These are NOT in chronological order, just random order.
Mike vs. the m a t c h girl with the dog. Mike was barking up the wrong tree.
Mike: Let's meet for a drink.
HB: I don't want to meet for a drink.
Mike: Let's meet for coffee.
HB: I don't want to meet for coffee.
Mike: What do you want?
HB: Just come over.
She showed me her apartment (and bedroom). I sat on the couch with her, watched tv, and played with the dog. She suggested I get going after a while.
Law students from m a t c h usually like to makeout and more, if Mike will turn the friggin' movie off.
On the third date, we are watching a movie at her place. We start making out. I let the movie (a comedy) continue playing because I didn't want to get up and turn the TV off and interrupt the moment.
A REALLY REALLY funny scene happens. I'm the auditory type, so even with my eyes closed and heavy kissing, and I'm still hearing and following the movie. I pull back slightly and burst out laughing. I couldn't help myself.
She got totally offended and never spoke to me again. Mind you, she had kicked her roommate out for that night.
What could have happened in Vegas, doesn't stay in Vegas. It stays in your head (to haunt you forever).
It was 2am, my buddy and I left the club with no luck. Walking through the hotel lobby, these two HB8s approach me.
HBs: "We just got back from such and such bar. Where do you think we should go now?"
I'm tired, drunk, and so smart I'm stupid sometimes...
Plus my first instinct is to help people.
Mike: There's this cool place up the street called xyz. You should go check it out.
Seeminginly impossible pulls really could be possible. Vegas F-up Report part Deux.
This cute Texas girl approached me at a club. She was maybe low 20s. We danced for a while, but couldn't do much because she traveled with her mom. Her mom was also in the club. Finally, we realized that both of us were staying at the same hotel. She even asked "What FLOOR are you on?" I told her which one and how I had a great strip view. I number closed her because her and mom had to leave.
I figured closing her was IMPOSSIBLE with mom. I was soo stupid.
I could have texted her later that night or introduced myself to her mom and said the daughter and I were going to "gamble" (ie play slots) for a while, then snuck her upstairs.
We met up the next day, but her BT went to zero. The club high was gone.
I'm still kicking myself from here to infinity....
New Years Eve. Mike didn't drop his b*lls at midnight like T i meZ S qua re even though it was handed to him on a silver platter.
My buddy and his gf had a NYE party at their apartment. His gf was a gracious host who invited a single friend of hers just for me. I sat next to this girl on the couch, but didn't attempt the midnight makeout.
They even put us up in the same ROOM together. I just froze up. She was cute too. She was lying in bed reading a catalog. The only words I could get out of my pussified mouth was, "So, whatcha reading?"
She just rolled her eyes at me, turned the light off, and went to sleep.
I rubbed one out on the floor and went to sleep.
Next morning...
GF hostess: So Mike, did you like my friend so and so? You should get her number. Want some breakfast too?
Mike: That's ok. I need to get back home (and b*tch slap myself lol). Thanks for everything.
It's good to feel wanted, bad to be stupid.
I was on top of the bed with my gf (at that time) from y a h o o p er sonals. We hadn't done it yet. We were grinding very HARD.
HB: OMG I want you soo bad
Mike: <That's cute. I think that means she likes me

Mike: <Just grinded. Never realized she wanted more. I didn't have the female translator then lol. "I want you = I want you in me.">