Master Don Juan
I don't mean get a boob job and start wearing a dress. But rather, have you noticed that most girls seem to talk out of their @$$? They will say one thing then do the complete opposite. This is one thing I noticed about my buddy of mine who is a complete natural. He will say the most fvcked up and rudest sh!t to a girl. He makes it seem like every girl has no chance with him, that he's better than them and that they should stop wasting their time. (Kind of sounds familiar right?) How does he get away with it? His eyes. With his mouth he is saying "fvck you" but with his eyes he's really saying "I want to fvck you." and any girl with half a brain will pick up on it. I've seen him be completely rude to hottest of chicks and yet they still act so flirty towards him, because they know deep down that he is sexually attracted to them and he puts it out there. Throw some funny into the mix and you've got a recipe for a steamy night. I guess all I'm trying to say is, take advantage of body language. Your mouth could be saying one thing while your body is saying the complete opposite. This is the story of a guy who has complete control of what his body is saying at all times.