Your mothers.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
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What are your mothers like?

Mine always raised to be a real man. She is like Angelina Jolie in the movie about Alexander the Great.

But look-wise she always says "You should have been born a girl" EVEN THOUGH I have a squared face with a huge jaw bt baby skin...

I kind of hate when she says that. Its not girly!

But who cares as long as your behavior is manly.

So, I wonder what your mothers are like because i believe a LOT of it comes from how you are were raised by parents.

I never had a father...


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
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My mom raised me to be an AFC and my dad is pretty much an AFC.... so its been an uphill battle for me to get out of my AFC ways.


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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My mother was and remains a "femnazi". I still love her very much, but she filled my mind with so many ideas about females and people in general that I have developed a gross ignorance, to the point of a phobia, about the subtleties of social interaction.

She has a great degree of control over my life.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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This is a pretty interesting thread.

My mom would have me acting the biggest AFC in the world. Actually, she kinda did for a while. But I snapped out of it. She still tells me all her ideas of how a man should be...all AFC, but I no longer take them to heart.

As for my Dad, well, he's a pretty big pimp actually. Too big really. Lets just say he pays a lot of child support. I still love him, he just made some mistakes when he was younger and thats why he and my mom are no longer together. He doesn't really try to help me with girls. But then again, I don't need him to.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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Interesting topic.

My mother's an upbeat woman, she's an awesome communicator. She the team mom type, really outgoing, always making things happen.

Pops is different. Could barely get that guy to talk. Ever. He never had a father and he was the youngest of 13 kids. Only after reading into the Community did I really realize how much of my mindset was molded by his insecurities.

Oh well. To each their own.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
I thought about this topic myself some time ago. How your parents affect your social growth and all.

Real dad went outta my life around age 7, after the divorce. Step-dad came along a few years later. Never liked him. I even cried on the wedding day, begging my mom not to marry him. Total *******, got mad over the stupidest little ****. They got seperated just recently, in the past few months. Best thing that could ever happen. I'd rather not have a father figure in my life, I've realized.

As for mom, she's awesome. All my friends call her 'the cool mom'. She never really gave me much in the way of advice on women, probably because I never asked. When I got my first gf, she just kinda randomly turned to me and said, "Hey, do you need condoms? If you guys are gonna have sex, I can get you some."

I love mom, lol.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 14, 2005
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Cool for you all :D
Never had that chance but I love my aunt and my uncle. My education was based of everybody I was in touch with.

But aunt was a family girl. They were 8 or 9 and she took care of them. She was already serious and independent at early age.

Same for uncle. They were very poor. And everything he school he went to was through scholarship.

I'm lucky :)

What to say about relationships? Well we did bad things and get spanked :D


Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
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My mother is a wuss, she's ***** whipped by religion, had a terrible upbringing and is a workaholic and checks out of reality into books and TV, instead of having raised her children. Sign of the times gentlemen. Parents who work most of their waking lives and then use the free time they have for themselves and together check out of reality... are not good parents.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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My mom;

She is a short chubby woman with a prity face.
What can I say, back in the old country i didn't see her too often, she was in the city working while i stayed with my grandmother. In those days I remember her as a tough woman who nobody would dare to mess with. The reason nobody ever argued with her is because she MADE SENCE (unlike a lot of women). As the life goes, and things happen (we ware refugies, moved to canada, learn a different kind of life) she softened up. She is a lot calmer now and a total pushover (especialy when i raise my voice - which happens once a year). She got married couple of years ago, kinda happened over night, I woke up and she is like; "this is ____ , we got married". It was a shock to me....but i got used to it....i just wish he pulled his weight. I'm paying the morgage, taxes, and my bills (car insurence etc...) and she pays the rest. To tell you the truth, it's not much different then being married (without sex), which is why i'm not in any hurry.
When it comes to; if she raised me AFC or not?...... Well she did want me to grow up and be a MAN. With that being said; i wasn't alowed to go out with friends, i had to keep a job and finish school. As i went to puberty, and she would run into nude pic. on computer she would let me know...and i'd be ashamed (later while looking for some money i found her dildo in the drawr.). I had to be a good boy and help out. She is very good with guilt.

So today, i have **** load of problems; huge ego (arogant), anti-social (to the point of not knowing how to behave in a soial eviroment) I keep my sex life secret (with a lot of hookers), workaholic (money is my freedom)......

As for my father....never knew him....thair marrage lasted a year...later i heard he was shot and killed in war......


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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I was raised to believe that men should not date, but instead marry a girl based on a set of objective scores. Basically, if I had followed their advice, it would be like those sci-fi films where a computer matches you with the "most compatible" partner.

However, their advice has made me very good with money management. So I follow their advice when it comes to non-emotional matters (money, behaviour, etc).


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2006
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Some of your responses are making me feel better.

My mom is a workaholic but also extremely oversensitive. My father died when I was 3 and she took that very hard and just recently in the past couple years started dating again (which I think explains why I am so prone to developing oneitis). She didn't really talk to me a whole lot about dating and relationships but what she did say was a mixture of good advice and bad. In fact, she really doesn't like to talk a whole lot in general but deep down she has good intentions for me. She would never ever send me out on the streets to fend for myself. She insists I get my college degree no matter how long I procrastinated.

However, don't use your mother as an excuse to be an AFC, change is always happening.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Me and my mother are no longer on speaking terms.

The woman made me and my brother's lives a living hell. She was physically abusive, and would beat the both of us with anything she could get her hands on, even if it wasn't either of us that had made her mad. She taught me that it was wrong to stand up for myself, and if I said anything that remotely made her mad, She'd slap me across my face. I grew up with low self-confidence, and socially retarded because I was afraid of what people would think, or I would make them mad if I spoke. I kept everything bottled up inside because of the fear that my mother instilled in me. She made the first 18 years of my life a living hell.

That woman never had, and never will take me seriously as an adult because she believes that "honor thy father and thy mother" still applies, which makes me inferior to her. Anything she says or thinks is the right way because she's my mother, and I SHOULD listen to her.

She has always treated me and my brother like garbage. Then she wonders why the both of us hate her. I will piss on her grave when she dies.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
Funny, I just changed my sig...

My mother was my only parent. She's cool and stuff, she did what she had to in order to raise two kids. She divorced my alcholic father in order to remove that cancer from our lives. Well, her intention was good... but the fix wasn't. She bounced around (read: was a slut) from one guy to the next. Well, what quality guy would take a woman with two kids? Deadbeats. So, she kept shacking us up with all sorts of scum.

Rather than fix the problem, she essentially ran away from it. Nice try, mom. I see right through your justifications and smokescreen. You fuxed up.

It's taking a lot of undoing to realize that my life's purpose is not to please women.

She was super-hot when she was younger, though. From what I gather, she was a party-girl that flaunted her hotness... probably an AW. Well, I would assume that the party girl hooked up with a party guy... the party guy didn't "know when to say when" and became an alcoholic. *shrug*


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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hey Vulpine, you folowing dadys foot seteps (retorical question, i remember a picture you had in your sig.... at least i think it was you)


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
Naw, there is a time and place for alcohol. And it's not "anytime, anywhere" either.

The link is still there. Click on the last period.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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My mother raised me as a total wuss. She would never let me do any "dangerous" stuff as a kid and bought me everything I wanted and spoiled me. However for some reason I turned out as the exact opposite. I appreciate everything I have, I´m fearless and I´m an alpha male. Btw my father is a complete AFC and didn´t teach me crap. For all my life he has been putting me down. Knowing all that motivates me to become the exact opposite of him and I´m on a good way to achieve that goal :cool:


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2006
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My mom:
I think she's always been pretty shy and "weak". She never really encouraged me to do anything or appreaciated anything I did(like being awesome at school, doing most of the chores at home, not getting wasted every weekend etc.) and then when I did something other than be a nice guy she would say that I'm just like my father(who's an alcoholic, about as bad as you can get). As a single parent she dated a lot of guys, some of whom were alright, but most were scum. She also made my life ****ing hard by making us move every few years(I've propably moved like 9 times already). Yeah, not that great upbringing but I'm not going to let that stop me from getting what I want out of life.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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California, SF
My mom raised me as with 0 confidence. When i was in elementary school, everytime i did something remotely brave, she would say these dreaded lines..

"shut up. no one wants to hear you speak"
"you are crazy. you will fail"
"why aren't you half as talented as that other kid?"
"if it weren't for you, i wouldn't be stuck here"
"why don't you have a father like that"
"you better show me respect. i raised you and your brother all by myself"

but what can i say.. your mom is your mom. you only have one.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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My mom is a short, chubby, pretty, usually optimistic woman
She is VERY outgoing. Growing up she would talk and talk and I always noticed ppl would want to leave the conversations since she dominated them. She would also always pick me up late from school, practice, etc., which is why I always arrive to everything VERY EARLY.

My dad is the complete opposite. While he wasn't an AFC, he wasn't Alpha. He kept to himself, barely talked, didn't have any friends, was a loner. Very smart guy but very unsociable.

I know having these two extremes socially messed me up early in life. I didn't have many friends until high school. I knew that talking a lot would make ppl not like me and I knew my dad didn't have any friends. I guess I tried to make myself like my dad and I wouldn't be very outgoing, but if I was, I was very outgoing like I saw from my mom.

Now, I try to combine the strongest positives of each parent. I am smart and conniving like my father, but I am not afraid to socialize like my mother. I don't dominate the conversation however and I've learned about the subtleties of conversation. I'm still working on it, but I'm getting to the right balance between extroversion/introversion.

I lived with under my mom's house from age 12+ when my parents divorced. I also had an older sister, so I was always taking orders from women. I am now 22 and I consider myself a Man. While I respect my sister and mother, I always question them. I seemed to have problems with showing my masculinity growing up, but since living on my own I'm turning into a whole new man, an ALPHA.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
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My parents are way to rich for their own good...they just don't understand money. They're workaholics, especially my mom, and basically forgot about me.

I'm the youngest child, and my parents started working alot when I came along...Was passed around from nanny to nanny to look after me.

Parents got divorced afew years ago. Dad has a gf, mom has a bf, so its all cool.

Essentially they didn't hold me back in any way...yet at the same time, they haven't helped me at all, aside from the material things(great house, apartment, car, speedboat(not even joking), gym membership, countless vacations, ipod, computer, laptop, sports stuff, clothes, whatever). I do have a job, but I'm saving the money.

I used to think--a very short time ago actually--that my parents were terrible because they didn't give me advice on anything in life, and didn't help me with anything. Now, I realize, I like it better this way. I like the independance, and experimenting on my own terms.

Thanks mom :) Thanks Dad :)