"You're Sweet"



This is the biggest insult I have ever heard and there are women who have called me this. I have been interested in this girl for a few weeks, I met her in our local bookstore about three weeks ago. Got chatting, exchanged numbers, chatted on the phone for a few weeks and met up for a coffee yesterday afternoon (it wasn't a date as such) and I held the door open for her and she was like "you're so sweet". I felt sick and bitter after that and hastly made a retreat from the meeting, needless to say I've deleted her number, but I'm quite bitter over the incident. If I'm not getting flat out rejected, I'm getting "LJBF'd" and if it's not that it's "You're sweet".

I'm masculine, I'm handsome, I've got a great personality, I speak my mind and I stand up for myself and what I believe. I'm a catch, yet women keep passing up on the chance to get with me. I'm not being an AFC. I think I might go the states, I think American women are better than British.


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
I think this thing about a girl calling you "sweet" is getting blown way out of proportion. Is that the ONLY reason you are nexting her? You held a door for her and she called you "sweet," would you rather her say "what the **** are you doing, prick?" Also, if you didn't hold the door for her, or let it slam in her face, she'd have though you were a total ass-hole.


The problem is a lot of women who I have been interested in and who weren't interested in me have called me "sweet" and that word to me automatically means that the girl isn't interested. Many on here have taught me that, that word has negative connotations.


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Energizer said:
The problem is a lot of women who I have been interested in and who weren't interested in me have called me "sweet" and that word to me automatically means that the girl isn't interested. Many on here have taught me that, that word has negative connotations.
THIS IS MY OPINION. If you were to go on a second date with her and it went well, so you go in for a kiss and she denies you, THEN you next her because you are SURE you are ****ed. IN MY OPINION you are giving up a bit soon if you are very attracted to this girl. Once again, this is my opinion.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
i've learned to do alot less chatting and communication until the first date. If i meet a girl im interested and i get her number i will always call her to setup a date. sometimes if i feel like the girl will get weirded out by it i find ways for use to mutually meet up or just ways where we bump into each other so that she feels slightly more comfortable. Then i call her and set up going out. i never talk to them on the phone unless i have already gone out with them and when i do talk it is very minimal.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
I connote "sweet" negatively, along with "adorable"

Who wants to fuck someone adorable?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
AAAgent said:
i've learned to do alot less chatting and communication until the first date. If i meet a girl im interested and i get her number i will always call her to setup a date. sometimes if i feel like the girl will get weirded out by it i find ways for use to mutually meet up or just ways where we bump into each other so that she feels slightly more comfortable. Then i call her and set up going out. i never talk to them on the phone unless i have already gone out with them and when i do talk it is very minimal.
"Talk slow, talk low, and don't say too much" ~John Wayne


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Blowing stuff way out of proportion here dude. Relax.

Words are imperfect. Your definition of "sweet" may be radically different from hers, which may be radically different from mine.

As you probably know, 93% of communication is nonverbal, are you really going to make a decision like that based on the 7% of communication you received?


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2009
Reaction score
Queens, NY
Who cares that the girl called you sweet man, your putting too much into it. It all depends on what your trying to do wit girls man on how u should approach the situations. Ppl tend to give girls too much power in this game of love man. When u first meet up with a girl shes just as excited about meeting a new guy as u are about her so don't give her all the power. And then when u contact her don't say too much and just try to arrange a meeting wit her, it don't gotta be a date it could be like you go and pick her up and u sit in da car and chill or take her to a pier or lovers lane spot or something and then escalate it from there know wat im talkin bout. Real talk theres many a things u can do but in the first couple of days when u first meet a girl is when u have the most power because you're mister mysterious and she don't know much about u and that excites her. So when u bang her in like the first 4 days she will feel like you're some mysterious sexy guy who just swept her off her feet. The key is not talking/texting these girls for weeks man, the key is to set up a meeting and then attack during that meeting. That's my advice if you're looking to bang more of these chicks and not end up as they friends or being called sweet.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Vice said:
Blowing stuff way out of proportion here dude. Relax.
No he's not either,Vice.

I know EXACTLY what he's talking about.

You guys know my background,how I was the Mayor of Let's just be Friendsville,population:ME...

To me,"sweet" is the equivilent of being called "nice".

From my time in AFC land,one thing I've learned is this:if you ask a girl out,and RIGHT AFTER asking her out she gives you a compliment....


If you ask her out and instead of saying yes or no,she tells you you're "nice" or "sweet",that's her trying to cushion you for the blow.

I remember one time I took this girl out. After the date was over,I drove her back to her car,then I asked her if she'd like to go out again.

She said...

"Well,I think we should just leave things as they are".

Then she said,"You're a "great guy".

She told me I was a great guy. So naturally,she didn't want to go out with me again.

And I COMPLETELY understood,I mean what girl wants to date a guy who's "great". :rolleyes:

I remember one time when I was at a mall...

I asked this girl out and she said,"I think you're sweet".

Then I said we can go (here or there). Then she replied,"I think you're sweet".

Two times. TWO MOTHER*beep*IN TIMES she told me I was "sweet" while i was standing there trying to ask her out.

The first time I didn't get it. Then when she called me sweet the second time,my spider sense tingled.

Then I was like,"Look,that's two "sweets",ok? I got it,you think I'm sweet.

Now,would you like to go out?

HER:Umm....umm....I think you're really a nice guy.


That was a long time ago,eons before I found this forum.

It's funny when I think back at how clueless and naive I was,but hey,we all gotta learn somehow.

I'm with you on this one Energizer.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
Energizer said:
This is the biggest insult I have ever heard and there are women who have called me this.
"Sweet" means you're not intimidating or dangerous in her view.

That means she's determined (rightly or wrongly) that you're not a man of action, you're safe like a puppy, you won't rape her, but you won't make her feel safe in general.

Clue: Biker dudes don't get called "sweet" because they are seen to have a dangerous intimidating attitude...and actually most of them are just as likely to be losers as any other guy, but the general "rep" knocks out any "sweet" stuff. (yes, I'm a biker but there aren't any less AFCs here than anywhere else..they're just getting a bit more punani with the "jerk" attitude and a vibrating bike for her to ride on...they still **** it up and lose the girl)

Try being less pleasant and/or nice.


I'm not nice at all, so I don't know where she got that idea from? I'm not a complete jerk, but I'm not the nicest man in the world and there are women who think I'm unpleasant and intimidating, I've posted threads on this recently. I'm decent fella with a lot of humour and a big personality, but my nasty side will come home to roost when people step on my toes. I've never felt the need to go around acting like the "hard man" because I know full well that there are tougher lads out there who given a chance would knock seven bells out of me.

When I'm happy, I smile, when I feel social, I talk and engage people, when I'm walking down a corridor, I'll hold a door open for someone. When a person needs a hand, I'll try my best to help. I fail to see how common courtesy is being nice. It's what any decent person would do. I'm not sweet, I'm not cute, I'm not nice. I'm a handsome man who can be your best friend or your worst enemy and that's it. If a woman is stupid enough to describe as if I were her pet dog then she loses out on getting me. It's taken me a year to understand the mentality of "I'm the prize and she should be honoured and privleged to have me" but my God, I understand it now and it makes nexting idiots like this easy.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Man don't get all torn up about it. Sweet might still mean that she's interested - just go in for the kill like the other guys said when you go on a date. She'll realise that you're not so "sweet" after all when you show that you have a sexual side to you. I personally know a lot of sweet guys that I would love to bang if it wasn't for eithical and situational reasons (example they smoke or they already have a girlfriend etc). Sweet does not always mean that you've struck out with the girl....:yes:


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Instead of getting all pissy why didn't you just say something back to her that reminds her you're confident and not just "sweet." Chances are she didn't mean anything by it.


SharinganUser said:
Instead of getting all pissy why didn't you just say something back to her that reminds her you're confident and not just "sweet." Chances are she didn't mean anything by it.
I didn't get pissy and I laughed it off, I said "All women say that and they get to know me, I winked at her and moved the conversation in another direction", but I was seething on the inside. I cut the date shorter than usual but it felt like it had ran its course, I just made up an excuse that I had to visit a mate in hospital and that was that.


dalynxx said:
Man don't get all torn up about it. Sweet might still mean that she's interested - just go in for the kill like the other guys said when you go on a date. She'll realise that you're not so "sweet" after all when you show that you have a sexual side to you. I personally know a lot of sweet guys that I would love to bang if it wasn't for eithical and situational reasons (example they smoke or they already have a girlfriend etc). Sweet does not always mean that you've struck out with the girl....:yes:
I flirted with her and showed my interest level. She flirted back here and there, but probably didn't want to come across as a slag. :rolleyes:

Sweet is nice if you are a Beta Male or an AFC. I am neither, I aspire to be a DJ and ironically I have a tremendous amount of admiration for Genghis Khan and the Spartan Army. Now had a woman walked up to Genghis Khan and called him "sweet", I guarantee to you that the woman wouldn't have a head left on her shoulders. Not that I condone any form of violence against women before you have a moan, but my point is words like "cute", "sweet" and "nice" are words that I believe are designed to emasculate a man from feeling alpha with the sole intention of moulding his mindset into one of a BETA Male, the type of male that is growing day by day and the type of male that exists in Hollywood movies.

If a woman calls me handsome, or a gentleman, I don't mind. Some of the most Alpha men I have met including one of my mates are gentlemanly, it's a fantastic trait to have, but it doesn't make a man "nice, sweet or cute".


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
I personally see this as severe over-analyzing, of which quite a bit is going on on these forums.

I've hung out with a few girls who told me I was "sweet" and I then proceeded to bang them. The girl I'm currently banging told me I was cute after I ****ed her for the 4th time in 36 hours and she keeps telling me how cute/sweet I am. I've had girls tell me I'd make a perfect boyfriend and yet kept banging me even when I didn't make the bf/gf deal.

So I disagree with this, but who am I.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
DJ's don't seeth when women call them sweet. You know you're not sweet, so I don't see why what this one girl said should affect you at all.


SharinganUser said:
DJ's don't seeth when women call them sweet. You know you're not sweet, so I don't see why what this one girl said should affect you at all.
Well I'm still a work in progress and if it was one girl that has called me it in the past, I wouldn't be seething and venting with sniping rage on here, but she is third person this year to call me sweet. So evidently I'm giving off this impression, but I don't know what I'm doing to give off this vibe.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
In my experience, the ultimate LJBF phrase is when a girl says at the end of the date "It was nice meeting you."

I've heard that from about 20 girls and only one would return my calls.

I haven't been called sweet so I can't comment on that one.