anti-AFC backlash
It's true that we can react strongly when we feel like we're being played. That's different to being tested though. If it's at the beginning stages, and she's acting hard to get or whatever, then how you act should depend on how much you want her. If you're not bothered, then move on. If you are bothered, I guess you have to ask yourself how much of this are you prepared to tolerate in order to get with her? To me, if a woman plays these games right at the start it's a sign of immaturity and insecurity. Both of these are a big turnoff to me - if a woman feels I need to prove I am worthy of dating her, I won't want to date her. But that's just me.
It's a bit different when you start to encounter tests further down the line, but the answer is the same - go with your gut feeling. HOWEVER, the point you're making (zircon) about you being too strict isn't about knowing she's testing you, it's about how you react to her tests. If she has, say, mentioned that 'That guy over there is really HOT', then "Get out my life bytch now!!" is an extreme reaction. If on the otherhand she's sucked your best mate's d*ck then it's a reasonable thing to say.
So if every test she gives you, from the little ones to the biggies, makes you want to kick her out of the door, you need to start looking at why these things make you so angry, and deal with that. Chances are, they remind you of a similar situation in the past when you got hurt or whatever, so now you have that extreme reaction to all of her tests, no matter how trivial they are.
As always, the best answer for you is inside you.