Originally posted by Deep Dish
An alternative ‘medicine’ whereby supposed medicine is diluted to the point that not one molecule of the supposed medicine is present in a dose. Patients may report feeling better but only due to the placebo effect.
Chiropractors claim there is a mystical intangible spiritual ‘chi’, hence the namesake. Chiropracty certainly has benefits to patients for back/joint problems, hence the disclaimer in my list entry, but a ‘chi’?
There is currently a $1 Million Paranormal Challenge offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) to anyone who can demonstrate a paranormal claim in a controlled environment. Homeopathy and chiropracty (beyond back/joint problems) are explicitedly on the list of qualified paranormal/psuedoscience claims. In fact, I am trying to put together a $10,000 Challenge of my own money to anyone who can satisfactorily successfully pass the JREF Challenge. I happily encourage any doctor practicing homeopathy or any chiropractor to take the Challenge. To wit, people making paranormal claims have either refused to be tested or have thoroughly flunked and the test has been in place for 30 years. I eagerly wait to give $10,000 of my own money—basically everything I own—to homeopathists.
Do you place naturopathy and kinesiology in the same category as homeopathy?
You fail to address my other questions:
1) Have you ever tried it? Have you had a serious health problem which you've taken to a homeopath?
I know a lot of skeptics (I was one myself) who have been forced to admit there's a lot in it.
2) You haven't answered or defended you biased position. A balanced research essay will weigh up both sides of the argument and draw a conclusion based on their findings. Your thread title and questionnaire, along with your writing tells us you have already made up your mind as to the outcome of your 'reasearch'.
Your very definition of homeopathy - Patients may report feeling better
but only due to the placebo effect - telegraphs your closed mind. How do you know its only a placebo? Surely if you were genuinely interested in finding the truth you would attempt to understand the reasoning behind their medicines and healing processes, as well as interviewing people who have had successful treatments from them. I recommend you even - God forbid - try it yourself.
THEN you should reach your conclusion. Not before.
Personally I have seen naturopaths and a kinesiologist in the past, both with great success.
A chronic skin condition (*EXTREME* itching after showers, so bad I was afraid to shower) as well as chronic fatigue (sleeping 18+ hours a day) led me to every doctor in a hundred kilometres. Nothing they prescribed remotely helped. They wanted to give me some ultra-potent pain killer for my itchy skin, and their suggestions for my fatigue ranged from hopeless to laughable.
One doctor even said, "Most people overcome their chronic fatigue after about ten years. You've just got to sleep it off until then."
Great. He actually told me to go to sleep for the next ten years. Other doctors told me similarly unhelpful things. One of them told me I probably wasn't sleeping properly and told me to use a nasal spray to clear my sinuses before bed. Sleeping 18 hours a day but not sleeping properly??
At my wits end I was persuaded (very VERY reluctantly) to see a naturopath/kinesiologist. She told me a lot of things about my body which made a LOT of sense to me. She prescribed various herbs and supplements, as well as demanding I eliminate various foods from my diet.
The effect was unbelievable. Within two months I was training again (boxing) and capable of running farther and faster then ever before. My personal best time for a 3.2km run - which I set before I had chronic fatigue - was slashed by 90 seconds on my SECOND ATTEMPT. I hadn't been for a run in 6 months, and on the second run I went on, I smashed my PB.
My endurance in the ring was phenomenal. My reflexes were better, my timing and power improved incredibly. My coach accused my of spending the past 6 months training at another gym - he was unable to believe I'd spent the past six months in bed barely able to make breakfast.
The extreme itching, which had driven me to the point of insanity and made me afraid to bathe, disappeared within a week of my first visit to this naturopath/kinesiologist. There is simply no way this could be the result of a placebo. There is no willpower strong enough on this earth to simply 'pretend' the itching had stopped.
I saw this healer for 3 months. She brought me back from the dead. What western medicine admitted it had no idea about (chronic fatigue and the cause of my itching), this healer casually explained what had caused it and how she was going to help me fix it.
A few people I've told this to have said, "It was placebo effect." What an insult to my intelligence. I am an intelligence, educated person. I had (past tense) strong faith in western medicine and considered it the be-all and the end-all of health and healing. Doctors failed me again and again. Every drug and remedy they gave me I used as per instructions, waiting desperately for my life to change. Nothing happened. Again and again, nothing happened.
I refused to acknowledge naturopaths and other 'hippy stuff' as an alternative to doctors. It was suggested to me numerous times - sometimes even by doctors themsevles - and I laughed at people who believed in those 'witchdoctors'.
Eventually someone close to me just made an appointment for me to see them without asking me. I was very very reluctant - even angry at her for making the appointment - but I went. My life changed from that day.
So go and laugh at the 'placebos' these people offer. Keep your mind narrow. It doesn't bother me really. I can't blame you; I was the same. Until you have a problem doctors can't solve you're probably never going to try anything else. Again, I can't blame you. But I recommend you at least try it before you dismiss it. You could find yourself pleasantly (un)surprised at the result.