You must first be a believer, if you would be an achiever.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
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***Disclaimer***: I am not speaking of anything really concrete. I am not delving into religion eather. I'm just delving into a possiblity we were taught to ignore.

At one point or another in our lives, we received advice that sounded something like "Just believe in yourself and everything will be okay." For quite awhile, I have been studying this phenomenon.

Why would the fact that my belief in myself or others at 100% would have an effect on anything? And that is what I noticed. Ever since that post with about 50 questions to keep conversations going, I've been thinking. One of those questions was "Has anything ever happened to you that you could not explain?". Why yes, many times in fact. But why could I not explain them? Simply because I was overlooking one basic fact: I believed in myself.

When I played soccer today, I scored a goal that I know I wouldn't be able to pull off again at will. I had a split second to act with the ball in my posession and so I shot a near impossible angle shot that went in. I did not have time to question my ability to take that shot, I just took it. Luck? Perhaps.

A few years back. I was in my room and I was mad. I was so angry that in my head I played scenes of me being a sorceror and raining terror on the world and after a flash of lightning followed by terrible thunder I would be seen. And so I opened my eyes and I spread my arms and called forth the power of lightning. There was not a doubt in my mind. At that instant, lightning did infact strike outside my window and the door opened and my parents came in and I was seen after the flash and the thunder. Just as I wanted.

A few months ago, I was on a road trip with my family and we were driving down a straight highway. My brother and I were talking about our powers and I told him I had supreme power. He ofcourse wanted me to prove this. So I looked behind me and so did he. There was a car following us. I said "I'm gonna make it crash". I waved my arm like a jedi would and concentrated hard on what needed to happen. For a few seconds nothing and my brother laughed and then surely enough, that car slid off the road and flew into a ditch.

The point isn't what happened and wether you could prove that these were just coincidences. Here's one more example:

I wasn't doing too well in math this year and promised I'd work harder. 1st trimester: crap grades. 2nd trimester: crap grades. 3rd trimester: Excellent grades. I didn't change my study habbits. I didn't pay more attention in class. I just decided mentally that I would achieve. I was completly sure of my self and I succeeded.

Ever since the lightning story, I've questioned our ability to have power. We were told that we were only human and there was a God up above infinitly more powerful than us. But what if we had that power? What if we could use that power? And so... I acknowledged the existance of forces that could not be seen. I understood that there are forces at work in this world that no one ever spoke of. I called these forces God in my head for the simple reason that it's much easier to stick to that than to change the word. I believe in forces of nature of terrible power. For good or for evil. And I call upon them from time to time and notice that it was only in instances that I had utter faith did these "forces" show themselves.

Right before my school, there is a monster bump that the bus driver hits full speed. Upfront you can't feel it but in the back it is horrendous. And for 3 years and a half, every morning we would nail that bump and receive monster damage to our rears. But one day... My rear was sore (No... stop thinking that way you perverts) and I closed my eyes while everyone around was screaming bump. I closed my eyes oh so hard and prayed oh so much to the forces of this world for this one time... to spare us. And we were spared.

Awhile back, there was this chick that was untouchable. I mean, the kind of chick you would only meet a few times in your life. Smoking hot, brilliant mentally. Incredible personality... Truly, she was on a well deserved pedestal. So I asked how I was going to go about meeting her. I pondered and pondered and realised it wasn't worth it. And it hit me... What if I could be that great with a little help from the forces of this world? And so I called them forth and once again, I walked over there. I felt like I had an army behind me. I felt unstoppable. And I went up to greet her.

These "forces" arn't what drive me. They arn't what I "call upon" each time I need help. I have tried many times but they never came. Only when I was truly a believer did they come.

I possibly have incredible power. I wasn't going to pass this up. I delved into it. There were a number of logical reasons for all this. Confidence in myself, coincidences and whatnot. Whatever it was. It worked.

I've gotten into serious serious trouble in the past year. I took risks that would make some piss their pants. In the end, I always got off the hook. I believed in myself, I believed in my abilities. My abilities to lie... to manipulate. Cause deep down that's what I do best. I use people against themselves.

I've had unbelievable luck taking unbelievable chances. But I believed in these risks and I never doubted my success. And I always succeeded. I played paintball and won a 1v9. I believed in myself.

There are so many things that go on in the world.... So many paths to choose. So much advice to hear and people to see... What if to have all the we ever wanted, all we ever had to do was believe?



Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
Why does this sound so much like a commercial for Miss Cleo? Haha, just kidding. Thats some scary shiii dude. One things for sure, I'll never flame you. Last thing I need is to turn into a donkey or somethin...then again some do think Im a jack@ss.

Intresting read none the less. If you could magically send me around a 1,000 bucks I'd surely appreciate it, I need to fix my car.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
LikRetsam = MasterKil BACKWARDS!!! OMG!!

Er...yea, sry ADD. Anywho, yes, crazy sh1t happens to everyone sometimes. I've noticed that negativity attracts negative results. Neutrality or even hope will result in good things. Thanks for bringing this up. It's a good point I think we don't notice and just pass by.


Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
The force is strong in this one...

This is pretty interesting. I've always wondered at the power of complete and absolute faith. If one could truly banish all doubt, just what is actually possible? Whenever Jesus healed someone, he told them that their faith had saved them. They believed without a doubt that they could be healed despite the fact that it was clearly illogical to expect it to happen. If faith can move mountians...

Some see the physical world as merely a projection of our mind, existing only through our observance of it. Others see it as objectively existing whether or not we are there to observe it. If a tree falls in the forest... Well, one thing that is true is that our perception does at least affect our world if not define it completely. Whether or not some sort of telekinetic Neo-like transcendence is possible, we can at least use this to our advantage, as you have already suggested:

What if I could be that great with a little help from the forces of this world? And so I called them forth and once again, I walked over there. I felt like I had an army behind me. I felt unstoppable.
Even if there were no "forces" involved, the extreme confidence was surely apparent in your bearing. At the very least this could be a useful psychological tool.

Just don't let this go to your head... And if you actually do have powers, remember not to use them for evil or destruction ;) .


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score
A few years back. I was in my room and I was mad. I was so angry that in my head I played scenes of me being a sorceror and raining terror on the world and after a flash of lightning followed by terrible thunder I would be seen. And so I opened my eyes and I spread my arms and called forth the power of lightning. There was not a doubt in my mind. At that instant, lightning did infact strike outside my window and the door opened and my parents came in and I was seen after the flash and the thunder. Just as I wanted.
lmao:D im not flamin but i'm gettin mental pictures. oh yea what i was gonna say is that our mental capcity isn't even at 100 percent scientific studies show that we only use 10 percent of our brains.Its rumored that einstein had 18.besides the scientific stuff i believe that if we believe in something and really have a positive attitude towards it you can do anything.i congratulate you for scaring the **** out of every1 else, good post taking out the wierd energy stuff. w/e live your life in the real world ,i used to play around that stuff like that a while ago after i saw star wars lol it won't do you any good. DB9


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
I was like 11 for the lightning thing.... lol.

Our eyes can see certain things. They can't see x-rays... radio waves etc.. So who knows? They tell me these waves exist, but I've never seen them...

I think we can all agree: Positive attitude(belief, confidence whatever)= Positive results.

It's a simple equation.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
You almost had me believing once more in god. Listening to trance music certainly enhanced the read :). But I personally feel that the lightning strike was a coincidence, as too was the car flying off the road because those things are external and I don't think you had any control over their fate; they were going to happen at that precise moment anyway, whether you wished for it or not.

However, I think you are really onto something with your soccer performance, chatting up the hot girl and your ability to manipulate. Those things you can control by the focus and state of your mind.

I remember last year on the golf course I had a few moments of absolute brilliance. I reached a peak performance where I just knew and had 100%faith that I was going to hit some immense shots. And i did; i would chip in where it seemed impossible. I hit the ball into the trees with only a tiny gap to go through to hit the green, which was about 160yds away, which required a lot of fade to pull off. I knew I was going to pull the shot off. Where did I put it? 2inches from the pin.

This type of thing happened in the film the Legend of Bagger Vance, where the dude's in the trees about to give up on himself when Bagger enlightens him with a powerful speech. He pulls off the shot well. Again, he stands on a par3, Bagger gives him the magic words and the guy aces it. The music at this point is very spiritual and just by hearing, my body tingles.

The problem, for me at least, is generating enough faith. It usually comes from previous references of greatness or above-average skill. For instance, again with my golf game, if i sink a long putt on the first green, i develop the faith that i can hole anything, and at every next hole when the ball drops, my faith and ultimate belief is strengthened, until i believe that i cannot miss.

The solution is to have absolute faith in your ability even where you have many references of failure. I think this is one of the hardest things to do in life. When all those putts are missing and you've developed conviction in the fact that everything will miss, to somehow summon the ability to regain the faith that you will not miss the next time. (obviously the putting example is an analogy on life itself) - The same thing has happened and still happens with my ability to debate issues or have success in anything i do.

When i get on that roll of thinking that my next action will be full of success, no matter what it is, i'm unstoppable. I've tried to anchor this feeling, since it doesn't happen too often. Yet, whenever i try to reproduce that feeling of success with the anchor, it never works.

Well anyways, cheers for writing that stuff man. The image of the army behind you is something i'm going to imagine within me from now on to strengthen my conviction in my abilities.