By nature, I'm philosophical. I seek a deeper to many things. I seek to understand, and to a larger extent I can be analytical. And there are times when I'm in an efficient state that leverages my personality to fantastic success. This is something I work on with NLP and Hypnosis, not for women directly, but for me.
Perhaps the biggest motivators to just DO SOMETHING are:
This is your life and it is ending one second at a time.
Stop living half alive.
If you're truly not doing what you want, change it.
If you desire to do a certain sport, do it.
If you want a ripped body, get it.
If you desire wealth, study business, marketing, sales, and investing.
You have one shot.
You have 25 summers left, or in my case, maybe 60 summers, 60 winters, 60 falls, and 60 springs. How do I want to remember each of those?
You can only be 18 on September 2nd once in your life time, how do you want to remember it?
Each moment has only one chance. Yes, patient and perseverance must be practiced in such a magnitude that you believe OVER time you will achieve your goals and all you desire. However, unless you're valuing each moment and taking advantage of each opportunity, then patience and perseverance mean nothing.
How so?
For instance...
When practicing patience in perseverance in your everyday lives, realize that means when you're approaching many girls, like 50/month, you will find the one you desire, be it a ONS, a relationship, FWB, etc. However, you are not practicing patient or perseverance when you WAIT for girls to meet you, WAIT for opportunities to be handed to you, or WAIT for things to get better.
In sales, one must practice patience and perseverance because it is understood that predefined number of people WON'T buy, WON'T do business, and WILL say NO. With that in mind, you simply need to have enough productivity and efficiency to make things happen, to meet goals, and to make your desired income.
Do you know why we need 'motivators'? Because our framing on life is improper and we have no goals, or the goals we have have been told to us by negative people that they are not possible. PISH POSH.
My brother was told he couldn't EVEN own a guitar, now he's on track to be a professional musician years later, teaches, and generates most of his income from music. People will judge as you are NOW, with no credit for your dreams. So you must make your dreams a REALITY to you TODAY, show them what you desire to become, and they will accept you as you want to be accepted.
What I am saying is...I will be 24 tomorrow, September 2nd, that is my only day in my life of the month September on the 2nd day of 2004 to enjoy THAT day. Sure more DAYS will come, but at this point in life, I only have THAT day. Events will align, opportunities will arise, and I'll be challenged to accept or reject what comes through to me. I'll be challenged to socialize with a person who may bring me closer to a desired goal, or be an introvert and mind my own business. I'll be challenged by a lovely dime crossing my life path at the moment, whether to approach and worry about the infinite possibilities OR experience in my life SOMETHING. ANYTHING.
Doing and feeling are the primary ways we partake in life. Doing allows us to feel and in turn generate responses. Obviously DOING sex makes us FEEL great things, hence the snowball effect that rapidly leads to wanting more. And, conversely, touching a hot stove (DOING) results in a searing pain that we don't want to FEEL. By doing you can reroute your life's ship.
So realize as great as the knowledge all around us is...that you shouldn't be 1/2 alive. You shouldn't wake despising everything. Tie this in with my previous post on "Why Life isn't Fair."
Realize that life isn't meant to be fair...and you don't have many moments to determine the fairness of something. You have only this one moment and the CHOICE to CHOOSE your path. If you accept we all have unequal situations and that through doing we can balance out ourselves and our odds of survival, you'll get there. Slowly but surely.
How's this tie in with what you read through this place? understanding life isn't fair, and that September 2nd of 2004 is the only day you'll be THAT age...let's say a beautiful 'baby' (honey) walks your way. You could try to process every pick up line, mindset, alpha signal, beta signal, C&F post you recall...OR...
Think...I'm 18, it's September 2nd, and this is my only day of being 18. So I'm going to make the most this day. I'll say HI to her. No fancy lines, just hi as a person. That's very no effacing. Gee, has nice shoes, or I recognize her bag, or I like what she's ordering. Maybe I'll have that. Get the introduction done, get a feel for how warm she is, and just ENJOY the moment. No supposition of what she could be, GF, FWB, etc. Heck, she could be a psycho with AIDs dressed up. Ya never know. Point is. She's a person like you, this is your day, your life, your moment. If she's go away, then go away, or laugh. Move on, there will be another girl. BUT AT LEAST YOU TOOK A SHOT. You can't make a shot you don't take.
Good luck, boys.
Perhaps the biggest motivators to just DO SOMETHING are:
This is your life and it is ending one second at a time.
Stop living half alive.
If you're truly not doing what you want, change it.
If you desire to do a certain sport, do it.
If you want a ripped body, get it.
If you desire wealth, study business, marketing, sales, and investing.
You have one shot.
You have 25 summers left, or in my case, maybe 60 summers, 60 winters, 60 falls, and 60 springs. How do I want to remember each of those?
You can only be 18 on September 2nd once in your life time, how do you want to remember it?
Each moment has only one chance. Yes, patient and perseverance must be practiced in such a magnitude that you believe OVER time you will achieve your goals and all you desire. However, unless you're valuing each moment and taking advantage of each opportunity, then patience and perseverance mean nothing.
How so?
For instance...
When practicing patience in perseverance in your everyday lives, realize that means when you're approaching many girls, like 50/month, you will find the one you desire, be it a ONS, a relationship, FWB, etc. However, you are not practicing patient or perseverance when you WAIT for girls to meet you, WAIT for opportunities to be handed to you, or WAIT for things to get better.
In sales, one must practice patience and perseverance because it is understood that predefined number of people WON'T buy, WON'T do business, and WILL say NO. With that in mind, you simply need to have enough productivity and efficiency to make things happen, to meet goals, and to make your desired income.
Do you know why we need 'motivators'? Because our framing on life is improper and we have no goals, or the goals we have have been told to us by negative people that they are not possible. PISH POSH.
My brother was told he couldn't EVEN own a guitar, now he's on track to be a professional musician years later, teaches, and generates most of his income from music. People will judge as you are NOW, with no credit for your dreams. So you must make your dreams a REALITY to you TODAY, show them what you desire to become, and they will accept you as you want to be accepted.
What I am saying is...I will be 24 tomorrow, September 2nd, that is my only day in my life of the month September on the 2nd day of 2004 to enjoy THAT day. Sure more DAYS will come, but at this point in life, I only have THAT day. Events will align, opportunities will arise, and I'll be challenged to accept or reject what comes through to me. I'll be challenged to socialize with a person who may bring me closer to a desired goal, or be an introvert and mind my own business. I'll be challenged by a lovely dime crossing my life path at the moment, whether to approach and worry about the infinite possibilities OR experience in my life SOMETHING. ANYTHING.
Doing and feeling are the primary ways we partake in life. Doing allows us to feel and in turn generate responses. Obviously DOING sex makes us FEEL great things, hence the snowball effect that rapidly leads to wanting more. And, conversely, touching a hot stove (DOING) results in a searing pain that we don't want to FEEL. By doing you can reroute your life's ship.
So realize as great as the knowledge all around us is...that you shouldn't be 1/2 alive. You shouldn't wake despising everything. Tie this in with my previous post on "Why Life isn't Fair."
Realize that life isn't meant to be fair...and you don't have many moments to determine the fairness of something. You have only this one moment and the CHOICE to CHOOSE your path. If you accept we all have unequal situations and that through doing we can balance out ourselves and our odds of survival, you'll get there. Slowly but surely.
How's this tie in with what you read through this place? understanding life isn't fair, and that September 2nd of 2004 is the only day you'll be THAT age...let's say a beautiful 'baby' (honey) walks your way. You could try to process every pick up line, mindset, alpha signal, beta signal, C&F post you recall...OR...
Think...I'm 18, it's September 2nd, and this is my only day of being 18. So I'm going to make the most this day. I'll say HI to her. No fancy lines, just hi as a person. That's very no effacing. Gee, has nice shoes, or I recognize her bag, or I like what she's ordering. Maybe I'll have that. Get the introduction done, get a feel for how warm she is, and just ENJOY the moment. No supposition of what she could be, GF, FWB, etc. Heck, she could be a psycho with AIDs dressed up. Ya never know. Point is. She's a person like you, this is your day, your life, your moment. If she's go away, then go away, or laugh. Move on, there will be another girl. BUT AT LEAST YOU TOOK A SHOT. You can't make a shot you don't take.
Good luck, boys.