Victory Unlimited said:
And SOMETIMES, I believe half the time that self-pity may be our "inner man's" way of mourning over his subconscious RECOGNITION of us having fallen SO short of the heights we were born to reach-----not so much materially, but spiritually...and in other more abstract areas.
VU, this is a VERY good point with a lot of depth.
really, what is there left for a man to conquor? at every other point in history, at the very least a man could pack up and go explore new lands.
but today its basically one world. i mean, i can get on a plane and be in the UK in 7 hours, pop my bank card into an ATM machine and withdraw cash.
there is no 'great beyond' to explore anymore. we basically understand the world we live in now and as such theres nothing left to really do. there are no great adventures left - sure, there are adventures, but you already know whats going to happen on them before you take them.
im beginning to wonder if our self pity is in part due to understanding too much about the world we live in - we know its limitations too well and as such theres really excitment left over 'i wonder what tomorrow will bring."
when i was a kid people use to get excited over the idea of travelling to mars, computers, etc.
but its all been done, and theres nothing really in the foreseeable future to get excited about.
probaby just more wars.