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Younger girls are more prone to casual sex?

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
DJ Snatchmaster and God of laying eggs see the thread "knock it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" There is a detailed explanation on my stance on the definition of a hor based on sound reasoning!! The hor definition is based on simple logic and is grounded in truth. The argument starts on page 2 or 3.

DJ God of not getting layed is upset because he hates my stance on certain issues but cannot refute my logic with his own assertions so he gets upset and spouts hate towards that to which he disagrees with and is inferior to -he cannot express himself in any other way.

Only a fool would hate intellligence!!!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by God_of_getting_layed
my post had nothing to do with any hor homo cuase, It was about how much of a dumbass you are.

first of all, your talking about how you cant rank a woman by her being easier or easiest. You are a ****ing idiot, being easy is not a discrete thing, it is continuous. There are different degrees of easyness dumbfvck. Its not discrete either easy or not, its continuous. But you preach your logic like your some kind of guru who knows it all, shut up.

2nd of all, you say "Before every action there is a thought, unless it is an instantaneous 'reaction' brought about by your nerve endings that make you twitch without thinking!!!! " like your telling us some kind of divine knowledge that is enlightening to us all.. You ****ing idiot. you try to classify all behavior as either thought cuased or autonomously cuased, woah man, your doing some deep classification and explanation of human behavior there, I dont think I can keep up man, your just too intelligent for me. dude! I think you just figured out human behavior right there, woahh sh!t I never knew that I had thoughts in my head at the time frame prior to the time frame of execution of an action, I thought Im only having thoughts during certain times of the day! dude, maybe you should also mention that before every action, a persons heart beats, becuase that is true too. go ahead, enlighten us with another deep peice of knowledge.

pffftt, moron

I knew one day someone would just snap at PRL :p
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Gonzalo
I knew one day someone would just snap at PRL :p
It is just another homo rant signifying nothingness - like a woman his homo erotic emotions get the best of him!!! Imagine him saying the above rant with a limp wrist and fluttering his eyes standing on his toes!!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
DJ God of not getting layed is upset because he hates my stance on certain issues but cannot refute my logic with his own assertions so he gets upset and spouts hate towards that to which he disagrees with and is inferior to -he cannot express himself in any other way.

Only a fool would hate intellligence!!!
It is just another homo rant signifying nothingness - like a woman his homo erotic emotions get the best of him!!! Imagine him saying the above rant with a limp wrist and fluttering his eyes standing on his toes!!!
Oh yeah man, you totally figured me out, oh ****, the secret is out! Wait, let me re-read your post, Oh yep, that is a definitie confirmation, you have figured me out. :rolleyes: (end sarcasm)

pfffft, moron

No, I just dont like you becuase it's really annoying how you try to use big words to try and sound intelligent, and then you make statements like "before every action there is a thought" like your revealing something deep to the world. You might as well be coming out and saying "heed my intelligence, 2+2=4, My words have enlightened the enferior minds of this board!" lol, what a fag you are. seriously, do you really think that your "logic" is some kind of revelation to this board? Do you really think what your saying is deep knowledge? becuase what your calling "intelligent logic" is called common sense to everyone else, and that annoys the **** out of me when some moron thinks he is intellectually superior to everyone else when all he has to say is commonsense statments.

Puertoricanlover wrote:
but cannot refute my logic
Oh, but I have proven you a dumbass. remember how you said "before every thought there is an action"? and then you said I was wrong about the heartbeat thing becuase you can remove a heart and nerve activity will still cause action? Did you not read that part of my post? I just took your very own logic, and showed that your own statements are wrong based on your very own logic. In otherwords, I made you look like a fool. Think about it, a headless chicken running around is basically a body in action without a brain and without thoughts, yeah, that would definitly qualify as a counterexample to your statement "before every action there is a thought".

Yeah, I know you have read it, and I noticed you didnt reply to it, hmmmm, I wonder why.....


Now on to yuor definition of a hor....


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
I read your post about how you define a hor (from the knock it off!!! thread). ANd I can definitly say you are a crack head, but thats neither here nor there. Lets take a look at some contridictions on yourself that you have made:

you wrote:
if she is a virgin u got my respects - if she aint she is just another ho and your the next in line and probably not the last.
and also
now what better yardstick to measure a woman's character than to look at that which exclusively and unmistakeably makes her a woman ------------ her womb
So basically what you are saying is that a woman becomes a hor when she has sex. You also say it is a bad thing to be with hors.

Well, If you have ever had sex with a woman puertorican lover, then this means the woman was a hor, becuase she had sex (with you). So by your very own definition, she is a hor, and you were with her. SHAME ON YOU YOU HYPOCRITICAL WH0REMONGER!!!! You ***** about how low everyone is becuase they are with hors, but yet you are with hors yourself, what a hypocrit you are. You definitly like to contridict yourself dont you? unless you are a virgin puertorican lover, by your own logic, you need to keep your mouth shut, becuase you cant talk, youve been wh0remongering too.

:::::::OBJECTIVELY, HOR IS CONTINUOUS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

So the act of having sex is the act of being a hor, by your definition. If so, then when a woman has sex her firsttime, she is a hor. But if another woman has had sex 2 times, then she is twice the hor, becuase she did twice the thing that makes a hor. If a woman has had sex 3 times, then she is 3 times a hor, and so on.. This means we can rank women by who is more of a ho, even by your false definition of a hor. And it is a continious thing, like I said before.

Lets look at this from a geometrical perspective shall we? Okay, so we look at a one dimensional numberline. starting from zero on to infinity. each number on this line denotes the number of times the woman has had sex. 0 would mean that she has never had sex. 1 would mean she has had sex once, and so on. zero is the least amount of ho a woman can be, meaning she is not a ho, we can rank who is more of a ho, by measuring their geometrical distance from the point of not being a ho (at zero on the number line). and we can use the geometrical distance formula to measure this: square root of (x1-x2)^2. so if a woman has had sex only once, then she is a distance of 1 unit from zero (not being a ho). If she has had sex 2 times, then she is at a distance of 2 untis from not being a ho. The first girl is geometrically closer to being at zero than the second, this means she is less of a ho than the second girl. A woman's horishenss can be measured by how far she is from being a virgin, obviously, the more times a woman has had sex, the farther from a virgin she is, and the closer she is to "absolute ho" (has had sex infinty times). So hos can be measured in degrees, they are not binary like you say.

Also, you say a womans sexual behavior is a measure of her ethical and moral strngth, obviously some porn star who has banged like 500 men in her life will definitly have less morals in other areas of her life than some woman who has only had sex with one man in her life, so as we can see, the number of times a woman can have sex is continuous, and so is her degree of morals, so then why wouldnt the link between these 2 variables be continouus as well (her being a hor or not? It would make sense to make horishness a continuous variable. This would be a "composite function": # of times a woman has had sex=her degree of horishness=her ethical and moral strength (occording to your screwed definition of hor) and for this to mathematically work out, ***** must be continuous, becuase her ethical and moral strength as you say is indeed a continuous thing, and we cant derive continuous information from a binary variable (ho or not a ho), thats not mathematically possible.


***** is only discrete from a subjective perspective, since it is subjective where you draw the "decision line" of what seperates ho from nonho. Where you place this decision line is a matter of opinion, you placed it beteen zero and one, I might say a woman becomes a ho after having sex 15 times, so I would place the decision line between 15 and 16, but which one of us is right? both of us and neither of us, it is a subjective thing. BUT WHAT WE ARE DEBATING HERE IS ABOUT THE OBJECTIVE TRUTH OF WHAT DEFINES A HOR, AND OBJECTIVELY, HOR IS CONTNUOUS.

And Your definition of ho is a fvcked one: a woman is not a hor just becuase she has had sex, its more complex than that., but that is another debate :p


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Imagine him with a limp wrist and fluttering his eyes standing on his toes!!!
We'll get to childhood's story in just a second...


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
I have told you multiple times to stop calling girls hors PuertoRican... That's one of the reasons I stopped visiting this board cause I was tired of all of the mysogynist crap and Keyboardjocking.

They are sure sluts, *****es, wh0res, but not EVERY GIRL IS A HOR you stupid fk :D

Yes younger girls are easier to lay than older girls.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Kineti[C]harm
I have told you multiple times to stop calling girls hors PuertoRican... That's one of the reasons I stopped visiting this board cause I was tired of all of the mysogynist crap and Keyboardjocking.

They are sure sluts, *****es, wh0res, but not EVERY GIRL IS A HOR you stupid fk :D

Yes younger girls are easier to lay than older girls.
Kinetic, I never said every girl was a hor - I have stated that every hor is a hor - is this so wrong?? Why not call them by their proper name? This is the correct thing to do!! I do not distinguish between 'degrees' of hors! If you want to categorize them then that is your prerogative.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
God (If I may call you that :rolleyes:, I appreciate your scientific approach and in depth analysis. But your premise is off base and thus this makes your whole argument null and void.

I stated that there is NO degrees to hordom - either you are or you are not - it has nothing to do with a ‘continuum’ of horishness or ‘composites’ - your number game is your perspective - there is no such thing as twice the hor because she had twice the number of partners - this is illogical!! A hor is what she is and it has nothing to do with degrees or variables – it is absolute!!

The hor status is an absolute - that was my whole argument in the "Knock it off!!!!" thread! You obviously misunderstood and misinterpreted my whole basis of thought. It (hor label) cannot be 'variable' because if it was then there can never be a definition of a hor because everyone would define a hor differently and chaos and no conclusion will be the result! If it was variable then there would be no such thing as a hor, yet we know that the hor condition exist because we all use the word to define a woman who is sexing a man/men!!

I simply stated,. “If a woman is sexing a man who is not her husband then she is ‘horing’” – simple, very simple!

And yes, every woman I’ve been with was a hor and that makes me a hormonger!!! I am not a hypocrite – my hormongering has nothing to with her being a hor – it is her partaking in the sex act with someone who is not her husband that makes her a hor!! Understtood?

You accuse me of using ‘BIG’ words but I have yet to even use a fraction of my vocabulary – I try to use the language correctly and strive to use the appropriate word to make things clearly understood.

Do you want me to be less intelligent than I am to please the ignorant masses? Why should I lower myself to a lesser degree, why not lift your self to a higher level and seek improvement? I will not dummy down – if you don’t understand something then ask me to clarify but don’t hate because I use the language correctly!

I do not write or think in arrogance so your accusations are unfounded!!!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by Metaphysikal_Lover
This is what I like about you PRL...your always consistant in your beliefs...you make me laugh man.

Keep on keeping it real man.
Player Supreme, reality is all that I know - I do not live in a dream world - I am outside of The matrix!!! I am just trying to unplug others!