There pretty funny ones. But remember if u havent doen acting before it might screw up on you if you try to remember something and say it out. To be funny timing and tone is CRUCIAL, and it has to befit your character. So i suggest you just be c/f in your own way within context and whatever situation you are in. It makes you more funny and original. Ofcourse remmebering lines work if u can do it well, but it works alot better if you make them up yourself and you will gain a skill aswell. Plus imagine yourself saying a C/F line that some other guy has said before, EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK how unoriginal would that be. I wouldent be caught dead being unoriginal unless im teasing someone.
eg/ I have heard some REALLY funny ones on here that i wanted to try. But when i was in a situation to try it, i gave out 4 or 5 of my oen C/Fs without even knowing it, and before i had the ability to even say the one i memorised. And i am an actor, so there u go.