Originally posted by check_mate_kid_uk
i had my oppinion, i asked for yours! well
Desdinova gave me his, thank you
Desdinova, the whole point was to get lots of oppinions, so keep them comming!
Are you positive that the results you wanted from this thread weren't to get opinions that coincided with your own? Let's look at the situation from a slightly different perspective. You've got a female acquaintance. You then tell her friend that you want to set her up with one of your friends.
Now, ask yourself:
you show interest in
her (romantically):
you show interest in
her (as a
You're on a friendship level with this girl, and nothing more. Just as you wouldn't try to set up a girl you
really liked and desired with one of your friends, a girl wouldn't try setting up a guy she
desperately needed with someone else. The only reason she would do this is if she either:
A) Wasn't interested in you romantically in any way
B) Considered you as just a friend (which also is the same as 'A')
C) She just wants you to leave her alone and thinks by pushing you on someone else this will accomplish that
Best bet? Hook up with her friend.