I'm tired. Ready to change.


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Dec 13, 2011
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I'm tired of being labeled the "nice guy" and trying to please women. A little info on me: I'm a 17 year old virgin and a junior in high school and above average looking guy according to girls who I hang around. I'm told I am attractive by girls, teachers, women, etc. My fault is I'm too laid back and don't say much a lot unless I'm around my friends or just feeling very confident at the time. I was fat my freshman year 190 lbs. Fortunately through exercise and determination, I lost over 30lbs and gained 10lbs of muscle. So I know if I can change my physical appearance then I can change my AFC ways for sure.

My freshman year I was in a relationship and OH MY GOD, I was such an AFC. I was sending 5+ page poem texts to my girlfriend and saying "I love you" in the first month. I was whipped but amazingly she loved my AFC ways, she adored the sweet affectionate guy I was and it took her months to get over me when I broke up with her.

Now I know not to repeat that ever again. I'm ready to approach girls who I think are really attractive and just start talking to them to build my confidence even more and even if I'm rejected I won't have to think "what if?".

Well I'm tired of blabbering, I would appreciate any links or any advice to help me on my quest to be a Don Juan instead of the Average Frustrated Chump.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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and try not to listen to girls. You judge them by their actions. Them saying you are attractive doesn't mean sh!t unless your hookin up with them.
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New Member
Dec 13, 2011
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PrettyBoyAJ said:

and try to to listen to girls. You judge them by their actions. Them saying you are attractive doesn't mean sh!t unless your hookin up with them.
Cool, I'll consider listening to it. Any other links or advice? I have an awful time with seduction and flirting with a girl I like.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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Why did you break up with that girl? Just curious...

The tips section is probably good... There's also a high school forum.

Flirting, seduction, and sexual chemistry is the difference between friends and lovers, so at least you realize that much.


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Dec 13, 2011
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floydb25 said:
Why did you break up with that girl? Just curious...

The tips section is probably good... There's also a high school forum.

Flirting, seduction, and sexual chemistry is the difference between friends and lovers, so at least you realize that much.
I broke up with her because the relationship was getting stale in my opinion and I guess I "woke up" because her past for her to be 15 was just too much plus she wasn't too good looking. She was a great girlfriend and help me stop my passive ways and act more dominant I guess but it had to end.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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Interesting... You'll probably be complaining about not being able to find a girl like that later... But I guess we don't look that far ahead / aren't looking for the same things at a younger age.

One of the most important things to realize is that you attract what you are. If you want to attract the hot, popular, exciting girls - you have to be the male equivalent of that. Being the nice guy worked to attract the nice girl, but that's not what you want. It's not going to work to attract these other girls. Quite the dilemma, eh?

There's still ways to work up to this, and become a better, more balanced person who attracts these kinds of women, so I guess just look around.


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Dec 13, 2011
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floydb25 said:
Interesting... You'll probably be complaining about not being able to find a girl like that later... But I guess we don't look that far ahead / aren't looking for the same things at a younger age.

One of the most important things to realize is that you attract what you are. If you want to attract the hot, popular, exciting girls - you have to be the male equivalent of that. Being the nice guy worked to attract the nice girl, but that's not what you want. It's not going to work to attract these other girls. Quite the dilemma, eh?

There's still ways to work up to this, and become a better, more balanced person who attracts these kinds of women, so I guess just look around.
Ah. Never thought of it like that. I do miss the relationship but not with her if that makes any sense even though she helped me with a lot of things as far as being the male in the relationship. I'm just glad I found this site while I'm 17 so I don't have to go through all the issues most people go through later on.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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There's different groups of people. Dating isn't much different than friendship in this regard. You're not going to be compatible with a shallow skank as a nice guy, for instance. They're going to shun, reject, and probably redicule you. Just the way they are, and how they treat those not deemed in their league.

A lot of these hot, exciting girls belong to the wrong crowds, and are really the wrong people to get involved with, but everyone seems to want them anyway. Then, they complain that all the douche bags and bad boys get these (hot) girls. No ****... They're one and the same. Belong to the same crowd. Birds of a feather. Bad girls like bad guys.

It's not all its cracked up to be, but everyone wants to experience it anyway. I'm sure you'll still go through a lot of the same mistakes - because most of them result from the kind of people you associate with. A lot of people ***** because a skank is being a skank - even though they knew she was a skank. Happens all the time.

Just remember that not a lot of it has to do with you personally, but it certainly doesn't hurt to improve on areas you might be lacking, and learning the game.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2009
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Northern California
This collection of info helped the most. It built me up enough so that I could basically think for myself. It gave me confidence and helped me determine my morals.

Its the DJ BIBLE!! Surprise! Now read it and grow punk.