young women in their 20s dating old men?

big weezy

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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Assuming they're not after them for their money but more to do with daddy issues, what causes a woman in her 20s to go after a man in her 40s?

And is this a major red flag?
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Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
It's very possible that the woman is simply attracted to the man.

Anything that goes against what society dictates is 'proper' doesn't mean that daddy issues are involved.


Nov 4, 2010
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is there a problem here?

big weezy

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
My issue isn't the fact they go for guys in their 40s, fair play to the guys if they can get some young tail and i accept that it's not always the notion that it's for their money.

But there must be some reason why they're going after such older guys than them who could be their dads.. I understand women look for a partner who resembles their father.. but going for one who actually is close to their fathers age seems like it's taking it a bit far.

Where does this stem from?

You dont seem guys shacking up with women close to their mothers age (for a long term relationship i mean)

Surely if they intended to get married her dad would have issues with the fact he is so much older than her.. like how is it she cannot find someone who is a few years older than her max?

Is there something biologically wrong with her or has daddy issues?
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Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
Accomplished man is hot for a woman. Ever seen a young chick with an average 9 to 5 man or a pensioner? No. Accomplished / successful is what they after.

big weezy

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
backseatjuan said:
Accomplished man is hot for a woman. Ever seen a young chick with an average 9 to 5 man or a pensioner? No. Accomplished / successful is what they after.
But there are successful accomplished men in their 30s.. Why is it they're going after men in their 40s and 50s? i.e. more than 20 years older than themselves.
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Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
I've noticed that it happens most often when there is an age discrepancy between the girl's parents. (As in, her father is older than the mother). Especially if the parents are still married; it gives the daughter the idea that "hmm this is ok, my parents did it, it can work".


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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From my experience some of that is indeed Daddy Issues.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
big weezy said:
assuming they're not after them for their money but more to do with daddy issues, what causes a woman in her 20s to go after a man in her 40s?

and is this a major red flag?
Some of it could be daddy issues or looking to try an older wiser in control of himself accomplished man. I know tons of chicks in their twenties and have dated a 26 yo and been flirted with 20s and rarely though a few times younger. When you start meeting tons of chicks through either social circles or in my case a second part time job selling womens shoes and dont come off like a pervert but confident and look younger than your age, you might be able to date some of them. Now when chicks jaws drop and never believe your real age thats either a one handed compliment or a possible green light to letting you know they'd date you. Problem is the interests and nonsense. Plus knowing many people will talk and gladly keep tossing your age out for gossip should you hook up. What about chicks parents too? Sometimes the age difference even if legal is too much. I know of one that has dated older dudes but not many 20's would. Too many options their age.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Because among other things a man of 40-50 years of age is virile while women of that age are not. Men are always attracted to youthful women. Getting older doesn't change that. It's biology and makes sense that women would be attracted to a man who is older.

Generally though most girls in their early 20's won't date a man who's much more than 7-8 years older. It's a big hurdle for a guy over 30 to attract younger women. (Feminist) Society is a bigger obstacle than nature. Notice that older women dating younger men are considered cougars (Such a noble animal just doing what's natural ) yet older men are creepers. There's nothing creepier than the former. Society has it completely twisted.

Usually these women are dating older guys for money and to raise their socioeconomic status. Trading essentially pvssy for resources seems hardwired in females' brains.
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Naughty Ninja said:
a second part time job selling womens shoes
So why do you want this job, you seem overqualified?

To bang wom--- improve my customer service skills

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
BeginningDJ said:
So why do you want this job, you seem overqualified?

To bang wom--- improve my customer service skills
Extra play money. Meeting tons of chicks all ages without spending money. Meet new people in general. Hell ive met so many chicks there i never needed to bother meeting the lunatics on pof. You think only 20 yo's have olds have money let alone money to buy 300 to 500 dollar shoes? Good cardio as on weekends you are moving constantly all day plus working out and looking good in a suit looking young keeping in style. Getting the hottest new clothes cheap as hell. Its full of WIN.


Naughty Ninja said:
Extra play money. Meeting tons of chicks all ages without spending money. Meet new people in general. Hell ive met so many chicks there i never needed to bother meeting the lunatics on pof. You think only 20 yo's have olds have money let alone money to buy 300 to 500 dollar shoes? Good cardio as on weekends you are moving constantly all day plus working out and looking good in a suit looking young keeping in style. Getting the hottest new clothes cheap as hell. Its full of WIN.
It's a fantastic idea. I'm looking for weekend work in a salon, high class department stores are non-existent where I live.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
BeginningDJ said:
It's a fantastic idea. I'm looking for weekend work in a salon, high class department stores are non-existent where I live.
That sucks. Department stores especially are a gold mine for meeting chicks if you get a job there if you have any confidence issues you simply have to drop them and do your "job". I know a few younger dudes as well as myself have gotten several numbers dated and met regulars friends. Fvck clubs or bars. Chicks come to you and you get paid for it. WINNING!

And the store i work in employs loads of hotties on a regular basis. They all know me. Lol. You also get to see first hand women have no friggin idea what they want. They buy and return sh!t like crazy everyday.

drift king

Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
Some of it could be daddy issues or looking to try an older wiser in control of himself accomplished man. I know tons of chicks in their twenties and have dated a 26 yo and been flirted with 20s and rarely though a few times younger. When you start meeting tons of chicks through either social circles or in my case a second part time job selling womens shoes and dont come off like a pervert but confident and look younger than your age, you might be able to date some of them. Now when chicks jaws drop and never believe your real age thats either a one handed compliment or a possible green light to letting you know they'd date you. Problem is the interests and nonsense. Plus knowing many people will talk and gladly keep tossing your age out for gossip should you hook up. What about chicks parents too? Sometimes the age difference even if legal is too much. I know of one that has dated older dudes but not many 20's would. Too many options their age.
dont you feel creepy hitting on women half your age in their 20s? like you're old enough to be their dad.

no disrespect or offence. i just cant imagine myself creeping on 20+ year old women when i'm in my 40s regardless of how young i look. even at 30 i feel going for anyone under 21 as just wrong.

big weezy

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Stagger Lee said:
Because among other things a man of 40-50 years of age is virile while women of that age are not. Men are always attracted to youthful women. Getting older doesn't change that. It's biology and makes sense that women would be attracted to a man who is older.

Generally though most girls in their early 20's won't date a man who's much more than 7-8 years older. It's a big hurdle for a guy over 30 to attract younger women. (Feminist) Society is a bigger obstacle than nature. Notice that older women dating younger men are considered cougars (Such a noble animal just doing what's natural ) yet older men are creepers. There's nothing creepier than the former. Society has it completely twisted.

Usually these women are dating older guys for money and to raise their socioeconomic status. Trading essentially pvssy for resources seems hardwired in females' brains.
This i understand. Your first paragraph but why specifically guys in their 40s-50s (assuming it's not about money) i.e. old enough to clearly be their dad as oppose to well to do late 30s men? There must be some daddy issue involved?

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
drift king said:
dont you feel creepy hitting on women half your age in their 20s? like you're old enough to be their dad.

no disrespect or offence. i just cant imagine myself creeping on 20+ year old women when i'm in my 40s regardless of how young i look. even at 30 i feel going for anyone under 21 as just wrong.
Meeting them due to work isnt hitting on them. Though i have had a few hit on me. Youngest id date would be maybe 25 depending on if she had her head screwed on straight.