Young American Indian girl is currently at high interest level in me, business.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I've been clued in from her co-workers, my co-worker, etc that this girl about 22ish (doctor's assistant) keeps talking about me, asking my co-worker where I'm at etc. Well, today I ran into her again, and she is nervous but confident and more talkative with me around. The problem is that I can't ask her out with all her co-workers evesdropping. They all know the story. They all watch with anticipation. I kind of ignored her today, and she may be losing interest because I didn't make a move in front of her people, no less.

Her boss is real friendly to me, so I don't think that they would complain if I was bold and asked her out. I smiled at her upon my second encounter with her today, and of course, that knocked her dead. It's a million dollar, open-up-a-can-of-stfu smile, that can't be mistaken for anything other than total confidence.

Joe Stud

Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Upstate NY
slip her a note, "call me after work @ 123-4567 ... we are going to play miniature golf fri or sat nite. no excuses!"
Love, Poon ;O


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
dude people always think asking out is: "hey would you like to go out sometime and do this o this date???" thats stupid. who cares what the other people think, you guys both have interest in each other. just say something like "what are you doin this weekend?" her: "not sure yet" you: "im doing this, you shouldcome with me." her: "that sounds fun!" me: "here lets trade #'s and ill give you more details after work"

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
This is bizarre. I've NEVER had a girl be so flat-out unequivocally B o l d. She asks me how old I am, do I live in town, and on and on and on. She'll start with, "I have a question" but it turns into 3 or 4. AND there are not only her co-workers around, but customers/patients as well. It just seems real odd, that she would be SOOOO assertive. It's as if she's desperate with the little time she has with me while I'm at her place of business. I would think that MOST girls would Never embarrass themselves by showing absolute direct interest in a guy. She obviously doesn't fear getting fired. I know she sees $$, but she is also, just fvckin infatuated with me.

I've Never had one This forward. What gives?

Is it because I'm white, with a tinge of Indian in me?

Why is she almost in tears when I'm around her? She wants me BAD.

I'm acting like a b!tch by pushing her away. I'll answer her questions, but I really don't have time to mess around during the day.

I've never had a girl jump all over me like this. Am I being set up??

This sh!t has happened in High school where a girl will ask my friends to tell me to call her etc etc, but THIS one, she's just possessive.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Today she got me alone away from her co-workers. She straight up said that since I'm not going to ask for her number, what's mine? She says, "I think you're really cute." She says she's 21. I told her that I don't give out my number, that it doesn't work like that, that I should be asking for her number and calling HER, and she asks me to ask for her number, and I say I will later, and that I'm in a transitional period right now, and that I'll ask for her number later. Before this, she asked, "So are you Rejecting me????" to which I say I'm not, just that I'll ask for her number later if I see her again, I gotta go. She probably discusses this with all her friends too, and is asking them what to say/do.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
Poonani Maker said:
Today she got me alone away from her co-workers. She straight up said that since I'm not going to ask for her number, what's mine? She says, "I think you're really cute." She says she's 21. I told her that I don't give out my number, that it doesn't work like that, that I should be asking for her number and calling HER, and she asks me to ask for her number, and I say I will later, and that I'm in a transitional period right now, and that I'll ask for her number later. Before this, she asked, "So are you Rejecting me????" to which I say I'm not, just that I'll ask for her number later if I see her again, I gotta go. She probably discusses this with all her friends too, and is asking them what to say/do.
What is your problem? Are you interested in her, or not?

If so, just give her your number and get hers. Why over complicate things? It sounds like she set you up to be able to ask you out/vice-versa, and you blew it.

But on the bright side, it sounds like her IL is high enough that you will get another opportunity to redeem yourself.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
seagull said:
What is your problem? Are you interested in her, or not?

If so, just give her your number and get hers. Why over complicate things? It sounds like she set you up to be able to ask you out/vice-versa, and you blew it.

But on the bright side, it sounds like her IL is high enough that you will get another opportunity to redeem yourself.
Seagull, I've read through a TON of sosuave posts, e-books, videos, audios, and Pook, Anit-Dump etc said to NEVER give out your number, because they hardly ever call (although no doubt this one Will call), and because she won't respect you for not being man enough to ask for her number. This one eye-fvcks my d!ck almost every time I see her. She's not ashamed, and aggressive. She must have a lot of testosterone, B-cup, thin smooth silky arms, long fingers. I've never had one This interested, without me saying or doing anything to warrant her overt interest. I DO wear phermones but no cologne of late. Maybe that set her off??

I think it takes a certain combination to trigger this sh!t.

She probably thinks I'm an assh0le, jerk, arrogant, egotistical, bastard, but so be it.

I've also read in Anti-Dump's posts that a woman who gives you her number without asking, has got self-conscious insecurity problems, can be a little deranged or really only has low interest in you (we know that's not the case with this one). Anti-Dump says that even if this girl who gives you her number or asks for Yours is a "good" girl, you must move carefully with these ones, just to be on the safe side and not waste your time in dating.

I should just forget this one, right? I basically shot her down this afternoon. At least she interpreted it this way. I told her that I would call later. She asked me why I had to leave so fast. Why I couldn't just keep talking with her. Well, I had more work to do.


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the pl
For ****sake man... you don't have to hang on every word of advice you've read be it pook AD or anyone else...

Do you want to see this girl. Yes or no.
Yes then do it.
No then don't.

It's not rocket science for christ sake.

Go on a date? Liked it? Do it again.

Didn't, then don't.

Ninety nine percent of advice is bull**** anyways... Take what you can use toss the rest.

If you follow every piece of contradicting unnatural piece of advice you'll be baitin for the rest of your life... have fun with that.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I DO want to see this in-shape 21 year old, about 5'9" but, not right now. I have to find another place to move to. Finding a decent place to rent is murder where I live. They're either all snapped up or whatever place I find, the owner is untrustworthy, and lies to my face, and I end up just saying, "Awwww fvck it, I'm not rentin from you!" My patience is getting Very thin with these owners out there, and just shady or lying muther fvckers right now. More than half the people on this planet should be nuked. Start over. There's so many sh!theads in the world today.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Poonani Maker said:
Seagull, I've read through a TON of sosuave posts, e-books, videos, audios, and Pook, Anit-Dump etc said to NEVER give out your number, because they hardly ever call (although no doubt this one Will call), and because she won't respect you for not being man enough to ask for her number. This one eye-fvcks my d!ck almost every time I see her. She's not ashamed, and aggressive. She must have a lot of testosterone, B-cup, thin smooth silky arms, long fingers. I've never had one This interested, without me saying or doing anything to warrant her overt interest. I DO wear phermones but no cologne of late. Maybe that set her off??

I think it takes a certain combination to trigger this sh!t.

She probably thinks I'm an assh0le, jerk, arrogant, egotistical, bastard, but so be it.

I've also read in Anti-Dump's posts that a woman who gives you her number without asking, has got self-conscious insecurity problems, can be a little deranged or really only has low interest in you (we know that's not the case with this one). Anti-Dump says that even if this girl who gives you her number or asks for Yours is a "good" girl, you must move carefully with these ones, just to be on the safe side and not waste your time in dating.

I should just forget this one, right? I basically shot her down this afternoon. At least she interpreted it this way. I told her that I would call later. She asked me why I had to leave so fast. Why I couldn't just keep talking with her. Well, I had more work to do.
Dude, when a girl asks me for my number I say "okay" and then when she types it in I say "text me right now so that I have yours".

This is the equivalent of YOU getting HER number so that YOU can call HER.

It's assumed that you will be the one doing the calling, with the exception that you know the girl's interest level is already pretty high.


Why over-complicate things.....

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
46and2aheadofme said:
Dude, when a girl asks me for my number I say "okay" and then when she types it in I say "text me right now so that I have yours".

This is the equivalent of YOU getting HER number so that YOU can call HER.

It's assumed that you will be the one doing the calling, with the exception that you know the girl's interest level is already pretty high.


Why over-complicate things.....
Because, I don't want to see her right now. While her interest level is baloon-boy high, mine is moderate. She's sweet in that she said, "I'm nervous" before she asked for my #. It was definitely cute of her. She needs to learn patience. I told her that I'd ask her later, if I see her later.


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
lol what the hell

Are you retarded or something?

I think you've been reading too much pickup material.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I don't want her calling me, now. Maybe in a couple of weeks or a month.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
:facepalm: Dude,just go get the girls number and ask her out. Fvcking overthinking to the max. Christchurch!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2009
Reaction score
BC Vancouver
Why don't you just log the **** off and get her already. Seriously.

If you've read the DJ Bible that's all you need.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
If I get moved into a new place by the end of this week or next week, I will contact her. No sense in having her number until then. I will speak with my co-worker tomorrow and see what she's been saying about my "rejection" of her, even though I told her that I'm not rejecting her, yet.

I have boxes all up in my f-in apartment dude. Though she may not even care what my place looks like. She wants to fvck me this I know.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Poonani Maker said:
- in-shape 21 year old, about 5'9"
- she asks me how old I am, do I live in town, and on and on and on.
- she would be SOOOO assertive.
- she is also, just fvckin infatuated with me.
- she wants me BAD.
- I've never had a girl jump all over me like this.
- I don't want to see her right now
- She needs to learn patience
- I told her that I'd ask her later, if I see her later.
Absolutely nothing wrong with your ego, but your logic is taking a good beating.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Jees, you don't want her now, pass her over. You can have sloppy seconds