You just CAN'T approach?? Guess what...


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Re: Re: You just CAN'T approach?? Guess what...

Originally posted by LoneSilver
Ok, so what this is saying if a lady has made strong eye contact with me and I return the eye contact in a daylight setting at her work and I am a customer...
Now you're throwing other sh!t into the mix. A good female salesperson will be aware enough of these subconscious cues to mimic them and draw you in. Like one of those deep-sea fangly fishes with one of those lures that looks like a mating call. Or a hunter in a deer blind smothered in musk. In most of the cases, unless you get some really STRONG signals from her, she's probably trying to get you to buy something. Doesn't HURT to make a move on her...but don't expect instant success.

Is this always the case with women? I'd hate to think a woman is that shallow just because a man doesn't approach her early on but what if he approaches later say days even a month or so later? This of course is a day time setting and not in a night club.
In a setting where "that-night" is not important, there is still a "window" where she will wait for you to approach. If you do not, she will start looking for someone else and be less responsive to your advances. In most cases, WOMEN WILL QUALIFY MEN ON THEIR WILLINGNESS TO MAN UP AND MAKE THE MOVE. She knows when you're interested. They spend years studying this sh!t in Seventeen and Cosmo, plus they're naturally hard-wired to detect it.

You could hang out with a girl for years and years and only become attracted to her within the last which case she will only recognize it recently and if she is interested as well, she will open a window for you.

The game doesn't begin when you first meet her, it begins when mutual romanto-sexual interest is first established by an exchange of mating signals. This COULD be as simple as holding eye contact a little too long when you meet her. "But how will I know when that happens." You know EXACTLY when it happens...when your eyes hook, you pause for a second and she has that deer-in-headlights look, then you both pull back and put your business faces back on.

The size of the window...that depends on a lot of circumstances. If you're particularly attractive, or she can't find any other good man, or cirucmstances prevent something from happening, etc, etc...these things with widen the window.

But why wait? Why put off until tomorrow what you could do today? You could be in a car accident tomorrow. That window could slam shut on you tomorrow. Don't sit and make excuses.


PS...I read your other post about the woman at STILL haven't talked to her?!


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
In The South
Re: Re: Re: You just CAN'T approach?? Guess what...

Originally posted by squirrels
Now you're throwing other sh!t into the mix. A good female salesperson will be aware enough of these subconscious cues to mimic them and draw you in. Like one of those deep-sea fangly fishes with one of those lures that looks like a mating call. Or a hunter in a deer blind smothered in musk. In most of the cases, unless you get some really STRONG signals from her, she's probably trying to get you to buy something. Doesn't HURT to make a move on her...but don't expect instant success.

In a setting where "that-night" is not important, there is still a "window" where she will wait for you to approach. If you do not, she will start looking for someone else and be less responsive to your advances. In most cases, WOMEN WILL QUALIFY MEN ON THEIR WILLINGNESS TO MAN UP AND MAKE THE MOVE. She knows when you're interested. They spend years studying this sh!t in Seventeen and Cosmo, plus they're naturally hard-wired to detect it.

You could hang out with a girl for years and years and only become attracted to her within the last which case she will only recognize it recently and if she is interested as well, she will open a window for you.

The game doesn't begin when you first meet her, it begins when mutual romanto-sexual interest is first established by an exchange of mating signals. This COULD be as simple as holding eye contact a little too long when you meet her. "But how will I know when that happens." You know EXACTLY when it happens...when your eyes hook, you pause for a second and she has that deer-in-headlights look, then you both pull back and put your business faces back on.

The size of the window...that depends on a lot of circumstances. If you're particularly attractive, or she can't find any other good man, or cirucmstances prevent something from happening, etc, etc...these things with widen the window.

But why wait? Why put off until tomorrow what you could do today? You could be in a car accident tomorrow. That window could slam shut on you tomorrow. Don't sit and make excuses.


PS...I read your other post about the woman at STILL haven't talked to her?!

Hi thanks for the quick reply Squirrels.

Seems there might be still a window of opportunity for me and yes you read that right about the Walmart lady in the Customer Service area where you return stuff and she's the one that takes care of you and I still haven't approached her or maybe I have after reading your first post about the eye contact and she is the one I will be hopefully talking to in the days ahead.

I was in there Monday looking for more eye contact from her but she was so busy with a line of customers and never looked up but as crazy as this may sound I could feel a good vibe coming from her as if she knew I was there but just went on with her business.

With her in the Return Goods area or Customer Service area I don't feel she's wanting me to buy anything but as you read in my orginal post on her this lady totally freaked me out with the deal outside in the parking lot when I was leaving and her just wide eyed staring at me inside my truck as she stood there before going inside the store this was over maybe a year ago I would guess.

Don't get me wrong I liked it but all of this has been going on for awhile and I didn't see this lady after that until I am guessing here a year later when I saw her in the Customer Service area and we just locked eyes it was like she had radar and sensed me looking her way it was wild.

I did for the very first time ask her how she was doing when I was leaving one time before the parking lot incident. She was on break and she answered warmly so that was the first time I had ever saw her and another time when I had returned something but during that time I wasn't really into her or realized she was that attracted but maybe she was dating someone at the time and all this time shes been wet for me>chuckle and couldn't take it anymore and got more aggressive. All of this is hard to piece together as far as time line is concerned but I"m sure you get the message of it all.

I still feel something good will come out of this and as far as my eye condition I'm not a bad looking guy but it does effect my self-esteem and causes me to be wary when approaching women is all as this eye thing is all new to me.

Your reply is good Squirrel and inspiring to say the least and I enjoyed reading it very much your a good guy and thank you.

If you have any good pointers on how to approach this lady or with her not giving anymore eye contact should I just move on?

But isn't there such a thing as a lady really digging a guy and once the guy shows his return interest by locking the eyes with her that they get totally shy and nervous and not so much disinterested and are waiting for the guy to approach? Just my thoughts maybe wishful thinking>chuckle I don't know.

LoneSilver :)


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
great post. but am i the only one seeing this?

Originally posted by squirrels
I'm like 6'5, 250, big shoulders, nice smile...I get noticed by default. I didn't really REALIZE it, though, until this guy pointed it out to me.
i hate to be negative as this really is a great post. i notice this sometimes in my own situations...the game begins before you know it

but i have the feeling there'll be a lot of nonconspicuous, very average guys who will read this and wonder, why isn't it happening to me?