joekerr31 said:
this is another thing i've noticed about these women... they seem to travel a lot.
when i was 25 (which isn't all that long ago), people had traveled but not that much.
these 'kids' seem to be going to some unique place every year and then spend the rest of the year talking about their travel to bangkok or some other 'interesting' place.
and its almost like they see travelling as some form of accomplishment. I mean, anyone can get on a plane and book in to a hotel - it doesn't make you special because you went to bangkok.
and yet in their mind it's almost like they are somehow better because they've been somewhere others havent.
and i 100% agree with the earlier comment of these chics seeing themselves as almost 'amature internet stars' as a result of facebook. constantly taking photos of themselves and trying to impress others who are watching them on the internet.
we've created quite the vapid generation.
Yes...yes we have.
This is the result of a society that has told their children that they are all "beautiful little butterflies" and that everything they do is wonderful and fascinating and noteworthy.
Men eventually outgrow it...well, most do to some extent, when society starts telling them that they're not kids any more and starts focusing on what they've DONE.
Women...they are baby-dolls all their lives. Everyone wants to see what they're doing every minute of their lives, regardless of how "interesting" it is.
A lot of this is due to the glorification of the female sexuality through pornography. Remember, in our parents' generation, buying "porn" was an embarassing proposition. You had to either ask the guy to give you a dirty mag from one side of the counter, or if you wanted video, you had to go to one of "THOSE places".
Now you can just log on to any computer and there it is. And RIDICULOUS fetish crap too. Not even SEXUAL stuff. I messed around with a girl once who ran a website that showed pictures of women getting their cars stuck in the mud. Not even naked...just women getting stuck. And dudes paid money to jerk it to this!
That's just it these days...women are adored JUST FOR EXISTING. They are pedestalled from day one as kids and as they mature, they blossom sexually and CONTINUE to be pedstalled by men who will pay money just for a GLIMPSE of "what she's doing".
It's like they believe it's their purpose in life to entertain sappy men. They post some picture on their FaceBook of them partying and wait for the comments. Not just from their friends, but from all the gay dudes who, instead of being out climbing mountains and building bridges, are hanging out on FaceBook posting comments like, "Looking good, girl!" 500 "friends" and she doesn't know 400 of them. But they feed her with attention and validate her pathetic existence.
They used to "hit the wall" at about 35, when they started getting old and their looks started to fade a little. Now we have MILFs and G-MILFs and all this other nonsense. See...even if she's married and has kids, she can parade herself in front of the camera and be "sexy" and her husband, sappy POS that he is, just lets her do it and eats it up. "Oh baby, you're so hot. I'm so lucky to have you". Then she gets divorced because she was cheating on him and all of a sudden she's adored for being a "strong single mother". What has she done to earn this praise? Made a mistake, married the wrong dude, brought a kid into the world, then gave that kid a broken home, and society LOVES her. Men call her a MILF, women praise her "strength". Pics go up on the damn FaceBook and comments about how much "I love my baby" and she's a goddam hero.
These women grew up watching women like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton as they got out of their limos and the world watched. "What's she doing now? OMG!!"
Why was Paris Hilton a star, anyway? Anyone remember? Oh yeah, some dumb night-vision BJ video. She was a sexual train-wreck ready to happen.
Here's the interesting paradox. The media had found someone that suddenly garnered a lot of interest from both men AND women. BUT because of the FCC, they couldn't put much focus on WHY she was interesting. (mainly because she was a spoiled rich girl who loved to f*ck) So they glorified her in celebrity culture for NO GOOD REASON. Everyone from our generation knew why she got attention, but the media did its best to make us FORGET that and instead propped people like her up as "wonderful" for NO REASON.
So it wasn't Paris Hilton, but the glam media fabrication surrounding her, the "straw-man Paris", that became the role-model for a generation of young women. It became their ultimate goal to "be watched by the world for any and no reason".
And then came MySpace and FaceBook. Suddenly, they had their own personal online media outlet, where all they needed was a 5-megapixel camera and suddenly they could ALL be starlets-for-nothing.
And why don't women grow out of this and become "interesting"? Because for some reason, people insist on reinforcing that they ARE "interesting", even when they're not. Men insist on acting as though they're "interested" in what women do because they think it'll give them a better chance of getting in her pants. (it won't) But they can't "make a move", because that would be "dirty". So they just sit and dote aimlessly hoping one day they'll get a glimpse of (.)(.) to satisfy their vapid lives. And other women...they measure each other's success in terms of the aesthetic value and variety of pictures on their FaceBook pages. Thus the desire to travel and get as many pics in as many countries in as many bars with as many random dudes as possible.
A rich tapestry of bullsh*t.
The problem is that no one has the balls any more to tell the empresses that they have no clothes.
This is what's been propped up by an entire generation that was fed garbage by the media and the entertainment industries and doesn't have the sense to throw it back up and get real.