ego investments, overcompensating, fake it till you make it.zekko said:Lol, if some guys here are as good looking as they claim, with personalities with no possible room for improvement, why are they on this site? They should be drowning in women.
1)from 1-10 what would you call yourselve looks wise?
I'm a 6 physically.
2) 1-10 personality wise?
Probably a 7-8 game wise. I tend to come off as a nice guy good friend to chicks I'm not interested in and as the man when I put my game face on for targets.
3)if you are/were an afc why do you think that is(parents,first girl,other)
Fear. I saw others with game, I grew up in the church, devote with a fear of hell and also a fear the consequences of sex. My mother made sure I knew all about STDs and pregnancy at a young age and how it could destroy my life.
4) do you get jealous easily?do you let it show?
Not anymore. When I was younger I used to get into fights.
5) what is the worst reaction/rejection you ever had from a girl?
Walked up to a chic, and she announced to the club, why is THIS guy trying to talk TO ME?
6) what is the best reaction you ever got from a girl(on the spot)
Makeout, *******, sex at my house - 2hours from meeting her.
7) have you ever been cheated on. what did/would you do?
Every single serious relationship until I really stepped my game up. Usually drink the pain away, go bang some sluts. You can't pretend to be a player and then go chump afterwards.
8) have/would you ever cheated on a girl you were/are in a relationship with.
Yes. But I would be discreet.
9) do you get on socialy with alot of your female relatives (sisters,cousins)
Yah, I can be a social butterfly at times, me and my lesbian cousin bump heads alot at family gatherings though. She got an ego and a chip on her shoulder and tries to insult everyone while at the same time begging for money.
10)have you been in a relationship with an alpha female or hb10 how did that work.
I wouldn't say relationship, but I've one nighted a couple of 9s and one 10. Preselection + Alcohol = win I knew when it happened that it would be a one off, didn't have the game or looks to keep em.
The first step to improving is to understand exactly where you are. I can't improve my face, but I can improve my body and my finances and how I dress. I can improve my personality by meditation, deep reflection and changing my behavior. Good post