There are times when I become quite engrossed in a woman. She has the looks, the swager, the attitude, she has it going on. To me, she's 'my 10.'
However, I have to bring in the reigns, because no matter what, it doesn't matter what I feel. It matters what she feels...and the only way you can know how she feels is by how she acts.
She's calls you as much as you call her.
She has as much interest in doing things as you do.
She has as much involvement in sex as you do.
She makes as much effort, either driving over to your place, suggesting dates, and makes comments as you do.
Ask yourself: Do I really want to carry a corpse everywhere I go? Do I want to have to feed life into someone who has none?
In personal experience, I found myself glossing past these things in sake of what they look like. The whirlwind of emotions from hot sex or her hot looks deceives you, it makes you believe there's more to the relationship than there is.
In specific might find a very cute girl. She might dress sweet as well. And when you call, she's upbeat. But it ends there. She forgets to call back when she says she will. She doesn't initiate contact. On dates or with groups of friends she's as quiet as a mouse. And on the whole, she doesn't offer a whole lot in the way of 'fun'.
This is part of really filtering out the girls you want to be with versus the ones you don't want. Sure, friends might even comment how hot she is, but so what? Hot isn't anything.
It doesn't lead to hot sex. [I've had cold fish and even hot girls afraid of their body.]
It doesn't lead to stimulating conversation. [Usually the most boring.]
It doesn't lead to a great, fulfilling emotion.
So even if she fulfills the looks department, remain grounded on what's REAL TO YOU. Understand your reality. We have to be empathetic enough to realize people ARE different and carry themselves differently. However, there are certain, basic levels of interaction fairly standard in all situations.
This isn't about being a prize or playing hard to get. That is very natural when you have standards. For instance, a girl I've seen off and on was slated to visit me on my birthday at a few suites I rented near Boston. I told her specifically WHEN to be there and NOT to be drunk until she partied with us. It was a long drive, and the last headache I wanted was a drunk, slobering girl ruining my night (big pet peeve). Suffice it to say, she violated both those commandments. She showed up 2 hours late, and the only reason I let her stay was because she was too drunk to send packing and she was a nuisance at my hotel. She slept over, by herself. Since then, she's has tried to make up for it. Someone would say I'm playing hard to get, someone would say I'm playing the azzhole role [at least a nice guy would, since she'd only tell him half the story]. But I have my standards, as I respect any woman does, too.
That's where you have to come from. If someone doesn't meet those, next them. No harm, no foul. Life's too short to be happy, and it's far too short to be around unhappy people. Setting standards and boundaries prevents future problems.
So remember...the only feelings that matter, once you're hooked on her, on her's. If you can tell she isn't 'all there,' jump ship. Next her, and find another who might. I believe, in a personal fashion, ALL men are very passionate creatures. Perhaps more so than women, even.
We fight wars for love, for freedom.
We make money, to gain status, for ourselves, and for women.
We passionately do the toughest activities, for the sake of ourselves and our families.
And with that in mind, any decent man desires to have a wonderful to experience that with. Yes, we live autonomously and conquer individually, BUT, deep down, we all want a BATTLE PARTNER who stands by you just as a well trained dog or even a best friend [sorry for the analogy.]
However, I have to bring in the reigns, because no matter what, it doesn't matter what I feel. It matters what she feels...and the only way you can know how she feels is by how she acts.
She's calls you as much as you call her.
She has as much interest in doing things as you do.
She has as much involvement in sex as you do.
She makes as much effort, either driving over to your place, suggesting dates, and makes comments as you do.
Ask yourself: Do I really want to carry a corpse everywhere I go? Do I want to have to feed life into someone who has none?
In personal experience, I found myself glossing past these things in sake of what they look like. The whirlwind of emotions from hot sex or her hot looks deceives you, it makes you believe there's more to the relationship than there is.
In specific might find a very cute girl. She might dress sweet as well. And when you call, she's upbeat. But it ends there. She forgets to call back when she says she will. She doesn't initiate contact. On dates or with groups of friends she's as quiet as a mouse. And on the whole, she doesn't offer a whole lot in the way of 'fun'.
This is part of really filtering out the girls you want to be with versus the ones you don't want. Sure, friends might even comment how hot she is, but so what? Hot isn't anything.
It doesn't lead to hot sex. [I've had cold fish and even hot girls afraid of their body.]
It doesn't lead to stimulating conversation. [Usually the most boring.]
It doesn't lead to a great, fulfilling emotion.
So even if she fulfills the looks department, remain grounded on what's REAL TO YOU. Understand your reality. We have to be empathetic enough to realize people ARE different and carry themselves differently. However, there are certain, basic levels of interaction fairly standard in all situations.
This isn't about being a prize or playing hard to get. That is very natural when you have standards. For instance, a girl I've seen off and on was slated to visit me on my birthday at a few suites I rented near Boston. I told her specifically WHEN to be there and NOT to be drunk until she partied with us. It was a long drive, and the last headache I wanted was a drunk, slobering girl ruining my night (big pet peeve). Suffice it to say, she violated both those commandments. She showed up 2 hours late, and the only reason I let her stay was because she was too drunk to send packing and she was a nuisance at my hotel. She slept over, by herself. Since then, she's has tried to make up for it. Someone would say I'm playing hard to get, someone would say I'm playing the azzhole role [at least a nice guy would, since she'd only tell him half the story]. But I have my standards, as I respect any woman does, too.
That's where you have to come from. If someone doesn't meet those, next them. No harm, no foul. Life's too short to be happy, and it's far too short to be around unhappy people. Setting standards and boundaries prevents future problems.
So remember...the only feelings that matter, once you're hooked on her, on her's. If you can tell she isn't 'all there,' jump ship. Next her, and find another who might. I believe, in a personal fashion, ALL men are very passionate creatures. Perhaps more so than women, even.
We fight wars for love, for freedom.
We make money, to gain status, for ourselves, and for women.
We passionately do the toughest activities, for the sake of ourselves and our families.
And with that in mind, any decent man desires to have a wonderful to experience that with. Yes, we live autonomously and conquer individually, BUT, deep down, we all want a BATTLE PARTNER who stands by you just as a well trained dog or even a best friend [sorry for the analogy.]