You guys are all hypocrites


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Moaning and crying about how girls judge guys on their looks, yet you guys are always talking about trying to pull in 8's and 9 and want nothing to do with the less attractive girls.

Another thing. People post about being jealous when their G/F talks to other guys, and you people come in and flame saying "She's with you for a reason!! Be a MAN". Yet I see people all the time post about wanting to know how to steal someone's girl, followed by a novel listing of ways to do so.

And 90% of the posts here are recycled information over and over. Honestly. Look at the pages, it's all the same garbage. Have good hygiene, dress with style, go to a dentist, yeah we get the point.

You want to know why most of you can't get girls? Because you're nerds. I'm willing to bet a large number of you have a very small social circle. People here stress having "game", how about having a life? A loser who sits on his computer all day with no friends isn't going to be macking many girls. And I'm also willing to bet a very small majority of you actually cold approach any girls you do happen to see. I find it funny everyone is always "laying game" on girls, yet the majority of you don't have a girlfriend. This forum is a joke, and most of you are so brainwashed on how to pick up girls it's amazing. Why do you have to be ****y and funny to attract them? Is your real personality not good enough so you have to front? This whole philosophy around here reminds me of one big infomercial - sounds good, but it's all bull****.



Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
spaceman2001 said:
Moaning and crying about how girls judge guys on their looks, yet you guys are always talking about trying to pull in 8's and 9 and want nothing to do with the less attractive girls.

Another thing. People post about being jealous when their G/F talks to other guys, and you people come in and flame saying "She's with you for a reason!! Be a MAN". Yet I see people all the time post about wanting to know how to steal someone's girl, followed by a novel listing of ways to do so.

And 90% of the posts here are recycled information over and over. Honestly. Look at the pages, it's all the same garbage. Have good hygiene, dress with style, go to a dentist, yeah we get the point.

1. Looks don't matter, I don't "moan" or "cry" about it. Theres your first point proven wrong.

2. Causing jealousy is different than feeling jealousy. Second point proven wrong.

3. Yeah you are right, most of the stuff here is the same thing over and over.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home

ps- THIS, your thread, has been said before.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
yes, and in case you haven't noticed, that is why some of us older members don't post a heck of a lot here with much advice.


Master Don Juan
May 24, 2005
Reaction score
Yup, for me it is mostly about serving God and being the absolute best i can be in all aspects of my life school/work/military. Women are like a biproduct of that to me. I agree with most of your points and everyone here including myself has been a hypocrite at one point or another.
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York

The best thing in this post is: "Be a Man". Men don't moan and cry, they go out and take action. To all those posters trying to become DJ's, go and find the true DJ posts and don't just read them, live them. Start with the bible and find the posters that click with you. Then do a search for more posts by those posters. Personally Anti-Dump, CHALLENGE GUY, Senor Fingers, and Pook are the current ones I read, because they speak about finding what I'm looking for.

BTW... you might want to think about, if you want an LTR, one night stand(s), or steal someones GF. For the first two have at them. As for stealing someones GF, how low could you get? That's not the DJ way. Take yourself to another forum, please! And to brag about it. Give us all a break and leave, because you are diffenately in the wrong place.



Don Juan
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
spaceman2001 said:
Moaning and crying about how girls judge guys on their looks, yet you guys are always talking about trying to pull in 8's and 9 and want nothing to do with the less attractive girls.

Another thing. People post about being jealous when their G/F talks to other guys, and you people come in and flame saying "She's with you for a reason!! Be a MAN". Yet I see people all the time post about wanting to know how to steal someone's girl, followed by a novel listing of ways to do so.

And 90% of the posts here are recycled information over and over. Honestly. Look at the pages, it's all the same garbage. Have good hygiene, dress with style, go to a dentist, yeah we get the point.

You want to know why most of you can't get girls? Because you're nerds. I'm willing to bet a large number of you have a very small social circle. People here stress having "game", how about having a life? A loser who sits on his computer all day with no friends isn't going to be macking many girls. And I'm also willing to bet a very small majority of you actually cold approach any girls you do happen to see. I find it funny everyone is always "laying game" on girls, yet the majority of you don't have a girlfriend. This forum is a joke, and most of you are so brainwashed on how to pick up girls it's amazing. Why do you have to be ****y and funny to attract them? Is your real personality not good enough so you have to front? This whole philosophy around here reminds me of one big infomercial - sounds good, but it's all bull****.


This one really cracks me up. While true for some people, it doesn't mean that you can judge every single screen name on this forum and insult people by calling them morons, without even having any knowledge regarding who is behind the monitor.

Just because we use a computer and discuss about it or offer advice doesn't make us fakes or hypocrites. It doesn't mean that because we learn to improve our game that we go out to meet girls every single hour of the day. If you thought of it that way then I must say, that's really naive. No offence.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
spaceman2001 said:
Moaning and crying about how girls judge guys on their looks, yet you guys are always talking about trying to pull in 8's and 9 and want nothing to do with the less attractive girls.

Another thing. People post about being jealous when their G/F talks to other guys, and you people come in and flame saying "She's with you for a reason!! Be a MAN". Yet I see people all the time post about wanting to know how to steal someone's girl, followed by a novel listing of ways to do so.

And 90% of the posts here are recycled information over and over. Honestly. Look at the pages, it's all the same garbage. Have good hygiene, dress with style, go to a dentist, yeah we get the point.

You want to know why most of you can't get girls? Because you're nerds. I'm willing to bet a large number of you have a very small social circle. People here stress having "game", how about having a life? A loser who sits on his computer all day with no friends isn't going to be macking many girls. And I'm also willing to bet a very small majority of you actually cold approach any girls you do happen to see. I find it funny everyone is always "laying game" on girls, yet the majority of you don't have a girlfriend. This forum is a joke, and most of you are so brainwashed on how to pick up girls it's amazing. Why do you have to be ****y and funny to attract them? Is your real personality not good enough so you have to front? This whole philosophy around here reminds me of one big infomercial - sounds good, but it's all bull****.

This is my first time reading this post, and I think it should be stickied IMHO. you are just about spot on with everything you said.

The reason I come back here, to this forum in general is to try to help people out.. however I am learning that the best way to help someone is to let them findtheir own paths in life.. if you want an answer hard enough you will search for it, you learn nothing when information is given without any real effort to find it.

The ONLY thing I will not agree with you on is the very first point you made.

While yes, most guys here are talking out both sides of their mouths, you have to understand that women and men are wired totally differently. What may make sense to you will not make sense to her and espically visa versa.

I can tell you this... and I am learning this as time goes by at my old age of 22.. the older you get, the less your physical apperance matters to a woman.

Granted, it's always going to be a factor, always, but the more you go on in life and start to diversify yourself into more and more ventures, expanding your mind, bettering yourself, the less and less empheisis is placed on your ******d appearance.

For instance, I have always been considered at worse, cute.

When I was in high school, girls would tell me they loved my facial features, loved my body shape, loved my eyes.. one girl dated me simply because she liked the way I always had matching Timberlands to go with any color outfit i had on.. back in the day when I actually wore timberlands

Now, although I still get the 'you are a cutie" line, it's more of "the way I carry myself" or "I have a very likable personality" and tht I am "very ambitious"

While being a woman, there is one factor that you are judged upon your entire life.. how you look in a mini skirt. It's that simple for a woman.

It's the way it has always been, it's the way it will always be. I don't expect a woman to be smarter than me. But I do expect her to be a woman.

But dude, great post. Sticky this, it needs to be read by alot of people.



Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
youv given me a reason not to post here anymore, what you said was stop on.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
Reaction score
Inyurvij Eina
spaceman2001 said:
Moaning and crying about how girls judge guys on their looks, yet you guys are always talking about trying to pull in 8's and 9 and want nothing to do with the less attractive girls.
Maybe you'd have a point if girls didn't choose guys on a multitude of other factors as well.

And you're not exactly helping the issue of recycled crap being posted over and over. As if "you guys are a bunch of pussies" is anything new here. :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Until yesterday I hadnt been to this site for probably over a year or maybe 2...but I cant help but reply to this:

'And 90% of the posts here are recycled information over and over. Honestly. Look at the pages, it's all the same garbage.'

It's true, but your post belongs in that category,


Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
You are right about most of the guys here.

They sit here moaning and *****ing about not being able to get women, you give them advice and they ignore you and a week later make the same post about other women.

The recycled info part is necessary because a lot of the people don't get it the first time around. The post about looks comes up every single week it's ridiculous. If we have recycled questions we need recycled answers.

Generalization makes you look like a told you might want to lay off it man. Most of the people here are like you described but not all of us and remember you’re a part of the forum to.

He is right about the nerds though, get off your computer once in a while and go approach it’s not that hard.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
LeviathanIYG said:
The recycled info part is necessary because a lot of the people don't get it the first time around. The post about looks comes up every single week it's ridiculous. If we have recycled questions we need recycled answers.

I don't even think it is anything odd either. I have been to several other forums before and probably every single forum that focuses on a specific "art" has the same questions come up over and over and over again. Also because people are involved in the same art, the people who know what they're talking about will post a lot of the same stuff. So when a repeated question comes up, it's natural that recycled information will be posted.

I also think you are right. Hypocrites are everywhere. But personally I could care less if people think I'm spending too much time on the computer. But I'm here often because I work with computers, thus I get to spend a lot of time...AND get paid for it. :D


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
I agree with you %100 but you can't say that this site hasn't helped you. I know it's helped me. I've been getting laid my whole life and I've also been getting rejected my whole life. But I never really understood what I was doing right or wrong until I came here.

Basically I was just winging it and getting lucky. When I think back to some of my worst rejections I can now pinpoint EXACTLY what I did wrong. I used to hate the girls that rejected me but now I almost feel bad for them lol. Here I was this tall,handsome, well built guy. They must have had so many expectations and there I was acting like a complete chump. Spilling my life story on the first date, calling them every day, showering them with complments, supplicating to their every whim. They must have been utterly repulsed by me and how can I blame them.

The problem is that I've never really had a strong, male, dominant figure in my life. Even my dad is a punk. He's not even allowed to control the remote for the TV haha. So where did that leave me. Where was I to learn how to be the man that every woman would desire. My parents taught me that typical feminist bull****..... "find yourself a good girl, be nice, and sweet, and wait till you have a strong emotional bond b4 you MAKE LOVE to her". Gee thanks mom for turning me into a bytch that repulses girls. This site has finally showed me the light.

Honestly you are absolutely right about the forums on this site. It's full of everything you said. But who says you need to come to the forums. I for one was very happy when the forums were down. I got a chance to check out all the tips and articles on the front page and let me tell you................. most of the stuff is gold.

So my advice to you is fukk the forums. Stick to the front page. They put new stuff almost every day and its good stuff. Plus there are hundreds of articles from the past and don't forget about the Bible.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
spaceman2001 said:
Moaning and crying about how girls judge guys on their looks, yet you guys are always talking about trying to pull in 8's and 9 and want nothing to do with the less attractive girls.

Another thing. People post about being jealous when their G/F talks to other guys, and you people come in and flame saying "She's with you for a reason!! Be a MAN". Yet I see people all the time post about wanting to know how to steal someone's girl, followed by a novel listing of ways to do so.

And 90% of the posts here are recycled information over and over. Honestly. Look at the pages, it's all the same garbage. Have good hygiene, dress with style, go to a dentist, yeah we get the point.

You want to know why most of you can't get girls? Because you're nerds. I'm willing to bet a large number of you have a very small social circle. People here stress having "game", how about having a life? A loser who sits on his computer all day with no friends isn't going to be macking many girls. And I'm also willing to bet a very small majority of you actually cold approach any girls you do happen to see. I find it funny everyone is always "laying game" on girls, yet the majority of you don't have a girlfriend. This forum is a joke, and most of you are so brainwashed on how to pick up girls it's amazing. Why do you have to be ****y and funny to attract them? Is your real personality not good enough so you have to front? This whole philosophy around here reminds me of one big infomercial - sounds good, but it's all bull****.

Genius is being able to see beauty in something others' disregard as ugly and pointless.

Congrats for pointing out the flaws in a public internet forum. You definately are powerful.

We're all morons? Show me that your game is so much better than mine and I'll BELIEVE you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Spaceman hit the nail on the head with this one ! Smart guy.

Most guys here are keyboard jockies. If you are a 5 on the looks scale, psychology dictates that more times than often, you will end up getting into a relationship with another person of equal looks (a 5). Some guys on this forum want to break that and hook-up with 9's and 10's. Most of the time, this will never happen.

Cold approaching women is VERY difficult if you don't normally do it. I remember my first time when I was in a public place, it took me over an hour of *****ing out before I was able to do it. And I knew I was a good looking guy ! The point is, I know that 90% of guys on this forum do not cold apporach or PUA on a regular basis. Hence, why I only post here a few times per month now. People just like giving each other info thats not field tested.

Unfortunately, this forum has a lot of flaws. But it does help the people that want to be helped. And I think thats all that matters.