Your Evolution [Long]


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2002
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I’m an atheist, and a proponent of evolution. If you understand evolution, you can understand a lot about human psychology. The reason for this is simple: evolution shapes behavior. Most people tend to think of man evolving as having a bigger brain or something. While physical traits that increased survival have evolved, behavioral traits are shaped the same way. Before I explain, let’s talk a little bit about how evolution works.

People often define evolution as the survival of the fittest. While this is partially correct, it is an incomplete answer. First off, evolution is not something that Disney would write a movie about. There is no guaranteed happy ending. Evolution does not care if YOU survive. It does not care if the SPECIES survives. The whole premise of evolution is that unfavorable traits get deleted, removed, and become extinct. Evolution is a cold, hard, and heartless process, and the only thing that matters is that genetic traits that are more likely to get passed on are maintained. Thus, genetic traits must either 1) enhance survival, or 2) enhance reproductive capacity. A “super” gene that would make you a genius, super strong, and super fast would give you a definite survival advantage over others. However, if the same gene caused infertility, it would not be maintained and evolution would delete it.

Now, lets get back to the evolution of behavior. Human beings have this notion that they are autonomous beings, that they can make independent decisions about their lives. While I believe that humans have the capacity for independent decision-making, I also believe that the vast majority of our actions are dictated by evolved patterns of behavior. A lot of you won’t like to think that how you behave is dictated by evolution. Let me give you an example.

Bees. A colony of bees works together to build a hive. You have bees that gather pollen to bring back to the hive. There are bees that build the honeycomb, bees that make the honey, and bees that reproduce. Each type of bee has a specific job. Do you think that a bee sits there and thinks “Gee, I’d like to be a pollen gatherer when I grow up?” Of course not. The behavior of a given bee is dictated by what we call “instinct”.
I am going to use the word “instinct” as a substitute for “evolved behavior” because that’s all it really is. And like all other animals, human beings have evolved behaviors, instincts, which dictate their reaction to certain stimuli.

You walk up to a stove and rest your hand on it. The stove is hot. You immediately jump back, and start shaking your hand in pain. Now, do you think to yourself “Boy this stove is hot, it’s going to burn my hand and hurt like a mofo if I don’t remove it immediately!” or does it happen automatically? When you are running, do you tell your heart to speed up and increase your breathing, or does it just happen? Most people will agree that these instinctual behaviors are not things that we rationally choose to happen.

Now, let’s get back to putting instinct into the context of evolution. Your instincts give you certain behaviors, and those behaviors that have been passed on through the ages are ones that increase your survival and/or reproductive capacity. Surely, ancestors who went around sticking themselves in the fire and not pulling away wouldn’t have survived. Likewise, instinctual behaviors that decreased your reproductive capacity would have been deleted.

What is this “reproductive capacity” to which I keep referring, and how does it affect human behaviors? Reproductive capacity means different things for the different sexes, because that’s how evolution has made us. Let me explain.

A man can reproduce approximately every 30 minutes. That means the average adult man in our society can (in theory) reproduce 2 times an hour, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for 50+ years – or over 800,000 offspring. Because of this amazing reproductive capacity, and the relatively small amount of effort that is required of men during this “genetic transaction,” men have evolved behaviors that take advantage of this. Namely, men are instinctually promiscuous. It is to the advantage of a man’s genes to get into as many different offspring as possible to increase the chances that the genes will survive and get passed on.

When a woman reproduces, she carries the child inside her for nine months. She gets bigger, uses more energy, and is slower and less able to do different tasks. Before we had a lot of the technology we have today, pregnancy gave women a definitive survival disadvantage. They were less mobile and could not run from danger, or collect enough food. In other words, bearing a child is a burden to women in the evolutionary sense. Given this, what would most benefit a woman’s genes? In other words, what could a woman do to ensure that her genetic information has a better chance of surviving and reproducing in the future?

Reproduction is a burden for women, and therefore, evolution has made women the pickier sex when it comes to finding a mate. Women’s genes have a better chance of survival when 1) they are paired with the best genetic stock available, and 2) the woman’s limited offspring are cared for and protected. When choosing a mate, women look for these two things instinctually. Let’s break them down one at a time.

Genetic stock. Every child has ½ of it’s genes from the mother and ½ from the father. A woman, then, will try to find a man who has the best survival and reproductive genes in order to ensure that her offspring will inherit this increased survival and reproductive capacity. For example, taller men, stronger men, and dominant alpha men are more likely to survive, where smaller, unhealthy, and feeble men won’t. This explains why women tend to choose taller and stronger mates (and coincidentally, why men have evolved to be taller and stronger than their female counterparts).

Care and protection. Women are much more limited in the number of offspring they can produce, and each offspring is another burden they must carry. Women are by no surprise much more inclined to care for the children and raise them. This is instinct, and is an evolved behavior. However, men are generally stronger and taller than women, and having a man around to help care for and protect their offspring is an advantage. This point is the essence of much of the courting behavior we experience even today. Yes, women want a man of good genetic stock, but they also want a man who will stick around to provide food, clothing, shelter, and protection for her bundle of genetic joy. Thus, women look for men who are willing to make commitments, and men must prove their worthiness by donating gifts, time, and other resources to the woman prior to mating.

Now, I could go on and on about the evolution of courtship behavior, but I think by now you should get the main idea. Human behaviors are affected by evolution. In order to solidify your understanding, I’ll give a few more examples of behaviors that have been documented by evolutionary psychologists.

Testicle size in apes correlates with promiscuity. The most promiscuous apes have the largest testicles, and vice versa. This means that promiscuous ape species have been selected for those males which can release more sperm (and thus, out compete other males who may have copulated with the same female).

Interestingly, researchers have shown that the number of sperm that men release upon copulation is not set in stone, but actually depends on their relationship with the woman. If the woman has been out of town, or otherwise had theoretical opportunities to copulate with other men, her partner releases an increased number of sperm. This has been confirmed to happen regardless of length of time since the male last copulated, and regardless of whether the man actually suspects the woman to have been unfaithful.

When woman are unfaithful to their partner, there are some striking patterns about when and whom they do it with. Women who cheat on their spouses almost exclusively do so during the time in their cycle in which they are most fertile. Women also are much more likely to cheat with taller, stronger, and better-looking man than they are to actually marry one. In an evolutionary sense, women want benefit #1 (genetic stock) from one man, and then they go home to get benefit #2 (care and protection) from another established man. They want their cake and to eat it too.

Now, before I go on I don’t want you to think that women are bad, or that men are bad, or that people in general like to cheat on everyone and are shallow about looks and money, etc. The fact is that these behaviors I’ve talked about are unconscious. A woman doesn’t look at her calendar and say “Oh, I’m more fertile today, I’m going to go cheat on my husband.” It’s instinct, it’s feelings, it’s passion. Her brain is wired to make her FEEL things that increase the chances of her taking the best evolutionary path.

A lot of you reading this may not like what I’m saying. You might not like it if I say that guys are attracted to women with wide hips (for child bearing) and big breasts (for milk). Let me get one thing straight, I am not saying that any of this is beyond our control. In a nutshell, here is my philosophy on evolution:

We have evolved certain tendencies that increase our survival and reproductive capacities, however, it is only when we accept and understand our instincts that we are able to overcome them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2002
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I’ve given you a short course on evolution as a primer for the rest of what I’m going to talk about. You need to understand everything I’ve said about evolved behaviors in order to fully grasp the key to attraction, which is: certain actions elicit certain reactions based on instinct. In other words, your hand on a hot stove makes you pull it back. Likewise, something that is detected by women as a desireable quality in a mate results in their being instinctually attracted. (This is by no means and original thought, as David DeAngelo has been saying this for some time.) The right signals thus create attraction.

The thing is that people have found ways to trick our attraction mechanisms. It has become an arms race for the sexes. One side gets a new trick, and the other side improves their ability to detect that trick. Guys buy girls expensive jewelry to make their commitment alarm go off. Eventually, girls learn this trick and refuse guys who are just trying to “buy their love”. Girls wear makeup to look younger, and clothes to mask their body shape, and guys are getting better at detecting natural beauty from fake beauty. It happens on both sides, and everyone does it.

Canadianpimpology posted his 5 C’s: confidence, challenge, ****y, control and charisma. Unfortunately, listing five traits that many people don’t have just leads them in the wrong direction - they try to fake it. All of the fast seduction and subliminal techniques are also just ways to fake your way through it. Tricks won’t work on everyone, but I can tell you that the real thing works every time.

You can fake attractiveness. However, eventually you’ll get found out. No stable long-term relationship can result from something that it fraudulent. However, there is something you can do to improve your attractiveness, and I’ll tell you how to do it. It’s based on what I told you above about evolution. You need to understand WHY certain things are attractive on an instinctual level. Then, you need to become the attractive person that will naturally elicit the response you desire – without you even having to try.

Fake time is over.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2002
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There are many things that attract women and some of them I’ve already mentioned above. Women like guys who are tall, strong, good-looking, rich, powerful, famous, and talented. Many of these are things that you either have or don’t have – and often can’t change. Luckily, there is one thing that can trump them all – confidence.

Let’s turn it around for a second and think about how lucky you are. Guys are much more visually stimulated than women. Guys like women who are young, thin, curvaceous, big-breasted, fair-skinned, firm, beautiful, etc. Women either have it, or are forced to fake it. A woman is whom is genetically disadvantaged in the looks department (read: ugly) will never be able to win over a guy with confidence. It just doesn’t happen.

Guys, you have the upper hand on this one.

Everyone agrees that confidence is a key concept, but when you read the posts on here is it often misunderstood. Confidence is NOT being ****y. Being ****y is a way of faking confidence, and admits an underlying insecurity. “I’m not confident, but I’m going to talk big, use lots of expletives, and intimidate everyone around me to make myself look confident.” That’s fake, and fake doesn’t cut it here.

Instead, think about what a confident man does. A confident man is happy and comfortable with his life. He doesn’t have to put people down to prop himself up. He doesn’t get upset if a girl doesn’t like him, because he is assured that he will be perfectly fine without her. A confident man doesn’t play games to get what he wants, and doesn’t rush into relationships or settle for second best. A confident man doesn’t make lists of ****y/funny phrases, memorize pickup lines, and try to use subliminal messages in his conversations. A confident man has nothing to hide, is comfortable with himself, and respects those around him. He is honest (why should a real man ever need to lie to get what he wants?), he is upfront about his expectations, and he is apologetic when he does something that he believes was a mistake. A confident man doesn’t need rules about waiting 3 days to call, because he knows that whenever he calls will be just fine. He is patient, and doesn’t try to rush things. A confident man is never desperate, and thus never acts desperate. He doesn’t have to focus on walking upright to appear confident, because it is natural to him. He doesn’t have to say something funny in response to every question, because humor comes to him naturally at the appropriate times. A confident man is well groomed and presentable, courteous and polite, and an overall gentleman. He has no reason to be otherwise, because he likes himself, wants to present the best side of himself at all times, and is comfortable with who he is. A confident man is never angry or frustrated because he knows that tomorrow is a new day and he is capable of overcoming any obstacle in his path.

A confident man doesn’t have to fake confidence, because he has built it from a strong foundation. This is exactly what each and every one of us has to do for ourselves.

The essence of confidence is comfort. Confidence is gained when you expand your personal comfort zone. What do I mean by this? Well, everyone has a zone of comfort, like a circle around him or her. Within this circle are the things that they are comfortable with, such as brushing your teeth or driving your car. On the edge of your comfort zone are things that still make you nervous or anxious, but you do them anyway. Examples of things that might be at the edge of your comfort zone are taking your shirt off at the beach, looking people in the eye, disagreeing with your boss, or looking over the edge of the empire state building. Things that you won’t do because you fear them are beyond your personal comfort zone, and these are the things that are avoided.

As I said above, expanding your personal comfort zone is the only way to build true confidence. The only way to expand your comfort zone is to do those things that are at or beyond the edge of your personal comfort circle until they become comfortable. For example, when you were a kid you were probably afraid to sleep alone with the lights off. In order to expand your comfort circle, your parents would leave you alone but put on a small night-light to keep the room from getting completely dark. After a while you become comfortable sleeping with the night light on. Then, the night-light gets taken away, and you eventually adapt to total darkness. This is exactly how you must continue to expand your comfort circle and gain confidence.

The great thing about comfort circles is that you can push on the circle in one direction, but it expands on one side. This works to our advantage, because if we can overcome one obstacle, it makes other obstacles that much easier. By trying new things, and overcoming new challenges, your circle expands and your overall confidence in any situation grows. For example, if you can go skydiving, hike Mt. Everest, and then go up and sing in front of a huge audience – all while feeling completely comfortable, are you really going to be shy about talking to that girl at the Walmart check out?

I’m going to steal some snippets from De La Soul (italics), because he gives many ways to expand your comfort circle and gain confidence:

Discover what you want to do in your life. Write these things down and make a pledge to work towards them. Make a plan of how you will achieve these goals. Aim to achieve at least two of your goals each year. Now what do you have? AMBITION! And ambition is a great confidence builder.

Get a job. Preferably a job that involves a lot of communication with other people so that you can develop your people-skills. Also, how are you going to be confident without some cash in your back pocket?Aim high but start small. Even if you plan to be the CEO of a huge, faceless corporation one day, realise that you have to have some starting money to get that opportunity.

Work out. Get fit, get healthy, get a little bit of muscle on you!

Join a club. There is no better way to make new friends and other connections. Whether it be: football or soccer, darts or debating the result will be that you will come out feeling more confident about yourself.

Go out to have fun as often as you can. Every free Friday and Saturday night, get your friends together and go out to have some fun and shake things up!
*Don’t always go to the same bars and clubs. Do something different everytime!*

Talk to all those people who you see often but never really talk to, and to all those people who you wish you had the courage to talk to. All it takes is a "Hi, how are you doin?" A few questions and you've got yourself the beginnings of a conversation.

Be unpredictable. Surprise yourself. Surprise your friends. If a challenge presents itself that you would normally shirk from, approach it head on.
*Remember that any challenge in any area that you overcome will expand your circle in ALL directions. If you run from a challenge, your circle closes in on you even more.*

It’s not easy, and it’s not quick. It just works. I know because I’ve been there and I’ve done it. I’m still doing it, every single day.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2002
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Once you start expanding your comfort circle, you’ll be amazed at the differences in how you act naturally, and how other people respond.

You don’t believe me? Ok then, riddle me this…

You’ve heard about it, you’ve even seen it. A man walks into a room, and all of the women in the room, even the woman you are with, instantly says something like “Oh, he’s hot.” They may say it to themselves, or even outloud, but it happens. Attraction is instantaneous. Why shouldn’t it be? Evolution doesn’t want to waste any time. A woman has to be picky about so many things, it’s better for them to rule out 90% of guys instantaneously. Do they do this consciously? No. But it happens. It’s instinct.

How does this happen? How does a women, within a split second, know whether a guy has good genes? Whether he would be the type to support and protect her children, or bolt after a one-night stand? Whether he is a confident and alpha type of male, or an emasculated whipped little boy? He’s not the best looking guy in the house. She hasn’t even talked to him. He doesn’t have on any fancy clothes, and she didn’t see whether he pulled up outside in a Ford Escort wagon or a Beemer. Remember – attraction is instantaneous, and based on evolved behavior (instinct). Evolution has certainly come up with a pretty accurate way of detecting the qualities of a good mate. Using clothes or cars or a haircut won’t elicit that kind of primal, instinctual attraction because women have evolved mechanisms to avoid being fooled. They can tell a “poser” from the real thing, and they can do by picking up on your subconscious cues.

When you are comfortable in your surroundings and confident in yourself, you act differently. When you act differently, people will respond differently. That is guaranteed. How people respond to you is almost entirely instinctual. They respond to the tone of your voice, your body language, to all of the subtle clues you give them through posture, pheromones, language cues, and physical interactions. The fact is that a person who is comfortable with him or herself will give off all of these cues without knowing what they are, or understanding why they do it. It’s just natural.


When a woman is attracted to you, her immediate response is to think of herself. In fact, in any interaction with another person, they will absolutely and without question process the “How does this affect me?” question before they can think about anything else. It’s instinct. It’s the way evolution has designed us.

And why not? After all, the primary concern of evolution is that we are given traits which help US survive. Everything we do is done selfishly. Giving money to charity? Most likely you want to be recognized for your good deed, or help a cause that has some potential benefit to you. That’s just the way it is, and it’s the way we are designed.

The selfishness of human beings actually works to your advantage sometimes. Think about it for a second:

You’re sitting at a bar by yourself. You see an attractive looking woman talking with two good-looking men. They are having a good time, laughing, and smiling the whole time. At some point, she gets up and walks over to sit beside you. “I couldn’t wait to get away from those two guys to come talk to you.” How does that make you feel? More to the point, when your brain asks that question (How does this affect me?) the overwhelming response is “This is great! I’m the envy of everyone here!”

Everyone responds that way to attractive people. Everyone wants to be seen with an attractive person, wants to be the one to take them off the market. The reason is simple: the people you surround yourself are symbolic of who you are, and everyone selfishly wants to appear important. Women are no different. The more people you attract, the more attractive you become. It’s a snowball affect, it’s natural, and you don’t even have to try.

If you have read this far, you know that a confident man is comfortable with himself. You know that that man acts naturally in a way that attracts other people. Once you’ve started to attract other people, the self-centered nature of others works to your advantage, creating a snowball effect. All you have to do is learn to take on challenges, try new things, and expand your comfort zone. Once that happens, you really don’t have to do anything. You will be comfortable around any woman you meet. Everything will come easily to you. You won’t even have to try. It’s natural. It’s instinct. It’s your own evolution.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
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Suzuki, I have no idea what you're saying....but nevermind, thats a question Amlothi has to answer.

Anyways, I think this is a GREAT post. Deals with many issues and problems in a simple understandeable way...expand your circle.

The thing is, humans aren't only driven by sexual drive, reproduction etc. Because if we did, why would we have friends? Why would be have hobbies? I don't play computer games to draw chicks. I play it cause I ENJOY it. Computer games have no link whatsoever to sex/reproduction.

Basically, I think you're oversimplifying the entire picture missed out the Nurture/social effects on people. But otherwise, I love the post (maybe because I'm a Naturalist...:p)


Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
