Your thoughts on my date ! analyze bro's


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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yooww guys

Got a date today with this fun hb8.

I know this girl for years, she was in my class. I asked her out months ago but I was busy that evening and she had a party so we said lets go out when we both have more time. Asked her out again a week or 2 later and she said sory im super busy atm, I replied with text me when you have more time and went ghost.

Months later I decided to text her again and it went pretty good. She tested me by replying a day later on whatsapp saying she forgot to reply lmao. I acted cool and replied hours later myself. Today I texted her some random funny stuff about my day and she said 'r you free tonight'? I pulled the trigger and asked her out she said 'sure lets go out tonight!'. So the date happened:

We went for a drink in a cafe and had fun talking about work, vacation a bit about my ex plate her ex bf and life. She said its over with my bf for a month. So thats maybe the reason she went out with me. After 1 hour of talking and having fun a good friend of us came by and he and his 'plate' went with us to a club. A girl who knows my friend gave me a lot of attention the whole evening even flirting with me. My date picked up on that and said 'hey shes flirting with you' 'she likes you, what do you think about her' I replied with 'shes good looking but not my type'. The girl came to me again, I made a small talk in front of my date and she asked for my number! I didnt give her but she said add me on facebook and my date heard that. Another girl I dated earlier came to have a talk with me and I kissed her on her cheek a couple of meters from my date Idk if she saw that..

She looked kinda fascinated but im not sure if my date and I had much attraction at the date. We laughed a lot I kino'ed had fun danced with her touched her a lot but no kiss close. Some friends that were around in the club aswel asked her many times is he your boyfriend? I replied funny with were engaged and stuff. She told me everyone asks me if were a couple, I reacted cool like funny that they ask you that.

In the end the girls who were with my male friend who joined us left in the cab and my date, me and our male friend who randomly joined earlier stayed at the club. We hade more fun and drinks. In the end he said yo Im drunk i have to leave my car here. Problem he lives in a village near my date, his house is on her way home. So she said 'hey I can bring you home' She knows him as good as I we were in class for years though and they have the same friends. So we walked to the parking and he said 'I feel bad that you have to take me home' He meant like im screwing up your date looking at me like if you want me to leave say it no problem. He said many times noo ill take a cab guys this is f8cked up for you guys. My date and I replied with its not a problem, I stayed cool, not acting jealous but I wished he could leave so I could kiss close.

I really like the guy he is a good friend of mine for years so I couldn't say get a cab yourself. So he f8cked up my moment to kiss close. She felt bad for him taking a cab for €40 or 50 euros so she said I can drive you home if you want. Im thinking if she really wanted to have a private moment with me in the end and give me the oppurtunity to kiss close she would let him take a cab but that didnt happen.

What do you guys think? I looked her in her eyes and gave her 3 kisses and they left.

Date went great, hade fun, chemistry but to less sexual attraction, I kino'ed touched, laughed the date went super but yet no kiss close..

She saw that more girls were interested in me I think thats good. We set to have a party at our male friend later this month. How would u guys proceed and what are your thoughts on me and the girl. I like her, always did and shes single atm but I couldnt kiss close today I feel bad for that.....

Texted her 5 minutes ago: 'got home safeley:p?' she just replied: 'yes im home:D, was fun that we had drinks again'


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Bro she wasn't initially interested And she isn't now

Youve put her needs in front of yours a couple times

She's just using you to go out for the night IMO I can't see anything coming out of it

Proceed but it's just going to fvck up or for you to be totally psvvywhipped


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
Firestar786 said:
Bro she wasn't initially interested And she isn't now

Youve put her needs in front of yours a couple times

She's just using you to go out for the night IMO I can't see anything coming out of it

Proceed but it's just going to fvck up or for you to be totally psvvywhipped
No offence or anything my dude, but I do not see how you came to that conclusion at all.

It seemed like a good date. If anything I would say maybe she initially didn't have attraction and is just using him as a rebound, but noticed other girls were into him and that he's a cool dude which made her more intrigued/interested.

Keep playing it cool, and you will be able to have your way her bro.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
TheGambino said:
I know this girl for years, she was in my class. I asked her out months ago but I was busy that evening and she had a party so we said lets go out when we both have more time. Asked her out again a week or 2 later and she said sory im super busy atm, I replied with text me when you have more time and went ghost.

Months later I decided to text her again and it went pretty good. She tested me by replying a day later on whatsapp saying she forgot to reply lmao. I acted cool and replied hours later myself. Today I texted her some random funny stuff about my day and she said 'r you free tonight'? I pulled the trigger and asked her out she said 'sure lets go out tonight!'. So the date happened:
Yeah, I think you're right about the boyfriend. Now that they're done, she's receptive.

TheGambino said:
After 1 hour of talking and having fun a good friend of us came by and he and his 'plate' went with us to a club. A girl who knows my friend gave me a lot of attention the whole evening even flirting with me. My date picked up on that and said 'hey shes flirting with you' 'she likes you, what do you think about her' I replied with 'shes good looking but not my type'. The girl came to me again, I made a small talk in front of my date and she asked for my number! I didnt give her but she said add me on facebook and my date heard that. Another girl I dated earlier came to have a talk with me and I kissed her on her cheek a couple of meters from my date Idk if she saw that..

She looked kinda fascinated but im not sure if my date and I had much attraction at the date. We laughed a lot I kino'ed had fun danced with her touched her a lot but no kiss close. Some friends that were around in the club aswel asked her many times is he your boyfriend? I replied funny with were engaged and stuff. She told me everyone asks me if were a couple, I reacted cool like funny that they ask you that.

Im thinking if she really wanted to have a private moment with me in the end and give me the oppurtunity to kiss close she would let him take a cab but that didnt happen.
Meh...I think you're over-thinking it. She probably also didn't want to look like an a-hole by leaving your mutual acquaintance hanging...

TheGambino said:
What do you guys think? I looked her in her eyes and gave her 3 kisses and they left.
Wait you gave her 3 kisses? So did you kiss close or not? :crazy:

Anyway, I think you're in good shape man. Like narcissist said, she seemed lukewarm to start, but I think seeing you being Mr. Popular got her a little wet if you know what I mean.

If your guy's party is soon that would be a good next step, but if not, I would strike while the iron is hot. If you feel confident inviting her over for a movie than do so, but if you think that's a little much, invite her for a beer, one-on-on (no clubs). Make your move, and go from there


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks, the three kisses were casual on the cheek, i mean we didnt make out


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
You're in a really good position right now. She saw you get a lot of other female attention and you genuinely got to know her along with playing it smooth and aloof WITH a lot of kino. You even went bros before hoe's which is a personal big plus in my opinion. Damn man you got everything down.

Since you're technically a rebound guy, going for the kiss close might of actually worked against you in the long run. If you don't want to be a rebound guy, be patient! And you were exactly that! Just don't wait too long... You should probably kiss her the next time you two go out.


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Gambino, don't fvck up now by being needy or too available. The "did you get hm ok" text was unnecessary. Go ghost for a few days and then just send her something funny that doesn't require a reply then ask her out again.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Good advice motu, i became good in creating attraction, tho i see myself getting needy easily in these situations, i asked that friend what she said about the night. Hè told me my date actually went to the toilet at his place yesterday... hè said i didn't invite her for drinks lmao. Shes single they couldve f8cked around but I might be trippin. They woke up at the same time seeing their online statusses on whatsapp.. Anyway im gonna step back and go ghost for a couple of days