Man I have tons
Most recent
Super clingy girl of Kink app-would blow up my phone
texting, sending videos of her singing, pictures, tons of pics selfies, nudes etc. The girl told me was crazy in a "joking" way, It raised my antenna's but I have been hanging out with another plate a lot recently so I haven't really texted a lot. Needless to say she lost it a few days before we were supposed to meet cause I didn't text her "Goodnight" I had a feeling she was crazy but those boobs were boobing
Dealt with a crazy girl who insinuated she may killed her ex-boyfriend, one night we got into an argument via text I woke up the next day to 800 text messages. 90% of the messages didn't make any sense I think she may have been drunk. We hooked up one more time after that but it ended up in a fight
Mexican girl was crazy met of tinder I wasn't really feeling her and the sex was trash. Long story short We both went to a restaurant one night and she started an argument on purpose, she knew that I was drunk because if I was sober it would never happen almost crashed the car on the way home. Refused to leave my apartment and gave me a 2 piece slap when I told her to stop acting like a thot the next day I calmly kicked her out, thinking I was free nope she was downstairs in my aprtment and in her car for an hour trying to get me to let her back in. NOPE blocked her on number and on snapchat
I got many more