You guys have it soooo easy it's not even funny!!


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Ok i say this after seeing all these threads about diffrent things and "How do i get the girl..or girls?"

Well you guy's have NO REASON to be crappy with girls ok?...

I on the other hand have it much much worse than any of you here.
Why you say?,because i have mild your thinking looks mean nothing.

But looks mean more than you think they mean,there the diffrence between being confident and being shy (cause your afraid there reject you on your looks)

I know it sounds stupid,but if you have 100% clear skin and tidy hair and tidy clothes,then there's no reason on earth why you shouldn't be able to get any girl you so desire.

I on the other hand face a dailly battle with myself.

I look into the mirro and think "hmmm alittle acne it's not that bad,or is it?...what if i'm not getting anywhere as girls think i'm dirty or something?"

Yeah i've heard people say clean and eat has nothing to do with acne as i shower every day and constantly wash my hands and face.

So the point of this thread is to tell you guys that you have it EASY compared to myself and probally a few others.
Not to say i'm making exscuses as i do ok with girls....but i never get girls friends or sex...

it's always dances and kisses and maybe a fondle....get's me thinking again for sure.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il

I dont have much acne..but I get **** on my chin every now and then..

do u have a pic?


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by frivolousz21

I dont have much acne..but I get **** on my chin every now and then..

do u have a pic?
I did have pics but maybe i'll make one tommorow some time,i know that my acne is mild....but it really put's you down.

i wanted to share this as to show that all the people who have really good skin should NEVER EVER doubt whether or not to go and talk to the girls they desire.

What i'm saying is if you have clear skin and ok hair then you should never have a problem with girls....maybe alittle more confidence you could gain but nothing really to stop you.

Think about it guys.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by ryanvalmont
Ok i say this after seeing all these threads about diffrent things and "How do i get the girl..or girls?"

Well you guy's have NO REASON to be crappy with girls ok?...

I on the other hand have it much much worse than any of you here.
Why you say?,because i have mild your thinking looks mean nothing.

But looks mean more than you think they mean,there the diffrence between being confident and being shy (cause your afraid there reject you on your looks)

I know it sounds stupid,but if you have 100% clear skin and tidy hair and tidy clothes,then there's no reason on earth why you shouldn't be able to get any girl you so desire.

I on the other hand face a dailly battle with myself.

I look into the mirro and think "hmmm alittle acne it's not that bad,or is it?...what if i'm not getting anywhere as girls think i'm dirty or something?"

Yeah i've heard people say clean and eat has nothing to do with acne as i shower every day and constantly wash my hands and face.

So the point of this thread is to tell you guys that you have it EASY compared to myself and probally a few others.
Not to say i'm making exscuses as i do ok with girls....but i never get girls friends or sex...

it's always dances and kisses and maybe a fondle....get's me thinking again for sure.
Mild acne? OH MY GOD.

I went through 10 years of my life with moderate-severe acne.

Deal with it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
If you are not in a wheel chair, missing a limb, horribly disfigured and dying of some horrible disease, don't come here and say crap about "YOU GUYS HAVE IT SOOO EASY" only those guys have a right to say that.

My cousin is an AFC with bad acne and he was able to bag him a little cute hottie.



Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
It's not acne. It's all in your head. If you think your acne affects the way girls react to you, then you'll act that way, and when rejected, blame it on your looks. I know a guy who's got terrible acne, and isn't generally good looking, never tans, never hits the gym, is 19, still in hs, doesn't drive, but pulls chicks left and right.

Why? Because he doesn't give a **** about his acne, and doesn't let it **** on his confidence.

Game is what matters. Looks matter too, but mild acne changes nothing in the end. Most people had/have mild acne at one point in their lives. Didn't stop them, did it?


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
this acne shyt has to go.. damn its to a point where its just plain annoying now

so you got acne, get some friggin clearsel or something man, and yes it really does work wonders with results in as little as 3 or 4 DAYS

why don't you stick to something that helps clear your skin, there is no instant fix to acne basiclly because its incurable, all you can do is prevent outbreaks much like ppl prevent outbreaks of herpes with valtrex.. :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
I had bad skin for about 10 years or so. I tried all kinds of skin creams and still nothing worked. I was washing round the clock!

Now i have pretty clear skin because:

I still wash regularly with all that crap.
I cut out most of the junk from my diet. I pretty much live on vegetables, poultry, fish, fruit and veg. That means NO CRISPS (chips), NO TWINKIES, NO BIG MACS.
I work out regularly and sweat out the toxins.

And by the way, this stuff does wonders in other departments too. You'll feel a lot healthier and happier - and confident!

You also gotta make sure your face doesn't come into contact with bacteria so that means change your bed sheets every day and always use a clean towel.

And finally, stop touching your face. Your hands are manky for a good part of the day. Touching your face is a nervous reaction that really doesn't help. Don't try to tell me you never "feel" how spotty you are. You're just spreading shyt about your face.

And voila! Clear skin that stays clear.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Ryanvalmont, the reason I'm a 25 y/o virgin is partially because my acne got a lot worse as a got older. It sucks your confidence away like you wouldn't believe. Not being able to control your appearance so you atleast look normal is extremely depressing. The only reason I'm more outgoing now is because I have cleared mine up by about 98% by taking vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) supplements.

I can completely relate to your situation. I would recommend you check out this study done by a doctor in China regarding B5. It has been the ONLY thing thats worked on my acne.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Benzaclin works wonders but its kind of expensive... It's only available through prescription.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Bull****!!! I got a little *playa over on another board who got muscular dystrophy (he showed pics of him in a wheelchair with hot girls), which means he is in A FVCKIN WHEELCHAIR, not to mention out of shape and just average lookin, and his ass isn't complainin, he just works around it! Mild acne???? Who gives a **** man?? Half the dudes in my school got that, and they still pull chicks. The post about it being in your head is true, and the mindset you have about it bein a problem is hard to get rid of, just train your self to realize that it is not stopping you from getting chicks, you just think it is. Besides if you see a dermatologist, drink a ****load of water, and stop the soda you can be done with it. Why the hell u complainin there are so many dudes with bad acne that pull tons of girls, and a kid with ****in muscular dystrophy doesn't even let that get in the way...

Besides bein good lookin don't mean u get girls, let me tell u about a guy who sits at my lunch table...

This dude is tan as hell, blonde hair, got the shaggy hair goin, I am not homo but this dude is ****in good looking as hell, prolly one of the best lookin guys at our school (and I heard a girl say hes fine too), he has a foreign accent, hes from brazil, he could easily get any girl he wants. I might sound homo but its crazy the way this dude looks, but I have NEVER seen him talkin to girls, why? He is shy as hell, I never hear him talk, he hangs with some punk kids, this kid even has good dress style too, he dresses all collard shirt and nice clothes, his appearance is perfect man, no where he could improve. Even this guy don't get any girls, so looks don't get you everywhere, even when you are stunningly good looking, it won' get you anywhere if you don't get out and talk to girls. So don't tell yourself that guys get their success from looks, cause this guy proves that looks don't get you anywhere if u dont use them right. I am sure this guy wants to get with girls, I mean every guy does in high school, and why else would he dress nice when all his friends are rockers, and by the looks of it he tans and **** too. I bet this dude gets hit on when hes outside of school, but even there its hard if you are as shy as him. Hell if I knew him personally I would teach him all this seducton stuff, he would be unstoppable.


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
i don't understand why its so hard to take control of acne.

its simple acne is caused when your pores get clogged, then they get infected and inflamed which is why they look red.

washing and scrubbing your face makes this problem worse becasue then your face over compensates for the lack of oil there, because lets face it skin is oily it needs to be.

so it just mass produces the shyt and boom you got problems.

all i do is splash water on my face for the most part and i'm good to go, no scrubbing **** i don't even take soap to my face and i cleared up like nobodys buisness.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
It's difficult for some to control acne. It's like saying "i don't know what's so hard about walking" to someone in a wheelchair. It's easy for YOU.

I'd recommend you check out They have a regime and all, and a message board. I think the general feel to the site is that 2.5% benzoyl peroxide does wonders.

ANd yes I can understand the effects acne has on self-esteem. I have moderate myself. Have had it for as long as I can remember. Would it help with my confidence to get rid of it? Oh hell yes. I would love that and feel like a new person. But it's who you are. EVery tom, **** and harry has acne at some point, so you're not abnormal or ugly because of it.

Acne probably has more effect on one's mind than it does their appearance. If you overcome the mental challenge of acne, you've already won most of the battle.


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
Boohoohoo, please get off the soap box and do something about it.

Random Hero

Don Juan
Mar 16, 2005
Reaction score
Proactive works really well. I've used it to clear a few patches up.

The thing is you may think the acene is bad but I do not think it matters. I knew a guy who had crazy acene but he scored like mad. And the girls were top notch as well.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Acne is just a crutch my friend
I use to have bad acne (i have sensitive skin) once upon a time. I then found a treatment that worked for me and got rid of it yeeehhh.

But then i found other mental reasons why I couldn't get dates, I wasn't physically strong enough, My car wasn't nice enough, I don't have enough money blah blah blah

The first step is believeing in yourself and that within you is the ability to attract females. If you're spotting something about yourself then you're most likely covering up for your own inadequencies and acne has just become the focal point of this disposition.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
I've got bad acne. I'm butt ugly. I'm fat/skinny. I'm poor. I drive a cheap ass car. My **** is too short. I'm a midget. These are the things we've got to learn to live with if we so happen to get them in the hand that is dealt to us. We can whine, complain and seek for donations or we can embrace it. Why envy the lives of others? They've got their own shyt to handle. It's never perfect. We only think they're perfect because we only see what they have better compared to us. Again, you must be proud of yourself. Whether it is a skill you have, your IQ, your abilities, your knowledge about something, be proud of it. Your looks should only matter if you can change it. If you've tried everything there is to try and you can't change it, then focus on something else. No point wasting your time on it anymore my friend.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 18, 2001
Reaction score
My acne's gotten like 98% better, and I had severe acne. I followed this ridiculous sounding regiment (but I did take biology and agreed to some of the research). You pretty much become a vegetarian but can eat uncooked meats: i.e. salmon, tuna. I actually just ate less meat / became a vegetarian for 2 weeks, huge improvement.

I do warn you that it's really hard and you feel like ****, but hey I didn't have to take accutane which is even tougher on the body.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score

Listen to me, GO TO YOUR DOCTOR!

I had bad acne 10 years ago at school, so I went to my doctor he put me on some pills, pretty hard-core stuff I couldn't even drink with them, if I did I'd die! I was on them for about 4 months, it takes that long because it builds up in your body slowly.

but it works! I'm 26 and have hardly had a spot since!


now I feel more confident then ever, it's actually a good thing because you experience the "hating yourself" and then the "liking yourself" which makes you into a better person.

there is no reason why anyone should have acne these days, it's not 1955 it's 2005!

also as a bonus, your skin will look much younger for longer as your skin is so good at moisturising itself.

now I just use soap and water.

If you've got any hair touching your face you might want to get it cut or restyled, keep your hair clean, don't touch your face with your hands!

eating junk food doesn't give you spots. just don't touch your face.

DO IT MAN, I DID AND NEVER LOOKED BACK! even wish I'd gone to the doctors earlier.

don't waste yourlife waiting for acne to go, take ACTION!