Caveat: To each our own. In the spirit of Francisco as morals are your own.
Morals are another name for BELIEFS, normally beliefs are well, committments, that some die by. So they are a notch above beliefs. However, BOTH systems of thought can be changed.
There's the lot of us who believe sex is special, important, meaningful, and those that don't. Not sure if there's a middle-road camp, but for the sake of discussion I'll say no.
Sex Clouds Judgement.
That much is true. If you're choosing between 2 girls and have had sex with both, we as men, factor in sex. Some might say "of course" but, hands down, 10 out of 10 times, IF the girl was good, open, feminine (important word), caring, compassionate individual, and you were attracted to her, SEX WILL be good. There's the guys who are afraid but let me say from experience...
ANY girl I've ever known a good amount of time where sex was no brought up to be important, to whom I actually felt good talking to, who was open, warm, and fun, I had great sex with. If I went strictly based on looks, it was a crap shoot. Really.
Girls that find importance with sex, meaning it is important, not having it, but the act is important, generally withhold it for only the right guy, and then when they do, it's like having your own personal genie.
Don't believe me, but I've dated and had both types. It's not large enough of a human sampling to send to some psychological counsel or to write a paper, but human nature IS pretty close. Remarkably close.
I can't say what other guys think or feel, BUT, I do feel strongly that the girls you sleep with are reflection of you and your own morals. That slvtty girls will give you more headaches, and won't necessarily lead to better sex. Sometimes it's worse, just b/c they believe their looks are adequate enough to balance it.
I do believe sex is ruining society more than its helping it. The openness of sex allows a variety of relationships, which is good overrall and good that we don't have closed-minded thinking out in the public view. On the flipside, it's very commericalized and packaged. Women confuse femininity with sexuality.
I ran into a girl at Dunks yesterday who, while pleasantly plump, did have a nice rack, a beautiful face, and were it not for her physical features, would be a definite hottie. Could be the food or genetics or lack of working out. Who knows. Thing is, she had a very feminine demeanor. What is a feminine demeanor??
It's pleasant. It's warm. It's open. She's receptive to men (i.e. not a bytch when she meets you). It's inviting. It's happy. You feel good around her. There are some women with it, and some women without it. It is an energy. If she's a positive energy, she builds you up. If she's a negative energy she sucks you dry. (Not in a good way either).
Guys say we are dominated on these boards by genes/genetics like they're parrotting David or the Selfish Gene, without consider higher consciousness, self control, any aspects of religion, or any piece of emotion. If you're that way, fine. But realize there are other forms of thought and manners of life.
I don't care that guys USED to have mistresses, and today, they do, but it's more damaging than back then. It is. Now, you're dead if you do. Back then it was ok. Yes women dressed slutty, but they didn't advertise like they do now with A&F shirts. They didn't sexualize themselves to the extent they have. It wasn't on TV or in the news everywhere. If you wanted it, you CHOSE to get it. Just as Francisco pointed out, you CHOOSE.
Nowadays nobody chooses, it's thrust upon them, and jammed down our throats and into our minds. So much so that THAT is believed to be reality. But it isn't. Even basic channels on TV have sex and innuendos everywhere. Girls that start in young film and shows are bustier than ever. And magazines standards are where playboy USED to be when it first emerged. Heck, you can get an FHM, or COSMO, and get the same images you would in Playboy. Did a little deeper and you get Hustler, etc.
To me, this is important to a guy's overall life. Just because hormones kick in, doesn't mean it's time to mate. And if it is, then at 13, 14, 15, you should be thinking of work and providing for a family and marriage, because essentially if you follow the byline that life is just genetic control, then you should give-in the minute the clock begins ticking, right?
I mean, if it's NATURAL and NORMAL (and it is) then NATURALLY you should be fathering kids right then, not PLAYING house or PLAYING family until the right woman comes along. That'd be genetics. You'd give in, procreate. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.
As noted by some astute men, male orgasm is MORE like a reward to have sex than anything, otherwise the only benefit we'd get is the dipstick action of moving in and out. Men wouldn't care. Would they? They wouldn't desire sex in that way. But nature sought to reward men with copulation by offering the orgasm as a balance to women's natural hormonal drive to procreate.
The human being is obviously a more complex creature than genetics suggest, because people are swayed and wooed by the climate of society. Before, marriage was first, then sex. Now, sex is first with marriage barely a factor, and most believing in divorce. Society controls nature, or tries to, and sometimes nature fights back. As it seems to now.
I personally don't care what other guys do, so long as I'm doing what the other guys DID and are getting their seconds or thirds or fourths. I believe all this sexual openness will result in a backlash throughout society in some way or form. While it has simplified life and legal aspects, it has complicated emotions and lives, too. A person must be of a higher emotional intelligence to handle sex BEFORE marriage. Truly. We as people cannot be controlled by genetics if we are to handle the breakup, rejection, or selection of new mates that comes with sexual promiscuity. We must be higher conscious people, to enable That. Any guy who's been in or with a woman or been the guy who can't handle it, can attest to the fact that it DOES take emotional intelligence to get OVER and X of many year's, to get over and past the SEX, and the same for her.