I agree with the side that a highly interested woman will want to feel your presence. You are doing good. Don't conform to what she wants, but maybe up the communication a bit.
I translate those kind of texts as "I wish you were thinking about me a bit more", and this usually happens after things have gone on for a while. She is beginning to feel a deeper connection and wants to know that you care. Remember, a man's gift is his time. If she deserves more of it, there is nothing wrong with increasing the communication a little bit, or being a bit more responsive.
If this is a girl you want to keep around, you don't follow what she says, but maybe increase just a hair. Or throw her a random text. My lady still complains I don't respond enough as did my exwife.
If you don't care about this one, then just ignore and keep doing what your doing.
It is a tricky balancing act, no doubt...
Consider what she said, but make your OWN decision!