Young man.... learn or pay the big price


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2004
Reaction score
I had it all.... I have a smoking job paying smoking cake.... house, boat, cars, skiing trip to Colorado and Tahoe..... A wife that was 11 years younger than me... a "good christain girl" I met her in church, she claimed she was a virgin and was going to be so until her wedding night..... She was drop dead gorgeous too...

Yes, I had it all..... problem is, I had zero clue as to why she picked me. She fell hard and a little over 13 years ago a 32 year old man married a stunning green eyed 21 year old girl..... The real problem is that I was a big time AFC I had no clue how keep her....

a year ago, my closest buddy, a (so called) best friend of 20 years was busy sucking her into an affair.... Fortunately I had enough nads to not buy her bullshyt that "we weren't having sex" Really? So why spend a weekend in a hotel room with him in Chicago..... beyond all of that she tried (quite unsuccessfully) to sell me that since they "werent having sex" that it wasnt a big deal... yeah right... lol

Out of my pain I vowed that I would learn.... I would learn why it happened... I would never repeat those mistakes ever again. What I discovered truly shocked me.... this novel concept that women love men with backbone.... who are a challenge... who stand up and LEAD....

In my short time since joining this site Ive learned much and I know that I have oh so much more to learn... Women get excited when a MAN arrives.... when you bust on them.... they are like... whoa, no man has ever talked like that to me... There is a BIG difference in being rude and busting on them when you are teasing them...It knocks them off there game... they simply are used to men being a pointless game....

BE FUN.... RELAX its ONLY A WOMAN for gods sake! You are starting to have fun when a woman shows off her new neckcar socks (they did look good on her) and you come back with... yeah, but did you get the matching panties to go with the socks?

And her male friend (guy HAD GAME) laughed and said "even I dont have balls that big"

Know what? She answered me and said No... tommorrow is laundry day... I have a yellow bra on with pink panties... so nothing matches.... Got her number... when she dropped me off at my house (we all drove in one car to the bar) I was going to say something to her but she stopped me with SEVERAL long deep kisses....

Got to tell you.... being a RAFC on my way to a DJ is a LOT more fun than being a clueless AFC....

I swear women can sense it and they almost instantly know when a real man has arrived... BOOOOO YAH!

So, guys.... learn, lead and be a man... or be prepared to have your woman tell you.... "I havent been perfectly honest with you Rob. I have feelings for him..."

Even the slowest AFC knows what those dreaded words mean.



Don Juan
Feb 18, 2004
Reaction score
I just read that and realized that my meeting with this new HB8 didnt make much sense.

I had my kids this weekend and the ex dropped by to pick them up around 5. So, by 7 Im like time to go out and have a brewski. I went to my usual spot and when I enter I see this HB8 and her HB4 friend. Im making some casual EC with her next thing I know... they come around to my side of the bar to shoot some darts....

HB8 is shooting and Im busting on her game after a bit cause she is getting beat by the HB4 We exchange a few quips and she comes right by me to order another round of drinks for her and her friend. I say whats your name? She tells me and its a unique name... I ask her... whats the story behind the name.... her:blah, blah blah.... Then I find out its her freinds birthday Im like Happy birthday to her friend....

Memo: Its probably a real good idea to make freinds with her since I want an advocate, not an advesary. They finish and I say lets all 3 play.... She tells me My friend is coming down.... He is a good kid (22) who HAS GAME. One of those rare men who just gets it.... So dude is like Rob, you going to come with us? Answer that Im not sure what Im doing... like I dont care one way or the other. He's like you should come... Im like well Ill see....
Anway after lots of Kino with the HB8 I decide what the we all go back to my place to park cars and all go in 1 vehicle.

Testing, testing and more testing.... Guys if they like ya, THEY TEST YA

I knew this girl liked me... so where is the test... ahhhh testing....

We get to the next bar and they are spinning tunes and chicks are dancing and what not... So HB8 and I start dancing... its all good then she just ups and walks off the dance floor... so In my mind Im like Ok, so now we are done dancing.... lol A 3rd chick they all know shows up... a HB7

So the one im targeting is dancing with these white guys that are dressed like and acting like ghetto bro's....( dont get that look or act at all sorry) In my mind Im like wtf? Shes like grinding and all... so I grab the hb7 and dance with her having a good time... hb7 is all up in my grill grinding ect... I know hb8 can see this but I dont care. lol
anway at the end of the night I get HB7;s number just for experience.... and I decide its time to go home so I walk up to hb8 grab her arm and say Come on were leaving.... I am driving and we get to my place with a truck full of people its 2am Im tired and time to go to bed.... being in your mid 40 sucks like that...

So she gets out to take my place as driver... and Im about to say something and she is ALL over me like white on rice... nice slow deep kiss... I try to say something else another kiss.... I dont know how long we were doing that as I was pretty buzzed... but she finally gets in the drivers seat and Im all over her... one of those times you wish it wasnt so late and you were a bit more sober... Oh well...

Ill go out again with her... good, REALLY good kisser....

my own motto... girl has to be able to kiss and if she cant dance... she probably sucks in bed...


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2003
Reaction score
tha 'sota's
F*uck That.....

"my own motto... girl has to be able to kiss and if she cant dance... she probably sucks in bed..."

I've been with plenty of chicks that could dance like J-Lo and were dead fish in bed, and I've been with plenty of chicks that couldn't dance but could f*ck like Janna Jamison.


oh yeah, was that the whole point of your


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
California, USA
nice story bro! good job! gettin her jealous is a great way to go isnt it? gahh i need a fake id or somethin so i can go clubbin!