People mistake WANT for NEED.
I would suggest that most guys who went the PUA route or Project Hollywood did it out of NEED first. After they mastered it, it became WANT to improve. NEED is far greater a motivator than NEED. Need for food, water, clothing, shelter, income, etc, is what has driven most people through life.
If you THINK or dig, you'll see it.
For the guy who's forever fearful of sales, and then has a family, and is stuck in a dead-end job, sales present a double-edged sword: unlimited income, while battling his fear. Eventually he's comfortable and his WANT is to improve each and every time, but there's no NEED, and down the road, his WANT/NEEDS change.
Warren Buffett had a NEED to be rich because he was tired of moving and didn't like having insufficient money. All he did was focus on it, plan it, think it, and work it. Then he found investing, and it was his perfect avenue to creating HIS need. Eventually, it became a WANT to improve, succeed, and help his investors, but initially it was so CONSUMING that he enveloped his life.
Lots of guys WANT better bodies, but nobody has developed the NEED for them. Those that do, do so out of some inferiority complex. Normally it's because they believe it will ultimately get them the girl they want, or they've been beaten up, or they've been SO fat, and SO uncomfortable it's the only solution to their BELIEF/NEED of happiness.
So it's not WANT, it's NEED. Everybody confuses everybody though. That is what CANNOT be given to a person or taught.
You might say "what of the fathers who have kids that are already wealthy?" That, too is need. The father has instilled a sense of accomplishment and the son/daughter must BEST the father's own accomplishments or be viewed a failure. That is need, too, which was it sometimes takes HUGELY successful mentality to break from middle class to wealthy or upper class. The gap is great if you don't see it.
Being successful wealthy, etc, is a mindset. But there are those that who could lose everything and get it back some how. That's the different and that's what the successful have over those that aren't.
To me success is self-reliance at producing results. Anybody can buy a system or copy a system, or buy a dating program, or R/E program, but can you, as a human being do what it is you want to do without needing crutches???
Guys here have varying NEEDS. What were my NEEDS?
*To bang a hot 18 year old. Check.
*To bang a girl or 2 with a big, round arse. Check.
*To bang a spanish girl. Check.
*To be able to feel confident meeting women anywhere. Check.
*To do pickups in a variety of places. Check.
My needs are different now. So it isn't wanting it. Wanting it THAT bad you'll do whatever it takes is like WANTING air when you're so far below the surface you cannot breathe.
My boss/partner/mentor is successful and self reliant because at a young age...
*He had a family, therefore it was sink or swim.
*He lost his mom early.
*He was born into a family of 7, so he had to fend for himself.
*He had a family that had strong wants.
*He had a strong desire/need to provide more than he had for his family.
He averages above 500k, between work and poker and loads of local connections. I could use any example. I'd say Trump was the same way. His dad did real estate. But Trump had a NEED not to be like his dad, which is screw around with low rent tennants. Trump NEEDED to do big projects, to top his dad and stay in the same business. So he has met that NEED now, if you look at his empire.
Alot of Athletes that come from nothing succeed because they have a NEED to escape POVERTY. 50 cent, according to his movie, was in drugs for NEED of money. But the danger was too great, so he had a NEED to replace that income/lifestyle with something greater. He met his need with his talent and was unstoppable.
It's all about SEEING the goal and linking it with an obligatory NEED.
Also...obligation. To other people. If you have a NEED to make a good name and you tell people what you will and won't do, eventually people who care will see what you're saying you will do and notice you're not doing it. SO they'll speak up and say it.
Otherwise, if you're just a college student on minimal income, and there's no motivational need, you don't care. I mean...if you're basic needs in college are beer and sometimes can cover that EASY with $100/month, so you won't work for more.
But if you're BELIEF is you need a car, a good body, clothes, money, etc, to get women in'll work hard to keep it.
The rich little brats that exist, are just motivated enough to MAINTAIN their lifestyle because they have a NEED to stay at the level they're at. A saying will surface that...
"You never know how much money is worth until it's gone. "
Say it's evil, but when you have no options, high healthcare, and a limited choices, money IS important, merely because it gives choices.
Normally we must sink LOW to develop NEED, or identify NEEDs in our life. If you have MET your needs, no wonder most people wallow around in nothingness.
I know you've asked/posted on this before Visceral, but the best way is to explain it as above, and then explain how I've seen it, and how it effects me (not that I'm perfect, but we all have needs). Some of our needs are satisified or not.
*In golf (which I love), I was a 10 hanidcap @ 17, then I turned the sticks in only playing rarely. Finally I got serious (NEED), because I lived, breathed, and loved golf. I love playing good, hitting big drives and tight shots, so I invested HEAVILY in my own ability, probably $1000 this summer alone in education materials, another $1000 in practice @ various ranges, and another $1000 in upgraded clubs. And another $500 in playing golf. Now I'm down to the point I can play to an 8 or better, which is pretty good, given that I don't belong to a club. I'll go and shoot 36, and sometimes blow up to 46, more toward 40's and better though (short game needs work).
*I've dumped loads of dough into lifting, simply because I love the body. I do it because I'm not satisified with what I read and "just taking people's word for it." If you've seen the EBOOK on it, I have it, most likely. It's given me wide knowledge to review products and to make faster gains. Stupid yes, but the information does shorten my time to my goal.
*I love investing, and I've always liked numbers, so I bought many books @18 just because. Just like any kid who likes cars, that's what I did. I dump tons of money into, buy books, go to seminars, buy IBD, Wall Street Journal, etc. I read all the time. Again, NEED.
*Fantasy Football. I have a need to win, so I maintain at least 4 paid for subscriptions to football websites and stay up to the minute on coverage. Again NEED to win coupled with a LOVE of FOOTBALL.
I just love improving against myself. I see the last bar I was at, and find a way to move above it. Most people try to amble their own way, or don't open up about it, but i'm pretty open about what I like and don't like and what my goal is or isn't.
If you got the NEED + the LOVE/PASSION, inevitably you will reach FAR above everybody else given your talent. That NEED/LOVE/PASSION is heart. It's what separates ability and inability.
When you look around the world NEEDS are basic, but very motivating. As the hierarchy period suggests, emotional NEEDS are atop it, or the last accomplished. If they are linked to some BASIC need for SURVIVAL or your vision of yourself, then you will and can accomplish whatever you want.
The point is knowing your loves/passion and the NEEDS you have. I'd look at your frustrations, where you want to be, what you want done.
Some guys want money, but they're not doing what they love, so they're pissed alot. Problem is, NEED isn't being met with a love that's possible of getting them there, so it's near impossible without lots of struggle and work against their natural ability. I'd say guys as a whole have a NEED to succeed, and those that do match their love with their NEED and do it. After we're fed, fvcked, and healthy, men are just machines meant to accomplish and get things done. If we're directed at what we're good at, doing it is easy. If we're not, we're an in-efficient machine. Right?
Guys must ask the I need this?