Seriously, I don't know how a lot of guys do it. The jobs out there are stupid low wage, yet purchasing food, clothing (not so much - can be had cheap still), and shelter (insane rise in 5 years alone) has doubled or tripled. What I made in my 20s 15 to 20 Years ago is 1/6 technically what I make now (have been making for a decade now in 30s/40s). I could barely afford fuel from 20 through 30. I left home at 19 to get an apartment, came back home at 21 (mom divorced dad and I went back to live with him after I decided to go back to college 2 more years to complete), then left 'home' at 26. It was a lot of wasted years living at my dad's. He had pvssy coming in the house all the time though. Women and women's daughters my age. They were kinda trash. WE were kinda trash haha. I was working for temp agencies trying to get traction with my degree, but the last stint I'd had hopes to get hired and they passed over me for a warthog dumb b!tch who was blowing the manager and a foreign affirmative action hire. After that, I quit that last attempt at going permanent in my home town (so tired of living there, the people, the weather, the Slowness), so I packed up my bags and shot 1000 miles away, a 'do or die' burning the bridge behind me to force me to fight the war ahead (no help). I struggled for 2 years in unknown territory, then I made it happen getting REAL serious like a mission LASER focus and determination. It was an unabridged forward-moving. A leave-no-stone-left-unturned like swarzenegger's speech.
I think if I'd stayed where I was born n' raised I would never have broke out. Whenever I go back to visit, the climate makes me tired or unmotivated. I can't stand humidity. One of my dad's best friend during those years used to say, "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained..." He had a hot daughter too, but she was definitely not interested in me. She'd met my dad, but when she met me she was like, "eh, no thanks." ALL women liked my dad. He (his ashes still at my brother's house right this moment) looked like Nick Nolte spittin image except could probably have beaten his as5 10x over.