Your top 5 personal qualities that contribute to bangs

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
What do you think are your top 5 qualities that account for the bangs you have racked up till now? All the chicks you have placed tags on and put as trophies on the wall. All the chicks in your life that you gave the fear of God.

I will take a stab at it real quick.

1. A Respect for the Game. The game is bigger than me or anyone else. The game was there in Casanova's day. Rasputin was running game before the communist revolution.
The game will be there long after I've quit the game. I will die, and the game will still be there.
I'm a speck of dust on the beach of game.
So I respect the game.
When sh!t goes left, girls are b!tches, or the night doesn't go right, or there's just no way a hook-up is air-tight for the night..I don't get angry let alone depressed.
I view failure as being part of the game.

2. Looks and Sexual Prowess.
6’1 on a good day, olive brown toned skin, handsome, full set of hair, some ink and necklace. Facial scar. Edgy. Sometimes l look like a capo and many chicks seem to dig this.
I get some eye contact right out of the gate especially after a clean fade haircut. Usually a girl will give a quick IOI at the store. Even older women will give a glance in my direction.
Bedroom skills. You game like you fvck, so this is a factor even before the first bang. I'm well-endowed, have good stamina and lay the pipe like my cousin the caveman, and my game communicates this. This quality also gets me more bangs after the first one, especially with same-night lays that might otherwise be one-night stands.

3. Mental Agility/Slvt Radar. When a dog smells a bone, it digs. Cold read people. Got this uncanny ability to sense when something is going wrong and snap to reframe , including sh!t tests, c@ckblocks, boring convos. I have refined my ability to pick out girls that are not only likely to put out, but that fvck guys like me. Solid target selection is responsible for most of my lays and reduces the amount of effort that I have to put in. I'm also good at sensing when a girl who normally wouldn't fvck me, is in the mood for a guy like me. I'm surgical at reading girls messages, microexpressions and body language. Whenever I meet a woman who is at all appealing, I say in my mind as I am flirting or making small talk, "You know, you haven't been truly fvcked until you've been fvcked by me."

4. Chill, yet commanding vibe. People in general will not give me any problems. Yet if I start talking to them they'll pay attention and listen carefully. I know how to keep people around me relaxed while at the same time keeping my value high. Never show stress about the rat race-matrix. Girls, especially the ones that like being dominated in bed, go for this vibe.

5. Mysterious. Simultaneously harmless and manly vibe. A lot of women, even some I knew for years before banging, said I am mysterious. When a chick tells you “ you’re wierd” with those gleaming puppy eyes and intrigue, you are moistening her.
I only talk about current events because that is what is going on and is stimulating and exciting. I don't give up a thing from my past, like Seinfeld, it's in a vault. Later on after I bang one, they tell me I'm mysterious and “strange”. But they keep coming back to the stranger for more.

Honorable mentions: Masculine charisma, Machiavellianism, Sociopathy, Lone wolf mentality, Suavity, Aloof, Dual citizenship (White girls love a Mexican son of a gun)

I need to work on refine-tuning my social proof/value. It’s lacking right now and just for that I’m leaving pvssy on the table
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Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Giovanni,
I think you have forgotten another valuable weapon in a Don Juans
Arsenal....The ability to make them laugh,to that end I suggest a ready supply of Jokes and one liners,once you have got them laughing they are putty in your hands!

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
Hi Giovanni,
I think you have forgotten another valuable weapon in a Don Juans
Arsenal....The ability to make them laugh,to that end I suggest a ready supply of Jokes and one liners,once you have got them laughing they are putty in your hands!
You are right, man. It’s a big gun to have locked and loaded. When you get a chick to genuinely laugh then you got the cat in the bag.
Real talk , I was never really the jokester type to crack jokes left and right. It’s not in my persona to be a joker.
And that goes along with having some air of mystery. Think of a Tommy Shelby from Peaky Blinders.
I am more of a smooth teaser with snappy comebacks and that gets some laughs and giggles out of em. Girls love being teased if it comes from the right direction a.k.a. high value dude.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Giovanni,
I am quite amazed that British shows make it South of the Border,I agree that one might learn a lot from Tom Shelbie and yes he has a bit of the unfathomable about him,his manner of speech in particular...But I was thinking more about the "Manny"type from Black Books bit like some of the Guys on here,Vertically challenged,plump and balding,but a brilliant sense of the ridiculous redeems his faults,Fran certainly had a soft spot for him LOL.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2020
Reaction score
Great thread
My top qualities would be:-
1. Boldness while been casual - this is easily the factor that has lead to most of my success.
2. Sense of humour - Always great to have,has helped ease the tension on numerous occasions but is generally a hit or miss with girls with only 20 per cent success rate i.e I can only make 1/5 girls laugh easily. Actively working on improving this. I can make girls older than me laugh pretty easily but not so easy to make girls my age or younger giggle.

I am still developing my other qualities like deep voice, better articulations,great physique, so will update in future.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
While I am sure you are correct, I am having a chuckle at some fat internet nerd in a basement penning this, such is the nature of the internet :)


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
Reaction score
What I think:

Big Dvck

What girls have told me:
Big Dvck

The most disconcerting is that I’ve had an incredibly adventurous life. I’ve landed a plane on a glacier. I’ve visited remote indigenous villages that lack water or electricity. I have had one-on-one encounters with bears, mountain lions, alligators and human predators in remote locations. I’ve been to ancient ruins uninhabited for 700 years. And more… But. Girls don’t care. In fact. My GF has said : ‘ I don’t believe you.’.

A good jawline means more to them than literally surviving life & death experiences.
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Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
Great thread
My top qualities would be:-
1. Boldness while been casual - this is easily the factor that has lead to most of my success.
2. Sense of humour - Always great to have,has helped ease the tension on numerous occasions but is generally a hit or miss with girls with only 20 per cent success rate i.e I can only make 1/5 girls laugh easily. Actively working on improving this. I can make girls older than me laugh pretty easily but not so easy to make girls my age or younger giggle.

I am still developing my other qualities like deep voice, better articulations,great physique, so will update in future.
Writing notes, new words and quotes in a journal helps me retain words and verbal fluidity. Basically the more you read something you write everyday the more constructive your articulations get.
Semen retention kind of helps me with a deep
raspier voice. I am aiming at that voice like when you have a cold with some bad cough and your voice gets a bit deeper and a little raspy. It sounds more masculine and manlier.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
I’ve landed a plane on a glacier. I’ve visited remote indigenous villages that lack water or electricity. I have had one-on-one encounters with bears, mountain lions, alligators and human predators in remote locations. I’ve been to ancient ruins uninhabited for 700 years. And more… But. Girls don’t care. In fact. My GF has said : ‘ I don’t believe you.’.

Video games don’t count, nerd ;-)

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
1. My ability to connect with others during conversation. Strong insight and empathy.
2. Dance skills. And I'm not even great.
3. Good muscle definition.
4. I have lots of stories about life.
5. Fun, adventurous.
6. Lots of Confidence

These are all things that women often tell me.

It's interesting looks, money, and status gets mentioned often but only looks has popped up here.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
Reaction score
1. My ability to connect with others during conversation. Strong insight and empathy.
2. Dance skills. And I'm not even great.
3. Good muscle definition.
4. I have lots of stories about life.
5. Fun, adventurous.
6. Lots of Confidence

These are all things that women often tell me.
Wait!? Whaaa?! you don’t have a MASSIVE PENIS like all the other posters!?

I’m shocked! just shocked I tell you Sir.