Younger coworker LJBF after sex


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2018
Reaction score
Is it possible she just feels like a sloot? That’s why she wants to slow it down? I feel like I’m playing this wrong. But her framing it so firmly FZ sucks, I did it once and came out a LTR winner.

I think she feels like a sloot. I cant help a coworker with that though, too risky

Doug F

Jan 29, 2018
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Recipe for P Pie

Buy or make a pie crust. Add one cup of flour, one cup of sugar, one stick of butter. Add in ashes of 20 burned American flags. Pee at least eight ounces in the pie. Put in oven for 40 minutes at 400 degrees. Add whipped cream and serve.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Is it possible she just feels like a sloot? That’s why she wants to slow it down? I feel like I’m playing this wrong. But her framing it so firmly FZ sucks, I did it once and came out a LTR winner.

I think she feels like a sloot. I cant help a coworker with that though, too risky
Feels like? She is a slut lol. She banged a random then got bored of him and dropped him. That's like the most clear cut definition out there


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
The truth is this:

She gave you some pvssy and you chased like a starving dog. It looked desperate as hell when you "called her out". I am sure that finished you off.

You should have smashed her, waited a few days and pinged her and invited her over again. Instead you went super relationship mode and you ran the chick off.

Why would you waste your time explaining your intentions? Nothing to explain other than getting her over the next time and smashing. Then again and again.

You wanted to get way to invested in this chick from square one. You didnt play your cards correctly and she bounced. Anything she does from here on out will just be mind games with you and you can kiss that pvssy goodbye. She might fvck with your head but she isnt going to fvck you again.

At the first "I'll let you know" she gave me, I would have done just that. It would have been crickets until she "let me know".

You guys are responsible for providing a fun time and escalating for sex. Thats it. Its not your jobs to go on a relationship quest. By doing so makes you look desperate and needy and you will NEVER find a woman with ANY value or self esteem by acting this way.
Mods sticky this. I usually keep my plates around because I fvck like champ but if i only made out with a chick or had drinks this is the story of my DJ life the last couple of years.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Is it possible she just feels like a sloot? That’s why she wants to slow it down? I feel like I’m playing this wrong. But her framing it so firmly FZ sucks, I did it once and came out a LTR winner.

I think she feels like a sloot. I cant help a coworker with that though, too risky
Nah Read the thread of @classguy its All you need to know for your case. Read it 5 times the rest is history.


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2018
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Thanks I appreciate all the insight, I see my mistakes more clearly. I was too affectionate in person, the ending to our third bout of sex while I was sick lost her interest for good


Apr 25, 2016
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I am in a sort of a relationship right now with a woman who I have been talking to for the past month and a half. At no point have I mentioned the word "relationship" or "future" unless she has brought them into conversation.

We have amazing chemistry, the sex is great, good emotional connection and we vibe extremely well. Since the beginning I have made the plans to see her. She shows up, we have a good time and go from there. I lead her physically, but I dont even attempt to lead her emotinally....AT ALL. I just do things that plants emotional hooks and watch her take it.

When she does bring up "talks", I do not withdraw from it. I have went along with it although I try to stay slightly behind her in the emotional talks department. She has a medical doctorate degree, is extremely attractive and great personality. Even though it is a great change to find someone that I feel very strongly about and comfortable with, its not my job to put the cart before the horse and go on the relationship quest with her.

I have watched her emotional connection to me strengthen every time we are together, which has been a lot over the past month. Next week, next month, next year.....however long it lasts, I will still be the man in the relationship and physically lead her and I will follow slightly behind her as she brings up the talks about wanting more.

When I first started seeing her, my phone would be going off from texts and she would say "Is that one of your girlfriends?". I would just smile and say "yeah, but I am a little occupied with your right now so I will get back with them later". Finally after a month she looked at me as my phone is dinging from messages, smiles and says "Tell the b!tch to back off. You're taken".

Typical man would have said "Oh no......I dont have any girlfriends. I just want to be with you". That is not how you should act. You are to draw them closer, through leading them physically but also planting those emotional hooks in them, and watch them compete for your time and make them attempt to tie you down, not the other way around.

Doing things any other way will only run them off. There is no situation with 2 people who meet and fall in love at first sight, get married and live happily ever after again. You can have phenomenal chemistry but you STILL have to make her compete for your time so that she is the one investing slightly more at the end of the day.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
The truth is this:

She gave you some pvssy and you chased like a starving dog. It looked desperate as hell when you "called her out". I am sure that finished you off.

You should have smashed her, waited a few days and pinged her and invited her over again. Instead you went super relationship mode and you ran the chick off.

Why would you waste your time explaining your intentions? Nothing to explain other than getting her over the next time and smashing. Then again and again.

You wanted to get way to invested in this chick from square one. You didnt play your cards correctly and she bounced. Anything she does from here on out will just be mind games with you and you can kiss that pvssy goodbye. She might fvck with your head but she isnt going to fvck you again.

At the first "I'll let you know" she gave me, I would have done just that. It would have been crickets until she "let me know".

You guys are responsible for providing a fun time and escalating for sex. Thats it. Its not your jobs to go on a relationship quest. By doing so makes you look desperate and needy and you will NEVER find a woman with ANY value or self esteem by acting this way.
We nailed this point for 2018.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
She always says her dating live is non existent and boring AF and I believe her. When we first hooked up it was obvious she had a lot pent up to release. That’s why this is all the more devastating, I got ditched for nobody
Dont ever believe there is "nobody". Women always have plenty of orbiters they can turn to.


Don Juan
May 12, 2017
Reaction score
ill try to keep this short, this girl 7 years younger than me that I rarely saw at work put herself in my orbit digitally.
High initial attraction? She was telling her office friends about me. We smashed with Vengeance on second date she made it easy. 1 week later I come over instead of watching a second movie I make out with her we smash ( sex wasn’t as good I was hiding being sick)

Next morning she’s a b!tch, she never initiates contact again. And made sure to tell me how busy she had been when I Pinged her each week. After two weeks I asked her out last minute to somewhere I’m going (she’s busy) I call her out, after two weeks of (busy) Kind of beta I know but I figured best to not drag it out. I just had meanwhile been tagging myself doing fun sh!t without inviting her on FB
I got the “moving too fast” “we should slow it down” LJBF and get this “see where things go from there

I wasted my time explaining my intentions in two long banter texts with her each time saying no to being “just friends without benefits” I told her if she changes her mind let me know Iwant to take a date to said event in two weeks blah blah.

She says she’ll think about it and let me know (every one of our dates she framed as “I’ll let you know”) then forthe third time she says she wants to just be friends and not date. I again explained why that wouldn’t work, “forget about the date for now, let meknow if you change your mind I’d be happy to hear from you maybe we can work something out”

NC has been in effect for 5 days, i did see her at a conference she smiled at me I just stared at her and lookedaway. (I literally couldn’t smile back) I’ve been trying to meet new plates not getting many bites that I’m interested in, only the uglies. I did have a 5.8 following me around last night. I considered... stared right at her. I Got up and left :)

I guess there’s not much else I can do? What should I have done differently? Remember I work with her so...? What do I do if she starts to breadcrumb me in the future?

She is shy and boring but does have lots of guy friends already, I take her for a man eater/trophy hunter but she did hint at us being long term a few times. I never bit. Also she has terrible acne, how the **** did I get rejected lol

Any update on this situation?


Don Juan
May 12, 2017
Reaction score
The truth is this:

She gave you some pvssy and you chased like a starving dog. It looked desperate as hell when you "called her out". I am sure that finished you off.

You should have smashed her, waited a few days and pinged her and invited her over again. Instead you went super relationship mode and you ran the chick off.

Why would you waste your time explaining your intentions? Nothing to explain other than getting her over the next time and smashing. Then again and again.

You wanted to get way to invested in this chick from square one. You didnt play your cards correctly and she bounced. Anything she does from here on out will just be mind games with you and you can kiss that pvssy goodbye. She might fvck with your head but she isnt going to fvck you again.

At the first "I'll let you know" she gave me, I would have done just that. It would have been crickets until she "let me know".

You guys are responsible for providing a fun time and escalating for sex. Thats it. Its not your jobs to go on a relationship quest. By doing so makes you look desperate and needy and you will NEVER find a woman with ANY value or self esteem by acting this way.
This post is true. Though I don't entirely agree that any contact from hereonout will be her just playing games with him. It very well could be, but it doesn't necessarily have to be. He undoubtedly turned her off (whether it was the size of his peen, bad sex, or his neediness. Most likey his neediness.) But, not to give the guy false hopes, the boomerang could come around again with strict no contact on his part. That's a big maybe. It happened to me several years ago when I was a foolish beta. Reading your reply brought back painful memories for me because those are the exact lessons I had to learn from doing something very similar to what OP did. We had no contact for THREE YEARS. And I had only known her for maybe 6 months. We had no contact in those three years, except for her occasionally dropping me a simple greeting. Three years after she kicked me to the curb, she messaged me on facebook (we had different phone numbers) and she was trying to catch up with me. I arranged a get-together and we smashed. We ended up forming into good FWB. She ended up getting into a LTR with some putzy dude but she still keeps her finger in the water with me. And we both know that if we're both single again, we'd be down to pick up from where we left off.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2017
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Don't just listen to what she says. If she let you stick your **** in her pooter she'll likely cave to it again. The legs can still fly apart no matter what her lips say when they fly apart.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Nothing you can do. Probably nothing you did wrong. Other than banging someone you work with.
He did something wrong. When a woman leaves a guy it's always behind something he did wrong i.e. what he said or didn't say, what he did or didn't do. In this case, he chased her like a little puppy when he got the pu$$y instead of ignoring for a few days.

For the record, little sh*t like cheering for Alabama, or wearing purple, or preferring Samsung over iPhone can make a girl run from you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Has feelers for Sloot who put out too fast.

Almost as funny as man getting hit by football.



Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
When a woman leaves a guy it's always behind something he did wrong
You sound like the product of a single mom. Its female logic. Women can do no wrong.

Tell that to the 80% of being divorce raped.

This mindset will come back with a vengeance.


Aug 7, 2018
Reaction score
ill try to keep this short, this girl 7 years younger than me that I rarely saw at work put herself in my orbit digitally.
High initial attraction? She was telling her office friends about me. We smashed with Vengeance on second date she made it easy. 1 week later I come over instead of watching a second movie I make out with her we smash ( sex wasn’t as good I was hiding being sick)

Next morning she’s a b!tch, she never initiates contact again. And made sure to tell me how busy she had been when I Pinged her each week. After two weeks I asked her out last minute to somewhere I’m going (she’s busy) I call her out, after two weeks of (busy) Kind of beta I know but I figured best to not drag it out. I just had meanwhile been tagging myself doing fun sh!t without inviting her on FB
I got the “moving too fast” “we should slow it down” LJBF and get this “see where things go from there

I wasted my time explaining my intentions in two long banter texts with her each time saying no to being “just friends without benefits” I told her if she changes her mind let me know Iwant to take a date to said event in two weeks blah blah.

She says she’ll think about it and let me know (every one of our dates she framed as “I’ll let you know”) then forthe third time she says she wants to just be friends and not date. I again explained why that wouldn’t work, “forget about the date for now, let meknow if you change your mind I’d be happy to hear from you maybe we can work something out”

NC has been in effect for 5 days, i did see her at a conference she smiled at me I just stared at her and lookedaway. (I literally couldn’t smile back) I’ve been trying to meet new plates not getting many bites that I’m interested in, only the uglies. I did have a 5.8 following me around last night. I considered... stared right at her. I Got up and left :)

I guess there’s not much else I can do? What should I have done differently? Remember I work with her so...? What do I do if she starts to breadcrumb me in the future?

She is shy and boring but does have lots of guy friends already, I take her for a man eater/trophy hunter but she did hint at us being long term a few times. I never bit. Also she has terrible acne, how the **** did I get rejected lol
Despite the fact that I discouraged my friends severally about hiring hackers to catch their cheating partners, I resorted to hiring a private investigator during my divorce. My husband hid his affair too well and I had no evidence to prove his infidelity to the court so I went on Craigslist to hire a professional whom I met and told my problem.. His services were topnotch which made working with him very easy, he and his team got me everything I needed within 24 hours and it was amazing, I paid upfront despite my fears but I got results because I currently have my husband’s messages diverted to my phone. James completed the hack without any physical access or installation on my husband’s phone so he never found out until I presented the information in court. I can't hold this to myself so i decided to share his email in case you need his services,


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2017
Reaction score
For all you know she may bed most of the new hires…
She may be the office slut. She framed the situation the way she wanted to, so it’s probable…
She may be treating her work like her personal bang pool. Seen it done before.
Go **** two other girls at the same job. Lol