I read your post about how you define a hor (from the knock it off!!! thread). ANd I can definitly say you are a crack head, but thats neither here nor there. Lets take a look at some contridictions on yourself that you have made:
you wrote:
if she is a virgin u got my respects - if she aint she is just another ho and your the next in line and probably not the last.
and also
now what better yardstick to measure a woman's character than to look at that which exclusively and unmistakeably makes her a woman ------------ her womb
So basically what you are saying is that a woman becomes a hor when she has sex. You also say it is a bad thing to be with hors.
Well, If you have ever had sex with a woman puertorican lover, then this means the woman was a hor, becuase she had sex (with you). So by your very own definition, she is a hor, and you were with her. SHAME ON YOU YOU HYPOCRITICAL WH0REMONGER!!!! You ***** about how low everyone is becuase they are with hors, but yet you are with hors yourself, what a hypocrit you are. You definitly like to contridict yourself dont you? unless you are a virgin puertorican lover, by your own logic, you need to keep your mouth shut, becuase you cant talk, youve been wh0remongering too.
:::::::OBJECTIVELY, HOR IS CONTINUOUS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
So the act of having sex is the act of being a hor, by your definition. If so, then when a woman has sex her firsttime, she is a hor. But if another woman has had sex 2 times, then she is twice the hor, becuase she did twice the thing that makes a hor. If a woman has had sex 3 times, then she is 3 times a hor, and so on.. This means we can rank women by who is more of a ho, even by your false definition of a hor. And it is a continious thing, like I said before.
Lets look at this from a geometrical perspective shall we? Okay, so we look at a one dimensional numberline. starting from zero on to infinity. each number on this line denotes the number of times the woman has had sex. 0 would mean that she has never had sex. 1 would mean she has had sex once, and so on. zero is the least amount of ho a woman can be, meaning she is not a ho, we can rank who is more of a ho, by measuring their geometrical distance from the point of not being a ho (at zero on the number line). and we can use the geometrical distance formula to measure this: square root of (x1-x2)^2. so if a woman has had sex only once, then she is a distance of 1 unit from zero (not being a ho). If she has had sex 2 times, then she is at a distance of 2 untis from not being a ho. The first girl is geometrically closer to being at zero than the second, this means she is less of a ho than the second girl. A woman's horishenss can be measured by how far she is from being a virgin, obviously, the more times a woman has had sex, the farther from a virgin she is, and the closer she is to "absolute ho" (has had sex infinty times). So hos can be measured in degrees, they are not binary like you say.
Also, you say a womans sexual behavior is a measure of her ethical and moral strngth, obviously some porn star who has banged like 500 men in her life will definitly have less morals in other areas of her life than some woman who has only had sex with one man in her life, so as we can see, the number of times a woman can have sex is continuous, and so is her degree of morals, so then why wouldnt the link between these 2 variables be continouus as well (her being a hor or not? It would make sense to make horishness a continuous variable. This would be a "composite function": # of times a woman has had sex=her degree of horishness=her ethical and moral strength (occording to your screwed definition of hor) and for this to mathematically work out, ***** must be continuous, becuase her ethical and moral strength as you say is indeed a continuous thing, and we cant derive continuous information from a binary variable (ho or not a ho), thats not mathematically possible.
***** is only discrete from a subjective perspective, since it is subjective where you draw the "decision line" of what seperates ho from nonho. Where you place this decision line is a matter of opinion, you placed it beteen zero and one, I might say a woman becomes a ho after having sex 15 times, so I would place the decision line between 15 and 16, but which one of us is right? both of us and neither of us, it is a subjective thing. BUT WHAT WE ARE DEBATING HERE IS ABOUT THE OBJECTIVE TRUTH OF WHAT DEFINES A HOR, AND OBJECTIVELY, HOR IS CONTNUOUS.
And Your definition of ho is a fvcked one: a woman is not a hor just becuase she has had sex, its more complex than that., but that is another debate