I was going to a schoolparty thing so I had met a girl earlier that day I knew good (used to fvck her) and she told me she was having a party before the schoolthingy with just her and her friend and asked me if i wanted to join them and go to some other girls and party some more there, I said sure. Soo I went to her house later that evening after getting into my getup etc. I came there and when I walked into the livingroom this totally sexy HB9 was sitting on the floor next to the table (Her body is A M A Z I N G, I mean perfect. Flat welltrained stomack, tight ass, beautiful breasts)... Well I talked some with them and we drank a couple of beers before we took the buss to the other girls. While we were drinking there my friend and her friend were discussing some boy from school I know (same studentgroup) which her friend REALLY wanted as in when she heard he usually has bad taste etc she laid down on the ground banging it and saying aargh I'll never get him.
Now when we got to the other girls we were me and 4 girls sitting there, this is where all the dirtytalking etc that normally happens with lots of girls started and HB9 and I started some friendly flirting. I didn't actually think of going after her because my friend was there which I used to fvck and this HB9 was obessing about this guy. But nevertheless we flirted. Sometimes when I was going to the bathroom it was a race between us of whom would get there first cause both needed to go which always ended in me carrying her out of it then saying "a fvckit you can go first"....
Well we went out to the club where the party was at and the boy she was obsessing about was there and they talked some etc then later on we were standing me, my friend, boy and HB9 talking. Then my friend said lets go dance and she and the boy started walking. Then HB9 started walking and i just put my hand out between her and a pole in the middle of the room, that's when she got it, she moved inn and started kissing me. Bad thing was that a couple of times when she went to the toilett etc she would hear other girls in there she didn't know warn here about how much of a player etc I was

Anyways. It ended with me, my friend and HB9 going home to my friend. We shared a bed for sleeping! Me and HB9 was making out and fooling around whole night. In the morning I took her cell, called mine and 10 min later I said so I got your nr I'll call you

And she was like "WTF how did you get them" I was like "it's a secret

" and she was like "But give me yours now, I want them" so I gave her my digits.
Now everyone will go OMFG I Bet he waited 3 days... Erhm NOPE! Those two girls were having a bday party 2 days later (saturday) and had asked me to come so I sent her a msg on her cell the same evening and we flirted even more. Now the party was saturday and I came and alot of fun happened. A bad thing was that alot of girls had told HB9 that I was a really bad player and even my friend that I had brought there told some girls I liked some other girl "#¤&KO" Omfg I went ballistic on him. Well still everything worked out =) One cool thing happened and that was in one of the rooms 5 girls were sitting discussing tits and ass. So they were checking eachother out and asked me to check them out and I was like "ye your nice" and they said "No, not like that you gotta touch" So I grabbed their breasts and felt them, put my hands down their backpockets and felt their asses

Then they wanted to feel my ass and said it was a really nice ass "firm, but not boney"

Well the party ended, most people went out. My friend shared a bed with one of her friends (just sleeping) and me and HB9 went to share a matrass in the livingroom... We layed there, kissing, feeling eachother. Her boxers were SOAKING WET and she just ripped them of, ripped my boxers of and jumped ontop and well ye go figure

We continued to fvck about 15-20 times for the next couple of weeks. It was great.
Now I learned something from this too. I asked her why she went after me if I was such a player and she replied that the second I walked in the door she knew she wanted to fvck me because
1: I was hot
2: I looked good in bed
3: I looked like an *******...
The same said her friend (Since i've fvcked both)...
The sad thing is that I played this girl, I actually liked her. I could have actually dated her but I didn't reveal that I liked her more than fvcking her. She needs stuff like that to be put very plainly and openly... She was really sad the other day cause she really had feelings for me and I hadn't told her that I wanted to date her. Now she is seeing someone else instead. Buuut who cares

If they breakup I'll get sex with her again if I want.
Another story.
A mate of mine invited me over for some beers cause there was a party at his place. There were 12 girls and 7 boys just about. So after some hours I moved from a chair talking with some mates into the sofa and like some minutes later this HB8 moved upto me and started talking. We just talked and talked and she suddenly told me "Look at my girls, they are envyous of me". I said "why?". "Cause I always go upto the hottest guy and take him" I replied "Nice for me"

We just talked. We all went out to a club, me, HB8, HB8 and my friend sat down at some couches. After some while HB8 just leaned over to me and started kissing me. Then we went down to another club and sat there. Then one of her girls came upto her and sat down with us and said that she was getting a visit from a boy this evening and wondered what HB8 would be doing. She smirked at me, then looked back at the girl and said "I'm not gonna be home

". Yes it ended back at my place with some great sex and a magnificant BJ

But I felt abit bad afterwards cause she told me "I really like you, and that's from the heart" which kinda scared me

Still was nice ;9