You don't owe women anything. Especially not in this game. You owe them nothing. Sex is a mutual transaction. Her vag is not "worth" more than your wang. If she comes with the attitude of I'm having sex with you, you should do this, buy that, cater to my whims. Ignore her. If she persists drop her. Sex is not negotiable. If she wants to play prostitute, you can be her pimp and put her on craigslist. But YOU don't owe her ****. *see example below*
This is the mentality I have. This is the mentality every player I know has. This is the mentality every real thug and bad boy I know has. We all hate when people try to manipulate us. We deal with enough BS in the street and at work to have to deal with it from some damn woman. Which is why once they try, they get treated cold as hell. Which is why we can not give a damn about their feelings. Because we have already seen the manipulation.
Remember your own strength and force of will. It is your will that dominates in a relationship. If you let yourself be manipulated by the sex, that is your fault. They will try to do it. Every woman I have slept with has at some point. But when you are consistent about not allowing sex to motivate or change your mind, she will respect you more. She knows you are stronger than her and everyone respects strength. Or...she will blow her self out of your life and move on to find a new chump who she can pimp out to buy her shyt at the mall and be her sugar daddy.
Women are for fun. They are a past time while you work on every other area of your life. Until you are ready for a long term relationship, keep it fun light and breezy and don't place the pvssy above the wang.
Don't be a victim to the current hip hop mentality of "it ain't tricking if you got it", oh yah son, it's still tricking. If you stop paying, she stops playing. Is that really the type of woman you want in your life? Maybe you young guys don't have a problem with that, but where I'm from that's called a sucker, a square, a symp, a trick. And nobody wanted to be that.
My current FB thinks because she is giving me sex, I should,
1. take her to work.
2. buy her food.
3. buy her clothing
4. let her move in with me
5. commit to a serious relationship
6. give her money! LOLOLOLOLOLOL
I do absolutely none of these things. She did the first three just fine before she met me. I'm not her father, nor her husband. I pick her up, I bring her over, I beat it up properly and then I take her home. The fact that she keeps trying to manipulate me with sex makes me like her even less. She has told me all of these things point blank. As in...'we are having sex, you should at least help me pay this bill.' Or 'we are having sex, we should be in a serious relationship.'
And because she is young (24) and really dumb (really dumb) I explained it to her like a child. "sex is shared, in fact, you owe me, you came 4 times, I came twice, so I don't owe you anything for sex. If you think i should pay you, or pay for things because we are having sex, then you are a prostitute, you aren't a prostitute are you? Because I don't sleep with hores, I sleep with decent good women." LOL. That sorted it out with her. Like I said, she's really dumb.
This is the mentality I have. This is the mentality every player I know has. This is the mentality every real thug and bad boy I know has. We all hate when people try to manipulate us. We deal with enough BS in the street and at work to have to deal with it from some damn woman. Which is why once they try, they get treated cold as hell. Which is why we can not give a damn about their feelings. Because we have already seen the manipulation.
Remember your own strength and force of will. It is your will that dominates in a relationship. If you let yourself be manipulated by the sex, that is your fault. They will try to do it. Every woman I have slept with has at some point. But when you are consistent about not allowing sex to motivate or change your mind, she will respect you more. She knows you are stronger than her and everyone respects strength. Or...she will blow her self out of your life and move on to find a new chump who she can pimp out to buy her shyt at the mall and be her sugar daddy.
Women are for fun. They are a past time while you work on every other area of your life. Until you are ready for a long term relationship, keep it fun light and breezy and don't place the pvssy above the wang.
Don't be a victim to the current hip hop mentality of "it ain't tricking if you got it", oh yah son, it's still tricking. If you stop paying, she stops playing. Is that really the type of woman you want in your life? Maybe you young guys don't have a problem with that, but where I'm from that's called a sucker, a square, a symp, a trick. And nobody wanted to be that.
My current FB thinks because she is giving me sex, I should,
1. take her to work.
2. buy her food.
3. buy her clothing
4. let her move in with me
5. commit to a serious relationship
6. give her money! LOLOLOLOLOLOL
I do absolutely none of these things. She did the first three just fine before she met me. I'm not her father, nor her husband. I pick her up, I bring her over, I beat it up properly and then I take her home. The fact that she keeps trying to manipulate me with sex makes me like her even less. She has told me all of these things point blank. As in...'we are having sex, you should at least help me pay this bill.' Or 'we are having sex, we should be in a serious relationship.'
And because she is young (24) and really dumb (really dumb) I explained it to her like a child. "sex is shared, in fact, you owe me, you came 4 times, I came twice, so I don't owe you anything for sex. If you think i should pay you, or pay for things because we are having sex, then you are a prostitute, you aren't a prostitute are you? Because I don't sleep with hores, I sleep with decent good women." LOL. That sorted it out with her. Like I said, she's really dumb.