You MUST force women to make decisions *MUST READ FOR ALL MEN*


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
There should be a caveat to this article.

Yes you shouldn't wait around while a woman sorts out her feelings or gives you some bs excuse to cover up the actual truth: (better options, not over her ex, spinning plates etc).

But you shouldn't VERBALIZE this to a women, it goes against communication 101 with the opposite sex.

Let your actions do the talking.

As Jariel pointed out, giving a woman an ultimatum never works out in your favor, EVEN if you get the answer you want in that moment.

No one likes to feel pressured; especially women. As you know women use sub-communication through their actions to show their true feelings. If you have to resort to verbal ultimatums, make no mistake about it; YOU LOST. The resentment she will build up later after sorting through her feelings will seal your fate.

Your biggest power in game, more than ANY method, is the power to walk away. Now if you went complete chump mode prior, it probably won't make much of a difference.

However if you didn't and for whatever reason it just didn't go the way you wanted (flaked on a date, didn't text/call you back etc), walking away is like a B52 dropping a big one in their brain.

Its a win-win scenario.

She will either come back to you with much higher interest or she will disappear and you don't get stuck in no man's land developing one-itis for a chick who never cared in the first place.

And remember, women have very fragile ego's, for them to reach back out to you and connect for whatever reason, is them putting themselves on a limb in their minds. Many times they won't be direct & tell you they missed you or realized they made a mistake etc. Instead they will try to reconnect and give you the opening to ask them out.

Its a tricky slope to be on, running back with open arms to quickly and you risk being right back to where you started.

Never forget the element of game that gets women hooked: being a challenge.



Don Juan
Nov 11, 2011
Reaction score
I agree with Jariel and Pimp-sicle...

Verbalizing a demand to a female to find out where you stand is a deathblow.

I had two girls last year go a bit wishy-washy on me in the first couple weeks of dating. The reason (as almost always is the case) is there was another guy in the picture. I think in both cases it was an ex.

I confronted both girls about it. Not a big "let's sit down and talk" confrontation, but a simple matter-of-fact statement like "why are you acting this way" or something to that effect.

Both girls withdrew completely at that point. And sure, you could say that I found out where I stood, and things happened the way they were supposed to.

After having some more (good and bad) experience with women, I see now that this was me using black and white, or logical, thinking and trying to force that on a woman. Remember, how a girl feels can change from moment to moment. All I did was force them to make a decision at the moment where they were giving mixed signals. And, predictably, this decision was not in my favor. If I had simply been patient, and let things play out while continuing to pursue other options, I am almost positive the result would have been better.

Basically, in a lot of these situations a girl is trying to make a decision. And I think the only thing you can do is show them you have the power to walk away, **not tell them**. Because she is trying to decide between guy A (you) and guys B-Z (other guys). I don't know what the other guys are doing, all I can do as guy A is withdraw my attention a bit and act like a man.

Interestingly, both of the girls I discussed above ended up approaching me at a later time, and used the same language to describe what I did. They said I "put them on the spot." And they both felt pressured, didn't like it, and moved on.

This also applies to the "mixed-signal" response to a date suggestion. If she is busy, or not sure, or maybe she can make it, or text her to see if she's free, etc... just withdraw the offer calmly and tell her to get back to you when her schedule is free. "Oh it sounds like you're pretty busy, give me a call when your schedule is free" (with a smile on your face)... and simply walk away until she reconnects. To me, this is acting like a man..a hell of a lot more than saying "well, can you make it or not?" or accepting the "possible" date and likely flake.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
here and there
GotED? said:
In order to be THE PRIZE, one must act like THE PRIZE.
In order to be the prize, you must be the prize. Not just act like one. If a person is a beta with no job or money, how can you be a prize? Women won't look at you as a prize that way. When women look at you, they should already see you as the prize. That is how they fvck you, when they already see you as THE PRIZE. The high interest level, feelings, and attraction forms in their minds already. Then you can game them and then you will fvck them. Trying to force yourself on them as a phony prize, will backfire in your face when you get rejected over and over again.

GotED? said:
Sometimes that involved painful NEXTing. But like the article said (and has happend in my life in the past), by NEXTing a woman after she starts blowing hot & cold after you been dating her a few times - it FORCES her to face her feelings for you (OR NOT) and call her out on her GAME.

If she does miss you and realized how much feelings she has for you, then SHE WILL CHASE you. If not, you saved yourself a lot of uphill battle and waste of energy/time that would have never won her over anyways.

If a relationship or dating experience is not going how you like, then step up to the plate and end it. That's the power being a man you should hold. You shouldn't force a woman to like you who really doesn't. You will get terrible results. Don't ever give the woman the power to decide your fate. It will end with the opposite of what you're wanting it to be. Never give the other person the chance to control your life. You will then have to accept what she chooses it to be. You should be making that choice on your own. Not letting a woman decide for you if she still wants to be with you. That is beta thinking and behavior. :yes:

You shouldn't have to win a woman over who doesn't want you. Betas try to think of tricks to win a place in the chick's heart. A woman should want you for the man that you already are. She should already be attracted to you with high interest. That is how you are able to fvck women and how you are the prize. They automatically want to be with you. If you're always thinking of ways to keep her interest level in check or wondering how to get her back, then you already lost and are not a prize.

Low interest is low interest. A chick isn't going to gain higher interest, if you force her to have high interest. It doesn't work that way. Forcing her to have high interest, will make her have even lower interest.

Just like these same guys who bash texting all the time. They say texting isn't a good indicator of interest or it kills relationships. That is a false myth that these guys have.

It all comes down to interest. When a chick has zero interest, then calling her up or asking for a date won't matter. She won't be interested in talking or going out on a date with you.

Chicks who have interest will show interest in no matter what method you use. So when you text, she will be excited you texted. When you see she has interest, you call her up and ask her out.

What these guys don't seem to understand is that you aren't going to raise her interest any higher by only calling. The chick is going to have the same interest no matter what. Calling her up on the phone isn't going to make her panties wet if she doesn't have any interest.

That's why texting or calling doesn't make any difference. If she has low IL via text, she is going to have low IL via a phone call.

Women are only going to have feelings if they actually like you. Forcing her to have the feelings you want isn't going to help you in the long run. She might come back to you for little while, but those feelings aren't real, they won't last. She will soon lose interest again and you will be back in the same boat as you were before.

Forcing her comes from desperation, and this is a beta's prospective thinking. They feel that forcing her will get her to do what they want. When she doesn't like or respect you, that will have the opposite effect. She won't do what you want her to do. Like when another dude comes into the picture. These guys force the chick not to talk to the other guy. Well, the chick is going to do what she wants to do anyway. Forcing her not to talk to him, will chase her into the arms of other guy even faster.

If a chick isn't into you, she most likely won't be chasing you, because she will be on her way to dumping you. If she has no interest in you anymore, why would she chase back after you?

I don't want to deal with the bullsh1t of a chick who blows hot and cold. That is a real waste of my time. If she isn't acting to my liking, then I'm done with her. No need to be playing any interest level games when there are more chicks out there to be had.

If a chick isn't acting how you think she should be acting, then get rid of her. Forcing her to act to your liking isn't going to work out the way you want it to. Nobody wants to be forced into doing anything. That causes resentment and disrespect which defeats your whole purpose of gaining higher interest.

Hot and cold chicks are a waste of time and will string you along. That is your job to kick them to them curb. :yes:

Dump low interest chicks and bang high interest chicks. It's as simple as that. :up:

GotED? said:
I am finding this information is a very valuable secret in dealing with women and dating. If her interest level is not sky-rocketing, MOVE ON and find greener pasture. If you have been fair to her with your time and energy, and she is not recipricating, cut your losses and find better investment.
This contradicts the whole article and thread.

I agree with what you said here.

Forcing her to have those feelings or interest will never help you. That's why you should dump her and move on and find greener pastures. Forcing her will make her like you even less, will make you a beta, and defeats your whole purpose of getting the stronger feelings you want her to have.

Women will only want you if they want you, you can't force them to want you. :yes:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
the real problem is to understand where you stand. Given that 99.9% are attention wh0res, they will do anything to keep you as an orbiter and her ego boosted by your attention. Even if they aren't interested. Why should they risk to loose their toy?
I agree that overtly forcing them to make a choice doesn't work but it's up to you whether to put up with that crap or move on. I see as a negative sign the slightest mixed signal, therefore I back off immediately and I see what happens, if she chases me I re-engage,if not, I move on.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
I agree with the people with disagree with this thread. Walk away from the women giving you trouble.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 20, 2014
Reaction score
Spain (currently S.E.Asia)
The point is: IF a girl likes you she'll find ways for you, and find excuses if NOT


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
S Town
Pimp-sicle said:
There should be a caveat to this article.

Yes you shouldn't wait around while a woman sorts out her feelings or gives you some bs excuse to cover up the actual truth: (better options, not over her ex, spinning plates etc).

But you shouldn't VERBALIZE this to a women, it goes against communication 101 with the opposite sex.

Let your actions do the talking.

As Jariel pointed out, giving a woman an ultimatum never works out in your favor, EVEN if you get the answer you want in that moment.

No one likes to feel pressured; especially women. As you know women use sub-communication through their actions to show their true feelings. If you have to resort to verbal ultimatums, make no mistake about it; YOU LOST. The resentment she will build up later after sorting through her feelings will seal your fate.

Your biggest power in game, more than ANY method, is the power to walk away. Now if you went complete chump mode prior, it probably won't make much of a difference.

However if you didn't and for whatever reason it just didn't go the way you wanted (flaked on a date, didn't text/call you back etc), walking away is like a B52 dropping a big one in their brain.

Its a win-win scenario.

She will either come back to you with much higher interest or she will disappear and you don't get stuck in no man's land developing one-itis for a chick who never cared in the first place.

And remember, women have very fragile ego's, for them to reach back out to you and connect for whatever reason, is them putting themselves on a limb in their minds. Many times they won't be direct & tell you they missed you or realized they made a mistake etc. Instead they will try to reconnect and give you the opening to ask them out.

Its a tricky slope to be on, running back with open arms to quickly and you risk being right back to where you started.

Never forget the element of game that gets women hooked: being a challenge.


rascal99v said:
In order to be the prize, you must be the prize. Not just act like one. If a person is a beta with no job or money, how can you be a prize? Women won't look at you as a prize that way. When women look at you, they should already see you as the prize. That is how they fvck you, when they already see you as THE PRIZE. The high interest level, feelings, and attraction forms in their minds already. Then you can game them and then you will fvck them. Trying to force yourself on them as a phony prize, will backfire in your face when you get rejected over and over again.

If a relationship or dating experience is not going how you like, then step up to the plate and end it. That's the power being a man you should hold. You shouldn't force a woman to like you who really doesn't. You will get terrible results. Don't ever give the woman the power to decide your fate. It will end with the opposite of what you're wanting it to be. Never give the other person the chance to control your life. You will then have to accept what she chooses it to be. You should be making that choice on your own. Not letting a woman decide for you if she still wants to be with you. That is beta thinking and behavior. :yes:

You shouldn't have to win a woman over who doesn't want you. Betas try to think of tricks to win a place in the chick's heart. A woman should want you for the man that you already are. She should already be attracted to you with high interest. That is how you are able to fvck women and how you are the prize. They automatically want to be with you. If you're always thinking of ways to keep her interest level in check or wondering how to get her back, then you already lost and are not a prize.

Low interest is low interest. A chick isn't going to gain higher interest, if you force her to have high interest. It doesn't work that way. Forcing her to have high interest, will make her have even lower interest.

Just like these same guys who bash texting all the time. They say texting isn't a good indicator of interest or it kills relationships. That is a false myth that these guys have.

It all comes down to interest. When a chick has zero interest, then calling her up or asking for a date won't matter. She won't be interested in talking or going out on a date with you.

Chicks who have interest will show interest in no matter what method you use. So when you text, she will be excited you texted. When you see she has interest, you call her up and ask her out.

What these guys don't seem to understand is that you aren't going to raise her interest any higher by only calling. The chick is going to have the same interest no matter what. Calling her up on the phone isn't going to make her panties wet if she doesn't have any interest.

That's why texting or calling doesn't make any difference. If she has low IL via text, she is going to have low IL via a phone call.

Women are only going to have feelings if they actually like you. Forcing her to have the feelings you want isn't going to help you in the long run. She might come back to you for little while, but those feelings aren't real, they won't last. She will soon lose interest again and you will be back in the same boat as you were before.

Forcing her comes from desperation, and this is a beta's prospective thinking. They feel that forcing her will get her to do what they want. When she doesn't like or respect you, that will have the opposite effect. She won't do what you want her to do. Like when another dude comes into the picture. These guys force the chick not to talk to the other guy. Well, the chick is going to do what she wants to do anyway. Forcing her not to talk to him, will chase her into the arms of other guy even faster.

If a chick isn't into you, she most likely won't be chasing you, because she will be on her way to dumping you. If she has no interest in you anymore, why would she chase back after you?

I don't want to deal with the bullsh1t of a chick who blows hot and cold. That is a real waste of my time. If she isn't acting to my liking, then I'm done with her. No need to be playing any interest level games when there are more chicks out there to be had.

If a chick isn't acting how you think she should be acting, then get rid of her. Forcing her to act to your liking isn't going to work out the way you want it to. Nobody wants to be forced into doing anything. That causes resentment and disrespect which defeats your whole purpose of gaining higher interest.

Hot and cold chicks are a waste of time and will string you along. That is your job to kick them to them curb. :yes:

Dump low interest chicks and bang high interest chicks. It's as simple as that. :up:

This contradicts the whole article and thread.

I agree with what you said here.

Forcing her to have those feelings or interest will never help you. That's why you should dump her and move on and find greener pastures. Forcing her will make her like you even less, will make you a beta, and defeats your whole purpose of getting the stronger feelings you want her to have.

Women will only want you if they want you, you can't force them to want you. :yes:

2 great posts that sum up everything. Go out a winner if the relationship is ending.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
can one human being demand another to make decisions on their lives when they themselves aren't ready to decide?


do you really want to be with someone that you had to put them in a position to choose like that?

actions are everything. they show you what people choose when they are quiet about what they are doing.

words spoken under coercion are usually lies.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Can't be too accommodating to women. If she has many conditions then you need to have some conditions too. If a girl i'm with asks for time i'll give it to her and let her know i'm going to see other people too.

For sure i'll be generally unavailable to her, no more rituals together like morning calls or whatever. You have to make her miss what you had together.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
The proposal in the OP would work a lot better if she chose to walk away and THEN you just completely forgot about her... There's actually a chance in that situation that the whole situation ends up increasing her interest (it's small, but it's there.) Now... If she choose the choice you're presenting to her - I think that's bad.

The exception, is if it's something that's relatively small and you already have some power.... For example, let's say I'm getting resistance on sex: I could see myself (with a girl with high interest and low self esteem) telling the girl "take your panties off or go home." .... No, I've never said anything like that, but I could see it working on the right girl. It would NOT work on a "quality girl" though (I hate that term, but it's fitting here.) It could also work with the "leaving the bar with you" scenario.

But in pushing her for a date or a relationship or whatever and making her make a choice - man, you're going to end up with tons of resentment. Maybe you don't care? But to put that much pressure on a woman to make a decision of some importance, and expecting her to be able to make it - that's just stuff of legend.

It's the same as forbidding a woman from seeing someone else. All you do is increase his value, and push it underground (which is not where you want it!) I've said it 50 times on here, but when a girl used to tell me, "my boyfriend told me I'm not allowed to talk to you anymore." It only made it 100% that I was going to lay her. Everytime! They rarely stop the communication; they only say they're going to.

If she’s giving you a “maybe“, then you know that she intends on stringing you along and if she’s giving you the “I don’t know how I feel” or “I need more time” bull****, then that’s how you know that she intends on stringing you along. It’s time for you to charge her to the game. You just made her decision for her.
Reality is, most women don't know how they feel. They only know the feelings they are feeling in that moment. Even when they're completely infactuated with a man, they may (in certain moments) not seem like it, or not feel like it.

Women don't tell me: "I don't know how I feel." or "I need some time to think about it." Do you know why? We don't have conversations that require these are answers.... And I don't think guys should be in conversations that have her talking like this... That would be a very bad sign.


Senior Don Juan
May 14, 2012
Reaction score
It is a fine balance and it also depends on the girl. The girl most into me was my exwife who I told to delete all her guy "friends" on facebook. She complied. Granted she wasn't happy for like a few weeks, but then she got over it. After awhile, she agreed that women shouldn't have guy "friends" when they are serious.

Too bad, I stopped finding her sexually appealing - she would do anything I asked. She's still a good person.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
I'll make this simple.

A woman who wants you find a way to get with you. It's either a yes or a no. Anything in between should be designated as a no.

Don't give an ultimatum. If things go wrong or she starts getting distant, walk away.

Breaking up is easy to do. Motherf**kers who say it's hard are the ones clinging to it. It's f**kin' over! It really is that simple.

Case closed.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2011
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
I'll make this simple.

A woman who wants you find a way to get with you. It's either a yes or a no. Anything in between should be designated as a no.

Don't give an ultimatum. If things go wrong or she starts getting distant, walk away.

Breaking up is easy to do. Motherf**kers who say it's hard are the ones clinging to it. It's f**kin' over! It really is that simple.

Case closed.
Great post. Simple and to the point. Good job!


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
West of the Mississippi
Doing something with force is against the other person's will, and if the person that is being forced does not have high attraction, then the force you use will be met with a negative reaction. Forcing someone into a date or to reveal their true feeling for you will end with hostility. Not sure why people thought this advice was good. This is terrible advice, and what you should not be doing with women.