Young men are becoming more alpha or beta?


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Then how about some definitions?

ALPHA indicates leadership. It's not "confidence" or "social skills." If you have ten dudes, only ONE can be THE alpha. If you have a hundred dudes, maybe a few are "alpha." ALPHA, of course, comes from the Greek ALPHAbet (alpha beta) where ALPHA is FIRST and BETA comes after alpha.
While I agree that alpha ultimately means leadership, confidence and social skills are byproducts of leadership (because good leaders are successful and you cannot be successful without confidence and social skills, unless you live in a primitive society where the only thing that counts is brute force).

To avoid the awkward alpha/beta dichotomy, the question that should be asked is whether young men today are more confident and strong-willed compared to the past eras. By all objective measures, the answer is no.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Thing with "alpha" these days is that women flip the "jealousy card" on you if you want to stand up to her, so you get fuhcked anyway. I still think you gotta draw a line with all the guy friends and exes etc, but you gotta do it when she is in love with you, you have to be in such a good position that she cant say no. Ofc if the woman is at a diva level nothing might work unless you are a movie star, which makes me only want to **** those kind a girls, not get into a relationship with them.

Also guys, I have said this before but I will say it again: If you dont like the social network of your woman, make her move to another city with you, or abroad if you can :)
Hell, even if you are a movie star... Doesn't matter.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2009
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I created an account to test this idea. I posted as a female complaining about her boyfriend being upset that she was moving in with her ex so they could make their carpool arrangement more efficient. Half the dudes who replied said something like this, "I'm so sorry your bf is just jealous and doesn't trust you". A lot of the women said something like this, "I had a bf like that. Key word is HAD. Some people don't understand that people aren't property". My account was deleted for "flaming other members", whatever that means..
I think experiment was brilliant! I laughed so much when I read their response. I think you answered your own question,

I'll add by stating I was in one of the largest malls in US last month on a Sunday evening, heading to a restaurant when I see a young couple in their 20's. The girl is short and OK looking, the male tall and wearing a black sweatshirt that had huge lettering: "Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.". I almost canceled dinner and wanted to set the guy straight. I just kept shaking my head, knowing that in 10 to 15 years, this poor guy will get his wakeup call.

So, I vote more beta!