gents...random ramblings to ponder...
the biggest obstacle you will face in life is not women, its not making money, its not being fit... it is self pity.
i have become increasing confident that the root of all misery is self pity.
- why is god doing this to me?
- why did she do that to me?
- why am i not happy?
- why didn't my parents teach me better?
- why did my friends screw me over?
- why aren't I more attractive?
- why do i live in a world filled with injustice?
etc x 1000.
when you drown your brain in thoughts of self pity the end result is misery.
and the reason self pity is so prevelant is that we have been raised to believe that we should 'have it all'. that our lives are suppose to be 'fun'. our parents put on a nice stage show for us and we were later indoctrinated by hollywood movies and consumer marketing. at every turn we were lead to believe in the proverbial santa claus for adults - utopic happiness.
and yet, when you look at the facts of life, we should be expecting the exact opposite. suffering, hardship and / or disappointment are MUCH more common that 'having it all'.
this is also the reason the world is filled with so many dysfunctional people - because the only way they can cope with the mess around them is to become part of it.
instead of self pity they get lost in drama.
but for those who for whatever the reason were born of strong character and fail to simply join the herd, self pity is common. for the thinking man self pity is a common affliction, for he is very aware of the injustice and superficiality of all that surrounds him.
but once again, i put forth, is it not odd how common it is to think that things ought to be better than they are - despite mountains of evidence that how things are is the norm for most people.
and yet again how odd it is that a man is so perturbed when a woman upsets him and so easily forgets the laws of the world he lives in. he is subject to the same laws as a cat who lives only 20 years, or a fly that lives only a month, or a starving child in africa.
his perturbation (yes, that is a word) is solely the result of self pity and self absorbment. he has committed a sin (in the secular sense) in thinking that the laws of nature do not apply to him. that while the dog may be unfortunately run over by a mac truck, heaven forbid he should not have to experience betrayal. that while a child dies of aids, he should not have to experience the unpleasantness of a unrequited love.
it strikes me that most of the issues on this board are not even so much a result of men not knowing what to do - but rather men to consumed with their own pain / self pity. and when this happens the correct course of action becomes clouded and hidden, and they claw like desperate men at whatever is around them (often a woman) to alleviate their sense of self pity.
I'm really beginning to think that the #1 problem in the world today is that people are utterly self absorbed with dillusional thoughts of how 'easy' or 'rewarding' their life is suppose to be.
and i do believe that this problem is much more of an issue with men than women.
women, for better or worse, seem to grasp the inequity of life at a much younger age. this may be a key variable behind their expertise at manipulation. they have embraced a world that is not based on justice, fairness, and various other ideals - but rather - they have embraced a world based the barter system, and the name of the game is to get the best deal you can.
in this sense, women have restrained self pity by embracing the parasitic nature of life. while men continue to strive for somethign more, something more idea - which for many results in them become AFCs. the alpha male seems to discard self pity and operates by natures laws of taking what he wants - and the female seems enthralled by this.
while the AFC / nice guy is concerned with fairness, respect, ideals, etc. - all things that are foreign to a woman's inner most being.
and his reward for such a state is a constant feeling of self pity and a general overall disappointment in what life has to offer.
anyway, random thoughts for consideration.
the biggest obstacle you will face in life is not women, its not making money, its not being fit... it is self pity.
i have become increasing confident that the root of all misery is self pity.
- why is god doing this to me?
- why did she do that to me?
- why am i not happy?
- why didn't my parents teach me better?
- why did my friends screw me over?
- why aren't I more attractive?
- why do i live in a world filled with injustice?
etc x 1000.
when you drown your brain in thoughts of self pity the end result is misery.
and the reason self pity is so prevelant is that we have been raised to believe that we should 'have it all'. that our lives are suppose to be 'fun'. our parents put on a nice stage show for us and we were later indoctrinated by hollywood movies and consumer marketing. at every turn we were lead to believe in the proverbial santa claus for adults - utopic happiness.
and yet, when you look at the facts of life, we should be expecting the exact opposite. suffering, hardship and / or disappointment are MUCH more common that 'having it all'.
this is also the reason the world is filled with so many dysfunctional people - because the only way they can cope with the mess around them is to become part of it.
instead of self pity they get lost in drama.
but for those who for whatever the reason were born of strong character and fail to simply join the herd, self pity is common. for the thinking man self pity is a common affliction, for he is very aware of the injustice and superficiality of all that surrounds him.
but once again, i put forth, is it not odd how common it is to think that things ought to be better than they are - despite mountains of evidence that how things are is the norm for most people.
and yet again how odd it is that a man is so perturbed when a woman upsets him and so easily forgets the laws of the world he lives in. he is subject to the same laws as a cat who lives only 20 years, or a fly that lives only a month, or a starving child in africa.
his perturbation (yes, that is a word) is solely the result of self pity and self absorbment. he has committed a sin (in the secular sense) in thinking that the laws of nature do not apply to him. that while the dog may be unfortunately run over by a mac truck, heaven forbid he should not have to experience betrayal. that while a child dies of aids, he should not have to experience the unpleasantness of a unrequited love.
it strikes me that most of the issues on this board are not even so much a result of men not knowing what to do - but rather men to consumed with their own pain / self pity. and when this happens the correct course of action becomes clouded and hidden, and they claw like desperate men at whatever is around them (often a woman) to alleviate their sense of self pity.
I'm really beginning to think that the #1 problem in the world today is that people are utterly self absorbed with dillusional thoughts of how 'easy' or 'rewarding' their life is suppose to be.
and i do believe that this problem is much more of an issue with men than women.
women, for better or worse, seem to grasp the inequity of life at a much younger age. this may be a key variable behind their expertise at manipulation. they have embraced a world that is not based on justice, fairness, and various other ideals - but rather - they have embraced a world based the barter system, and the name of the game is to get the best deal you can.
in this sense, women have restrained self pity by embracing the parasitic nature of life. while men continue to strive for somethign more, something more idea - which for many results in them become AFCs. the alpha male seems to discard self pity and operates by natures laws of taking what he wants - and the female seems enthralled by this.
while the AFC / nice guy is concerned with fairness, respect, ideals, etc. - all things that are foreign to a woman's inner most being.
and his reward for such a state is a constant feeling of self pity and a general overall disappointment in what life has to offer.
anyway, random thoughts for consideration.