You may want to try video chatting before meeting up


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
Reaction score
Something I have been doing more after going on a few first dates and being disappointed when the woman shows up looking significantly less attractive in person or has a personality that does not mesh with my own.

Anyway, here are the plusses for doing this:

1.Gets them to comply early on ("Hey, I always try to video chat, just see how we mesh before meeting to get a feel for what we are both looking for..."). If they are difficult here, interest level is low or they know they won't appear as well on a live camera as they do in their pictures.

2.Major time saver. If you are not interested from the five minute video chat, you obviously just dont ask them out and youre out five minutes of your time.

3.Video chatting sets you apart. Surprising, but a lot of people aren't apparently doing this. Women tell me when we are on the call that " this is really cool, no guy has done this". And they say a lot of times , guys seem normal on OLD profiles, but strange in person.

4. Reduces likelihood of flaking. The woman is already more comfortable with you. You've already build rapport. Much easier to get her excited to meet you.

5. Much easier to escalate on first date, because it feels like the second one. You've essentially already met her. She's already comfortable with you. Much easier starting point.

6. If your social skills are weak, this might not go well. And that's not a bad thing. The more you video chat and talk to women, the better you will get.

This has worked for me. Give it a shot!


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
Is a good idea if you use swipe apps. I still wouldn't recommend the swipe apps.