Dissolving My Marriage


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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That is what you think. People are sneaky... What happens behind closed doors will amaze you. Also, people like to lie to themselves.
Incorrect. This is what I KNOW through personal experience and through close friendships with such men (one of whom I introduced to his gorgeous wife), just spoke with them the other day. Together 5 years and going strong...

Obviously you don't know my background. My first husband was a nightclub owner in a nightlife city, hottest venue in town; best bookings; most beautiful people, athletes, celebrities and politicians. When you are in that business you see EVERYTHING so I'm speaking from direct experience and observation, not from some idealized position.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Sexual cheating? Yes. Women should either accept it or choose a lesser man. They want loyal alphas. Modern western society is delusional about this.
Nope. Women who have THAT many options do NOT have to tolerate it. Instead they leave if the man cheats.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Women should either accept it or choose a lesser man
That is an option, although plenty of middle-status men have to options for cheating, with me being one of them, although I have no interest.

So by your logic it is impossible for both high status and attractive middle-status men to be faithful.

With that said, I do not have much sympathy for many (not all) women who get pumped and dumped outside of marriage. Buyer beware.

Western society in the current day is delusional, period. That I’ll give you.

Are you high status? If you are, how so?
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The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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He is still responsible for his actions.
Still responsible for her actions and her lack of sheer willpower.

I have had women flagrantly ask me out while I was engaged and married. I said no. I respect my wife, in-laws, children, and even my own mother to do that considering if I were to do that, it would betray them all. I also sometimes receive IOI’s when out and about. I don’t act on them. It is that simple.

You see my avatar here. I got even leaner for the bodybuilding show I prepped for and that involved enduring CONSTANT extreme hunger, overtraining, and exhaustion. So somehow I overcame my biology to eat and rest. And no one is going to tell me, “but horniness is stronger than hunger,” if they haven’t experienced the hunger I’m talking about.

You can correct if I’m wrong, but it appears you are saying women should put up with infidelity simply because sexual urge is very strong.

Some actually do put up with cheating. I know one who has put up with it for nearly two decades. Others don’t have to.

Weeks ago there was a thread on here in which the OP implied men should just overlook cheating. That was interesting.
There is a segment of society that has great will power and can walk the straight and narrow on the way to their goals. Most can't.

Just look at how many people join a gym in January and quit by March. Look at how many people are addicted to social media and sitting around watching TV, eating a steady diet of junk and becoming fat asses.

Few can control urges. The ones who do yield a lot of power and are desirable.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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There is a segment of society that has great will power and can walk the straight and narrow on the way to their goals. Most can't.

Just look at how many people join a gym in January and quit by March. Look at how many people are addicted to social media and sitting around watching TV, eating a steady diet of junk and becoming fat asses.

Few can control urges. The ones who do yield a lot of power and are desirable.
Spot on. I do NOT want to cause trouble here or insult other members, but it seems like one of the pushes here is, “Oh, these (weak) people are just like that, so we have to tolerate their sh-t.”


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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So by your logic it is impossible for both high status and attractive middle-status men to be faithful.
Let’s speak in probabilities, not possibilities. Nothing is impossible. The more options a man has, the more probable it is that he fvcks around. Not sure why people are still in denial about this.

The fact is, women prefer men of means and status. Top tier men have the sexual options. Why do we expect men to reject their biological desires but not expect women to reject their biological desire for top tier men?

Are you high status? If you are, how so?
No, I am not considered high status.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Not sure why people are still in denial about
I’m not. I don’t think anyone here is, especially considering we personally know high status men who cheat and don’t cheat, all of whom have more options than the average man.
expect women to reject their biological desire for top tier men
Actually people did have such expectations in enforced monogamy, but that is gone. Enforced monogamy FORCED lesser attractive women to choose lesser attractive men or to not choose men at all.

Few people have reasonable expectations in the opposite sex these days, I believe. So all is fair game. Unfortunately some alright people are going to get hurt.

Re: fat broke men. I think it’s reasonable for fat, broke women to go for such men, like I think it’s reasonable for ordinary men to go for ordinary women.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Nope. Women who have THAT many options do NOT have to tolerate it. Instead they leave if the man cheats.
Do you think a woman has that many options of HVM? yeah sure. Example your hypergamy the best it can get is your husband right now, young, tall, athletic, six figs, if he cheats you'll find a way to forgive him cause you know you can't get a other guy like to commit to you.


Few can control urges.
^Fair enough!

Then DON'T make the commitment/take the vow and promise to 'forsake all others" (sometimes before God) and remain faithful to your spouse in matrimony for as long you both shall live.

OR if you do take such vows and realize down the road you cannot control yourself and your urges, redefine your vows omitting that vow.

Anything other than that is dishonest and deceptive to both your wife/spouse and your children if you have anyway.

Surely no one advocates deception do they?

Well that's exactly what cheating is - it's lying and it's deception plain and simple.

By practicing deception, what kind of example do you think you're setting for your kids? Not to mention your own personal values.

I am not a man obviously but that does NOT mean I don't understand a man's biological desire to seek and have sex with many women, I grew up with five brothers!

And was raised by a dad who had other women while married to my mom.

BUT he did NOT "cheat" because my mom was fully aware, they had discussed it and it was a condition my mom agreed to because she wanted to preserve the family unit.

She was not in love with my dad anyway, nor was HE in love with her, they married for other reasons. Societal and to have a family.

They eventually divorced and my dad married a woman who became the love of his life and to whom he remained faithful, to my knowledge.

My mom actually pursued my dad because my dad was studying to be an attorney, he was handsome and had what you guys refer to as high SMV.

My dad married my mom because she was beautiful, a professional model at the time, her dad (my grandfather) was a prestigious judge in NYC and could open doors for my dad which he did.

But there was NO real love, my dad was unhappy, my mom was in denial about that which in retrospect was NOT a good and positive environment for us or children to be raised in. But that's another thread.

Anyway, my point IS although my dad acted on his male "biological imperative," he did NOT "cheat" he did not "deceive" my mom, they essentially re-defined the vow to "forsake all others," it was all out in the open, which deemed him a man of strong character and integrity.

Had my mom not agreed, they would have divorced.

Do you understand the difference?

Having sex with others beside your spouse in and of itself is not cheating nor deceptive. It's only cheating when it's done without your spouse's or SO's knowledge and approval which makes it deceptive and therefore wrong.

This is what I don't get. Why lie, why deceive?

Some of you discussed a time when men had many wives or "girlfriends," and this was accepted.

The difference between then and now is it was not a secret, there was no deception and as such no cheating. The women knew there were other women and they accepted it.

Just to be clear, I have absolutely NO issue with men acting on their biological imperative to have sex with many women, spin plates and not be monogamous.

Doing so does NOT make him a man lacking character and integrity.

He becomes a person of poor character lacking integrity when it's done in secret, when he/she breaks their commitment, does not keep their word/promise to "forsake all others" and is lying to and deceiving his spouse.

I dunno guys, I realize I'm not gonna change the world here and most of you may ignore me or not "get" what I'm saying, but let me ask you, what kind of world is it when lying and deception become OK?

Or that marital vows are meaningless and women should simply accept being lied to and deceived because of man's biological imperative to have sex with many? And cannot control their urges?

I don't understand that. Again, if you cannot control such urges and desires, which is fine, I have NO issue with that, then DONT take the vow to forsake all others OR again redefine the vows later if the situation changes but you still want to preserve the family unit in a marriage.
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To add, some of y'all may question how many women would accept your frame of having sex with others in a committed relationship or marriage? Like my mom did.

Not many most likely but that still does NOT make lying and deceiving her OK.

By doing so, congrats you just fell into HER frame, they very thing you guys preach against!

And lying and deceiving to boot!

Why not stay true to yourselves and if you don't wish to practice monogamy in a committed relationship/marriage, then either don't enter into a monogamous relationship/get married or find a chick/wife on YOUR same wavelength.

Marriage/commitment is anything you both want it to be. You both make your own rules, not society, anyone or anything else.

YOU lead, remember? Not the other way around.


Okay now I'm done, ciao. :D
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Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2022
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Nope. Women who have THAT many options do NOT have to tolerate it. Instead they leave if the man cheats.
true.... but how many women have THAT many options?

men will and have dated down... if a man is one out of a thousand... he wouldn't mind sleeping with just an average, attractive young woman. this has been the case throughout history.

in general a man with options is a lot more "valuable" then a woman with options since as she ages, those options go away a lot quicker than that of a man.

I'm sure in your life you have rejected a lot of successful, attractive men. I can also assure you most of these men have already found another partner... or partners. men in general are not picky with who they will sleep with.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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We keep using the term "cant" in regards to controlling sexual urges.

I do not think it is a case if ability, rather a case of why would i?

When 1 guy has 20 women chasing after him, why would he settle for one?

Hypergamy is a double edged sword. Women want it all but also want the man to just be with her... you literally have to pick one as this selection method cannot apply to the whole sexual marketplace.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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To add, some of y'all may question how many women would accept your frame of having sex with others in a committed relationship or marriage? Like my mom did.
And like my wife did. We did divorce eventually, but not because of adultery.
I never cheated on anyone. Ever.
Yes, I do have more than one lover. Yes, they do know about each other, but they rather share an honest man with integrity, than pretend to be monogamous with an adulterer.
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Nope. Women who have THAT many options do NOT have to tolerate it. Instead they leave if the man cheats.
I agree^ however I don't think it matters how many options a woman has or doesn't have. At the time, I doubt it's something she's even thinking about.

It's about self-respect. And when a woman has self-respect, after being cheated on (deceived in that way) I cannot envision her having much if any respect for HIM or trusting him.

I think it's sad when women stay after being cheated on. I've never understood it but I suppose they have their reasons, financial and otherwise.

I couldn't personally. Talk to me, communicate with me first. Let's try and resolve. Like my dad did with my mom and they came to a mutual understanding for the family.

If it's simply because he finds another women attractive and cannot control his urges at the time, no thank you.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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I think it's sad when women stay after being cheated on. I've never understood it but I suppose they have their reasons, financial and otherwise.
You don’t understand because you are a woman.
You assume there will always be a better man out there. There is not. Women that divorce their husbands usually end up dying alone or coupling with a lesser male. To recap, the options are:

1) Accept it
2) Die alone
3) End up with a lesser male

@Manure Spherian this is why I said society should accept the reality of it and stop being delusional.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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This is a red pill cope, a story men tell themselves repeatedly in order to feel better. Yes we see video clips and articles about women that make us think it’s this way. It is not for the vast majority of women.

On one side the manosphere tells itself women always go for the higher value male “he’s better looking, richer, taller than me” and then out of the other side of their mouths say “she’ll just get a lot of cats because no one wants her”.

Its binary folks, both ideas cannot exist simultaneously but somehow men tell themselves both stories - whatever satisfies the narrative.

Talking out of both sides of your mouth is silly.

Is it fair? Nope.
Do I like it? Nope.
Can we change it? Nope.

As long as men are willing to do most anything to wet their wicks women will behave this way.

You don’t understand because you are a woman.
You assume there will always be a better man out there. There is not. Women that divorce their husbands usually end up dying alone or coupling with a lesser male. To recap, the options are:

1) Accept it
2) Die alone
3) End up with a lesser male

@Manure Spherian this is why I said society should accept the reality of it and stop being delusional.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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this is why I said society should accept the reality of it and stop being delusional.
I understand your logic and stated that “lesser men” (I prefer to say lower status or middle status) can cheat too.

YOU can cheat if you want, right?


You don’t understand because you are a woman.
You keep saying that, have you read my posts?

I completely understand more than you think, and as I said, it doesn't matter how many options she has or doesn't have. Or if she has to be alone for the rest of her life.

Not sure why this needs repeating but it's about self-respect. And when a man (committed partner or husband who made a promise to be faithful) cheats, any woman with self-respect will lose respect for HIM. It's weak.

That said, if she chooses to stay despite having no respect for him, that's on her.

For the family you say? Get back to us in 15-20 years and let us know how your kids are doing.
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