonging the inevitable.
I'm no better than you or anybody else.

And you're right, I'm on the verge of using her, if I haven't already.

I appreciate the input Don juanna and Doitagain, thank you!


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Your thread is the opposite of this one.

Or more accurately, your thread illuminates that one. I know a lot of good guys who are married to less than attractive women, but they seem happy. These women will do anything and support their man. They are loyal happy women. I think a lot of guys go for these women because of exactly how your woman treats you. They think, "this the way I want to be treated, I've been treated bad in the past, this is probably the best I'm gonna get, so what if she isn't hot, she treats me like I'm a 10". And so...they settle down. I've been reading about ego...being treated like a 10 is something a lot of men aren't used to and it flatters their ego greatly. Then years later, when they see their true worth, they end up banging some hot thing or some secretary and watching it all go to hell. Or leaving her for some hot piece of ass who takes them through the ringer (Mel Gibson) and everyone clucks their tongues and say how they should of stayed with the good girl.

It takes a strong person to say, I know exactly what I want and I'm not going to stop until I get it. Even though I have something good, I'm going to keep going until I get something great.

Some my call you a fool, some might say your brave. I say props for going after what you really want. Just be as kind to her as you can. Which no contact is, don't let it linger on, it won't be good for either one of you.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Warrior74 said:
Even though I have something good, I'm going to keep going until I get something great.
Yes I like that. Its not easy thats for sure. I can see why people settle. But a big part of this which I havent really talked about in this thread is I love my independence. I freakin love it. I've fought so hard for it once I realized how I viewed women and fantasized about relationships as a teenager, i finally freed myself. And then again I fought for my independence when I got divorced. It took months to mentally detach myself. And now I've created a whole new life for myself, again. So I'm a very defensive of it when some woman wants in. I'm happy by myself, although I miss the company occasionally. More often than not, i'm just proud that I've built a life that has nothing to do with women. Its very liberating. So commitment has a whole new meaning to me compared to my younger days when I loved being dependent on a woman.


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Another update -

I've never really been able to shake this girl. Rejected her God knows how many times. I talked about how I didn't want commitment over and over. The main reason for that is because I know she will always wish for more - and I don't see myself getting married again anytime soon. She's told me over and over that she has accepted that she will never have a family or marriage with me. I told her that means our relationship has a shelf life, it will not last forever. She said that she would rather have me for a limited time than not at all.

So i finally caved. I decided to give her a shot. Made the commitment and so far so good. She said she was so nervous about our first date as a couple. She said she had all kinds of butterflies and that it felt like our first date ever. She was so excited and nervous. Our date was one of the best times we've ever had.

She's lost about 20 pounds, on a 4'10" frame - the difference is very noticeable. And what I predicted might happen has happened, the better looking she got, the more fun things are with her. Talking, flirting, kissing and sex are all more enjoyable. She looks great in heels and wore this low cut top (covered up with a sweater of course). Her goal is to lose enough weight so that feels comfortable in lingerie.

She already had a lot going for her, but her looks bring more value to the whole package. As it is, she was always very giving. Very submissive. Takes directions very well. And even when I do get upset with her, she thinks its "hot". Deepthroats on bjs (that's pretty rare right?). Swallows and cleans up any up mess left behind. She likes it when I tell her what to wear or tell her what to do. Never says no, unless she wants me to force her. She gets turned on by that. I'm having a hard time figuring out what doesn't turn her on.

I realize this is a pretty unorthodox way to get into a relationship. But my attitude is that whatever happens, happens. There's hardly anything permanent about our situation. Basically all I've done is tell her i won't date any other girls. For her this is a dream come true. She's been dreaming of me off and on for 10+ years, so you can imagine how happy she is right now. What can I say? She wore me down.

I've been pretty level headed about the whole thing. I've been reading about George Clooney and think that being a permanent bachelor is in the cards for me.


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2002
Reaction score
A small point on planet Earth
I'm in a similar situation right now. You're post have helped me out in a ways. Although I've been a member for some years, I rarely post, but you've conveyed, some thoughts I've been having with myself over the last couple of weeks. Keep posting updates as the need arises.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
If you're not happy with her now, how could you be in the future? No, this is not like a once in a lifetime chance, or a million dollars. You're obviously not truly happy or you wouldn't have painstakingly justified every detail.
She probably sees her shot to hook you since you are somewhat vulnerable after a bad relationship. This is not going to end well if you keep it going.. I also hope you are using birth control in some form.

Cut ties with her, discover yourself. Date other girls, but nothing serious. At 24 you're just getting started. I didn't become truly comfortable in most aspects of dating until this year and I'm 26. I still make a ton of mistakes, but I try to learn from each hookup that fizzles out or each missed opportunity. But I feel comfortable approaching, talking to, and hooking up with women. I feel more confident in myself, and have higher standards now. WOrk on your self confidence by accomplishing things in your personal life, and date around(with other girls besides this one).
