You can't win this game with women and sex because the rules are heavily stacked against you



I have always had a weak stomach... especially when witnessing otherwise well-meaning people unconsciously regurgitating the Marxist pablum they were force-fed, before their brains were fully formed.

Put a left or right spin on it, it doesn't really matter. It's all population control mentality, just another rationale for the same Marxist outcome. Potayto/potahto.

If you don't want children, don't have children, but if you're afraid to have children, because you're afraid a bear or a mountain lion might eat them, or the gypsies might kidnap them, or CPS might take them away, or a family court might award custody to your bitter EX, or they might get sick and die, or the nuclear Holocaust, or the Zumba apocalypse, the Earth might get hit by a giant asteroid, or whatever global climate catastrophe du jour might happen before they grow up , that's a completely different fear-based motivation, which accomplishes nothing but population control. I've never known the left to give much of a rat's ass weather the citizenry support, for instance, taxation because they want a universal social safety net, roads and bridges and armies and police forces, just feel like they have too much damn money, or just want to soak the rich, as long as the left gets what the left wants. Marxists do not care about your motivations for helping them achieve their goal, a more manageable human population.

50,000 years ago, if your ancestors had been motivated to pull out, by the fear that only 50% of their offspring would reach adulthood, you wouldn't be here. The odds have always been exactly the same. Reproduction, and guarantee extinction, or perpetuate the species, and risk something awful happening to our offspring. I don't know what your math tells you, but by my math, that has always been a 50/50 proposition, at best, for every generation of fathers. Adam lost 100% of his first two sons, because one murdered the other, and then ran off. And, there wasn't even a CPS or Family Court, back then, nor even another man around for Eve to Monkey Branch over to.

If an Angel came to you, and told you that God will give you a good wife and four healthy children, sons and daughters, if you want them, and that they will receive the protection of God, until they are fully grown, and finally leave your house, and that no harm can come to them before then, except from your bad instruction and example, would you accept? if not, then you really don't want a family, and shouldn't have one. But, if fear is the only thing keeping you from having what you would otherwise want, I am compelled to remind you that the only purpose for such fear Is the make a man pay attention, not to make him run away.

To put it more simply, to have or Have Not should be based on To want or what not, instead of to fear or fear not.

That's what I was going on about.
Questioning the potential quality of life of one's future offspring is Marxist? I think not doing so is selfish and reckless in this day and age.

The world doesn't need more people, nor do many of us need help on the farm. Overpopulation is a real concern, and probably the main cause of climate change (deforestation). The wars of the not-too-distant future will be over food and potable water.

Boomers always were a selfish breed. Need help funding your social security and pensions? Open the borders, that should do the trick...Oh, you mean to tell me that all that did was increase the permanent welfare class that will have your offspring working until they drop from old age? Huh.

Want to maximize your company's profits? Ship manufacturing overseas. I doubt that will have any effect on future generations.

The sexual revolution? Lol

But hey, boomers, cruise the country in your RVs and enjoy your twilight years.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
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If you believe a God is real. Then you should believe that Satan is real.
If you think about everything you wrote and wonder why would people want to do this, it doesn't make sense.
But if you think of this as the work of Satan, then it comes together.
Everything that is bad currently in the world is because the Devil is working to make it so.
In order to build his Empire on earth.
Just like it said in the Book of Revelation.

We may not know it, but it's possible we're in that time.
Destroy everything that is Good that God built is the main plan.
Got your point.

Actually I don't believe there is a God like religions says.

I believe that this God and Satan is a metaphor to illustrate our own mind and psyche.

The reason I think we destroy good things is more about a psychological issue, our ignorance as human and some mental disorders. Freud said something really interesting in his text (the malaise in civilization) that I think it explain a little bit about it.

When we live in Society we have to sacrifice some innate instincts and repress our natural human agressiveness. So we need to find another ways to express that in a passive way... cause if we got crazy and fight everyone we can get in jail or killed. That explains some behaviors in society.

Also we're repressing our sexuality (because the right thing to do is get married and have sons, a job right?... and for men, it's ****ing castrating)... so, we may get a bit disturbed haha. I just heard that the gender that most commit suicide is men, we can understand why.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
Reaction score
The world doesn't need more people, nor do many of us need help on the farm. Overpopulation is a real concern, and probably the main cause of climate change (deforestation). The wars of the not-too-distant future will be over food and potable water.
This is real problematic... I think about this a lot and this problem is growing really fast. It's not only for the next generations... our ones will be and is being affected by that.

The worst bull**** of this world is: government could create some plans to avoid unwanted pregnancy... I think few countries do that. But here in brazil, poor girls got pregnant like a dog... and it's ****ing alarming. Imagine a person who borns in a poor condition, they wont have proper education, most of those childs will be ignorant and the world is being populated with ignorant people.

The ones with high IQ are not reproducing as much as the poor people or low IQ. You can imagine what this will cause right?

Chaos is being set in and most people do not realize it. It's not a cycle like in the past... There are big and new problems coming to us, and humanity is not prepared for that. The good times are just ending... and another difficult time is being set.


Just to clarify, I wasn't criticizing your decision to not reproduce, only your rationale. Fear is usually the worst reason for not doing anything.
I never said that I wasn't going to reproduce. And you're confusing fear with critical thinking :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
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Having kids are another risk factor that adds to the equation and it's another one.
There is so many laws now that entrap you just for having a kid nowaday.
So not very sure if I'll every have a kid or not.
It's uncertain.
All the life is risk , risk of crime, risk of laws, if you want to play it safe you will never taste the life.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Well... duh. Better to be alone than with a walking, talking biohazard!
I am not worried about the biohazard.since you can still quantify illness and wear protection or just do outercourse. There is no protection from demonic invasion.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2017
Reaction score
I am not worried about the biohazard.since you can still quantify illness and wear protection or just do outercourse. There is no protection from demonic invasion.
"I'd just do outercourse with a woman whose vajeen is infected." You do you man... as for myself I'd stay 10 miles away at all times

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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